The elite Israeli wizards who received this news were all in high spirits, before they were extremely depressed, Voldemort was raging in the territory of his own country, and as the elite wizards of the Ministry of Magic, they could only receive orders to stand by and not clash with the Death Eaters.

How could these hot-blooded Israeli wizards bear it, but given that this was the order of the Ministry of Magic, even if they were not willing, they could only obediently stay in Jerusalem and wait for the next order.

Now that they had waited so long, the Ministry of Magic had finally ordered them to assemble and counterattack, and their hearts were extremely excited, and they could finally fight for the country, even if they died in battle, they were worthy of the country and the nation!

Norwich also noticed the fierce war will of the elite wizards of the Ministry of Magic, and sure enough, Yunye was right, a nation must have its own blood, an inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of blood, only blood-stained mountains and rivers have not given up the land!

In addition to the Israeli Ministry of Magic, the Israeli government is also actively preparing for war, and several elite army groups are stationed near Jerusalem, waiting to march to the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic at any time.

The Israeli government also knows that ordinary soldiers have little role in wizarding wars, but with the development of science and technology, ordinary soldiers are not ineffective in wizarding wars, hiding to the side and putting cold guns, hot weapons can still be done by raiding wizards.

The point is that Voldemort’s recent activities have long affected the Israeli government, and the Israeli government hates Voldemort to the bone, not to mention that Norwich Manch and the government explain the situation, how can the Israeli government not send the most elite army when such a national national crisis occurs?

However, how could such a big move by the Israeli Ministry of Magic and the government not alarm Voldemort?

At the site of the headquarters of the Israeli Ministry of Magic, Voldemort stood on the ruined square, staring at the thousands of Death Eaters in front of him.

Voldemort knew that the Israeli Ministry of Magic and the government were going to launch a general attack on them, and recalled all the Death Eaters.

Of these Death Eaters, only a few hundred were elite Death Eaters, that is, subordinate to Voldemort’s most elite troops, while the rest were nothing more than cannon fodder, and even many were puppets controlled by the Soul Reaper Charm to act as human bombs.

Lucius stepped forward with a smile and respectfully said, “Master, the Death Eaters have been assembled, a total of three thousand five hundred and sixty-two people, all of whom obey the master’s arrangement.” ”

Voldemort nodded faintly, “Does Cloud Night have any news?” ”

Lucius slowly shook his head, “I haven’t heard of the whereabouts of Cloud Night since Siber took the town, I wonder if he has already returned to England, after all, most of Israel is now under our control, even the Israeli government and the Ministry of Magic are also attacking us with their own deaths, and he has no effect of leaving alone.” ”

In the eyes of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, the attack of the Israeli government of the Mozelles was self-defeating, and it posed no threat to them.

Voldemort shook his head, “If Cloud Night is easy to give up then it is not Cloud Night, I guess Cloud Night is hidden in the Israeli Ministry of Magic, ready to attack us.” ”

Lucius was shocked and said, “Master, what shall we do?” ”

Voldemort sneered, “As I said, no one can stop me from this plan, not even Cloud Night!” He likes to hide and hide, I want to see how much wind and waves he can turn over, if he still dares to jump out, I don’t mind letting him see the power of the Seven Monarchs, and then erasing him forever! ”

Lucius said with great joy: “The master is mighty, the master has already obtained the power of the seven monarchs, and Yunye must not be the opponent of the master, I am here to wish the master a victory!” ”

Voldemort groaned for a moment and said, “And the Israeli government over there you have to do something, and if you fight hard with the army, we will also suffer a lot of casualties, which is not what I want to see.” ”

The heat weapons of the Israeli Muggle army were still a threat to wizards, and Voldemort did not want Death Eaters to die in the hands of Muggles.

Lucius was stunned and said, “Master, what do you mean?” ”

Voldemort said lightly, “You led the Death Eaters to infiltrate Jerusalem, do your best to cause trouble in Jerusalem, even if you destroy the city, it doesn’t matter, I want the Israeli government to know the end of the confrontation against me!” ”

Lucius was astonished: “Master, you don’t want to fight against the Israeli Ministry of Magic and the Israeli government forces alone, this is too dangerous!” ”

Voldemort sneered, “Danger is indeed danger, but it is they who are dangerous, and with their scumbag characters, more people will not threaten me!” ”

Lucius frowned, a little unaware of Voldemort’s meaning.

Voldemort sneered at the corners of his mouth, indeed, the Israeli Ministry of Magic and the government army are not Voldemort’s opponents at all, Voldemort’s current strength is enough to crush this ordinary person, this is already a huge gap in quality, not ordinary can be made up by quantity!

But Voldemort’s real purpose was not this, but the cloudy night.

Voldemort knew that Cloudy Night had come out of the ruins, but was just hiding somewhere in Israel, and all Voldemort had to do was to lure Cloudy Night, and Voldemort’s lone battle against the Israeli Ministry of Magic and the Israeli government forces was what Voldemort thought was the best chance to seduce Cloudy.

If Yunye showed his face, Voldemort would erase Yunye at all costs, as long as Yunye was gone, Voldemort could open the gates of hell with peace of mind, and no one would hinder him again.

Lucius did not know what Voldemort was thinking, and could only say, “Master, I know, I will not disappoint you, the city of Jerusalem is over.” ”

Voldemort nodded, “Get ready and go, since they have already acted, we should also act!” ”


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