Karkarov did not dare to despise the people that even Voldemort had killed, and his words were only to hide his inner fear.

Countless Dementors above Azkaban became agitated, making the sound of ghosts crying wolves and hovering wildly in the high air, as if they were crying for something.

The gate of Azkaban Castle opened, and a large number of wizards from the Ministry of Magic stepped out of it, one by one, holding wands and waiting in strict formation, and the number actually reached a thousand.

However, these wizards are not elite wizards, they can be said to be cannon fodder wizards sent by the Ministry of Magic, which are only used for the scene.

These wizards probably didn’t know their role, and one by one they were so nervous that they supported each other and looked in the direction of the distance.

Yun Ye’s feet stepped on the flying broom, like stepping on the flying sword of the East, the magic firmly absorbed him, skimming through the air at high speed, and its terrifying speed even rippled on the surface of the sea.

Behind Yunye were the three great ancestors of Lilith, Cain, and Dracula’s vampires and Yunjian, and then there were more than a hundred powerful vampire elites and Yunjia elites.

This lineup is obviously not at all comparable to the lineup of the Ministry of Magic, but it is such a lineup that scares the people of the Ministry of Magic to shrink in Azkaban, only dare to sit and defend, and do not dare to attack at all.

Although Yunye stepped on the broomstick, but with the strength of Yunye, Yunye stood in the air and acted quickly without any problems, and the reason why Yunye would use the broom was just to be consistent with the large troops.

The army led by Yunye soon stopped high in the sky far from Azkaban, where the faces of Fudge, Dumbledore, and others above Azkaban’s castle were clearly visible.

Some of these people are very strange, some Yunye is very familiar, looking at these people, Yunye can’t help but sigh a little.

Dumbledore looked at Yunye’s face from a distance and sighed secretly, but soon Dumbledore gathered up this disposition, took a step forward, crossed Fudge, and said lightly: “Yunye, you have finally come.” ”

Yunye took a breath and said, “Professor Dumbledore, we are meeting again.” ”

Professor Dumbledore’s words made Dumbledore’s face move slightly, and this professor made Dumbledore feel a lot.

Dumbledore suppressed his emotions and said coldly, “Yunye, you still obediently tie your hands, the last time you were able to capture the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic was just your luck, you will not think that your luck has been so good, you can still beat down Azkaban.” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly and said, “Professor Deng Duo, don’t you think my luck has always been good, otherwise I would have died at your hands a long time ago, wouldn’t you?” ”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore’s face changed slightly, it was true that they had so many plans against Yunye, but none of them had succeeded, which also led to Yunyeru talking to himself in such an identity.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and said, “Cloud Night, I know you’ve always been very unhappy that I treated you like this, but if you think about it from the actual situation, you are just an elite wizard, and we have hundreds of elite wizards here, and there are endless Dementors, why do you win us off?” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly and said, “Well said, if you say so, we can’t even take down the Ministry of Magic, but in fact?” ”

The faces of Dumbledore and the others changed, and Yunye was right.

On the surface, the strength of Yunye’s side is simply not worth mentioning, let alone comparable to the elite of the Ministry of Magic, but it is an indisputable fact that Yunye attacked the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic last time with such strength.

Fudge stepped forward angrily and shouted angrily, “Cloud Night, the last time was just your sneak attack on the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic, is this kind of thing worth bragging about for so long?” I tell you, since you came here today, don’t think about leaving, wait for us to catch you, you are waiting to stay with your parents in Azkaban for the rest of your life! ”

Yun Ye said coldly, “I’m afraid you don’t have the ability to say big things yet!” ”

Dumbledore pressed his palm on Fudge’s shoulder and stopped the agitated Fudge.

He knew that the fall of the Ministry of Magic headquarters was the greatest shame in Fudge’s life, and now that Yunye had naturally angered Fudge, if he did not hold Fudge, I was afraid that Fudge would rush forward and fight with Yunye in a fit of rage.

With the strength of Cloud Night, it is still very simple to kill a Fudge in a second, if the Minister of Magic of Tangtang was killed before the war, then this war simply did not have to be fought.

Dumbledore pushed Fudge behind him and looked at the clouds, “You’ve solved Voldemort?” ”

Yun Ye smiled slightly, his head lightly, there was nothing to deny about this matter.

It was a gentle movement of Yun Ye, and the people in the Ministry of Magic present were all heartbroken!

Although they have known this news for a long time, it is still a big shock for them to be admitted by the parties concerned.

Dumbledore grinned and said, “Sure enough, it didn’t disappoint me, Cloud Night, this news makes me very happy!” ”

Yun Ye said, “There is nothing happy or unhappy, I killed Voldemort not for you, nor for the wizarding world, but I had a vendetta against him before, either he died or I died, just like today I am with you.” ”

Dumbledore shook his head, “I still want to thank you, you have done a great service for us. ”

Yun Ye also shook his head, “I don’t accept your thanks, because soon you will regret it, and I will destroy this place as much as possible!” ”

“Boy, don’t give your face no face, it’s hard to take back Haikou by boasting!”

Behind Dumbledore a gloomy man suddenly spoke, and it was Greenwald.

Yunye looked at Granward faintly and said, “You are Granward, the original Dark Lord?” ”


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