In the face of such a terrible attack, Yunye could only fight with his back to the water.


Yun Ye did not hesitate to unleash his most powerful spell now, and his body erupted with earth-shattering mana fluctuations, which were in line with the magic between heaven and earth.

At this time, the clouds and nights stood like gods between heaven and earth, and the whole earth trembled for it.

Gryffindor and the other Hogwarts Giants could not help but show a look of horror in their eyes when they saw the cloud night so loud.

Yunye’s strength was very strong, which was something they had already recognized, but now they were shocked to see Yunye actually display such a terrible attack.

This person must be eliminated!

This is the same thought in the hearts of the Hogwarts Big Four at this moment!

The magic power between heaven and earth suddenly stirred, converging into a huge palm in front of Yunye, and five powerful magic spells attacked together, crashing into the magic palm condensed by Yunye.

The terrifying shock waves spread wildly from it, and the whole land in front of Hogwarts campus instantly shattered, and the groundwater gushed out like a world end.

The dawn of the cloudy night was a terrifying spell that even Azkaban could not directly destroy, and now it is once again used with astonishing and breathtaking momentum.

Dumbledore and the Hogwarts Four frantically poured their own magic on their own magic, and Yunye also constantly poured its own magic into the palm of the magic hand, and the terror magic of the six people could not withstand even space, faintly revealing small space cracks.

The reflection shield formed by Hufflepuff was the first to withstand this huge force, and countless cracks appeared and then burst open, and Hufflepuff shot his whole body into the mountain peak on one side.

However, after the Hufflepuff Reflection Shield was destroyed, the magic palm condensed by the cloud night was also much darker, obviously consuming too much energy.

Following the Hufflepuff Reflection Shield, Ravenclaw’s wind blade also had a tendency to fail, spreading cracks all over the crack and finally cracking, and Ravenclaw also shot to the ground on one side.

But in the same way, the magic palm condensed by the cloud night was also covered with cracks, and there was a feeling that it could not be supported.

Yun Ye shook violently, and the magic palm shook fiercely, squeezing the spells of Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Dumbledore into the palm of the magic hand.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The sound of the violent explosion, the magic palm could not hold on any longer, and it broke into countless pieces of magic and scattered in the air, and the faces of Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Dumbledore were not good, and the blow of the cloud night made them suffer a lot of damage.

The terrifying magic exploded in mid-air, and the magic shock wave that escaped flattened the ground, and the shattered ground set off countless pieces of broken rock and mud, and a huge pit appeared in place.

The night was shot into the rock wall on one side by a terrifying shock wave, the clothes on his body were torn into countless strips of cloth, and his body was covered with various large and small blood holes, which were caused by the joint efforts of the Hogwarts Four and Dumbledore.

Yun Ye took a deep breath, and finally couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood, the blood hole on his body quickly healed and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the blood stains on Yun Ye’s skin still proved the pain that Yun Ye had just experienced.

The combined attack of the Hogwarts Four and Dumbledore was too terrifying, even the strongest spell of Yunye could not be defeated, if it were not for Yunye’s strong physical recovery ability, Yunye would have lost its combat effectiveness by this time.

According to Yunye’s own estimation, if there was no physical advantage, I was afraid that his magic alone could be worth up to two Hogwarts giants, fortunately, he had a good body that could recover without immediate death!

In a few seconds, the wounds on Yunye’s body had all recovered, but Yunye knew that even if his recovery ability was strong, he would still not be able to defeat the joint efforts of the five people, and if he delayed it, it would only be very detrimental to Yunye!

Yunye climbed out of the mountain, and at this time, Yunye’s clothes were ragged, and although there were no scars on his body, he was bloodstained, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff also crawled from the side, the injuries were not serious, but they looked the same as the clouds, and as for Gryffindor, Slytherin and Dumbledore, they were much better, except that they looked a little messy and there was no major problem at all.

Gryffindor groaned, “This man is really a great enemy, and even we are not sure that we will be able to defeat it.” ”

Slytherin nodded, he and Gryffindor were proud people, and rarely admitted their opponents like this, but Cloudnight’s performance did amaze them, and it would be nice if Cloudnight wasn’t their Hogwarts enemy.

Dumbledore said in a loud voice, “Seniors, it is because of the thorniness of the cloud night that I will come to seek your help, in our time, there is no one who can stop the cloud night, if you let the cloud night go on like this, let alone Hogwarts, even the world will be destroyed by him.” ”

Gryffindor and Slytherin did not have the slightest doubt about Dumbledore’s words, from the confrontation with Cloud Night, Cloud Night did have the ability to destroy the world, and this curse left in the world was not only bad for Hogwarts, but also bad for the world!

Ravenclaw appeared next to Slytherin with a confused look on his face and said angrily, “Don’t hesitate any longer, kill this beast!” ”

Ravenclaw is a woman who loves beauty, and now that she is so embarrassed by Yunye, she naturally can’t swallow this breath.

Hufflepuff also appeared next to Gryffindor with an angry face, and the always kind Hufflepuff was also full of resentment towards Yunye and was eager to tear Yunyesheng apart.

In the distance, Yun Ye saw the angry looks on the faces of the five people, and he also knew that today’s incident could not be easily overturned.


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