Gryffindor said lightly, “Albus, come to our Hogwarts first, and tell us about this cloudy night.” ”

Hearing Gryffindor say this, the other three giants also nodded, and they were also very curious about how Yunye had become Hogwarts’ enemy.

Dumbledore nodded and said, “Of course this is not a problem. ”

Gryffindor and the other Hogwarts Big Four and Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts, although this is Hogwarts a thousand years ago, but there is no special change with the descendants, Dumbledore is naturally familiar with Hogwarts, and even told the Big Four how Hogwarts has changed after a thousand years.

This further strengthened Dumbledore’s status as Headmaster of Hogwarts a thousand years later, and the Hogwarts Four had no objection to it.

The Hogwarts Big Four and Dumbledore came to Hogwarts’ conference room, with Gryffindor sitting in the middle, while the other Big Three were sitting around Gryffindor.

Dumbledore was a little unnatural, but he sat across from the four of them, after all, Dumbledore was just a passer-by for this era.

Gryffindor said lightly, “Well, Albus, tell us about Cloud Night, I want to know why such a good person as Cloud Night became Hogwarts’ mortal enemy?” ”

Dumbledore groaned and said, “This matter also begins with the entry of Cloud Night into Hogwarts in the first grade.” ”

Dumbledore began to elaborate on the experience of the first year of Cloud Night, and Dumbledore elaborated like a bystander, without any partiality in saying the matter of Cloud Night, which also made the Hogwarts Big Four feel certain that Dumbledore’s attitude still won their trust.

When they heard that Yunye could fight the trolls alone when he was in the first grade, and that Quidditch was talented, the Hogwarts Big Four showed a look of shock.

This kind of good seedling Hogwarts found out that it should focus on cultivating ah, why did the cloud night become like this, which increased the doubts in the hearts of the four Hogwarts giants.

But instead of interrupting Dumbledore, the Hogwarts Four listened intently to Dumbledore’s account, and when they heard that Cloudy and Harry had entered the Vault, defeated Voldemort’s remnants, and uncovered Professor Quirrell’s ruse, the Big Four finally couldn’t hold back.

Ravenclaw exclaimed, “This child is simply so courageous, if I had such a student now, I would be proud to die!” ”

Gryffindor also blushed: “Qian’s Academy actually has such excellent students, which is really good!” ”

Hufflepuff also nodded his head, “Albus, why don’t you keep it in the face of this, how did you get like this?” ”

Unlike the excitement of the above three giants, Slytherin looked puzzled and said, “Albus, listening to your exposition, I have not yet heard what Yunye means, and you had better explain this clearly.” ”

Dumbledore took a deep breath and said, “At that time, I was in the same mood as all of you, happy that such a good student had appeared in our Hogwarts, but you didn’t know what was hidden behind it.” ”

Gryffindor and the other four were slightly stunned, and looked at Dumbledore puzzled, not knowing what Dumbledore meant by this.

Dumbledore said lightly, “Afterwards, we investigated, and the reason why Yunye was able to go so smoothly was because he had cooperated with Voldemort!” ”

The Big Four of Voldemort Hogwarts were also known to be a demonic presence in Dumbledore’s time.

Gryffindor’s face darkened, “Something to do with that big devil?” ”

Dumbledore nodded heavily, “That’s right, according to the strength of Yunye and Harry at that time, even if Voldemort only has a wisp of remnants, they can’t defeat it at all, Yunye can defeat Voldemort in the process of cooperation between Yunye and Voldemort, Yunye betrayed Voldemort, and such a result will happen behind his back!” ”

What Dumbledore said was only his own speculation about the matter, and there was no real evidence, but Dumbledore still said his guess as fact.

The face of the Hogwarts Four immediately changed, if according to what Dumbledore said, this little cloud night already had such a heavy heart at a young age, it was really amazing!

Dumbledore said silently, “And in the end, the Philosopher’s Stone is also missing, and so far we haven’t found it, and according to our speculations, the Philosopher’s Stone was obtained by the Cloudy Night!” ”

Gryffindor clapped his palms and said, “If you say so, this cloud night is indeed not simple, first pretending to cooperate with Voldemort, then killing Voldemort with his backhand, and finally obtaining the Precious Philosopher’s Stone, this kind of heart is chilling!” ”

Just as Gryffindor’s voice had just fallen, Slytherin said coldly, “I think Cloud Night’s approach is beyond reproach.” ”

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw looked at Slytherin with a bad look, thinking that Slytherin was speaking for Cloud Night because it was a member of Slytherin.

Slytherin himself was one of the Hogwarts Big Four who didn’t get along well with the others, and this kind of statement was immediately dissatisfied by others.

Hufflepuff said in a cold tone, “Slytherin, don’t you maintain this cloud night like this, his approach is beyond reproach, it is simply brazen and shameless!” ”

Ravenclaw nodded, “That’s right, how can such a person who only thinks about himself be worthy of our pity!” ”

Slytherin ignored their meaning, but said lightly, “What if you were weak and were targeted by a powerful being like Voldemort?” ”

Slytherin a word, everyone is a delay.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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