“They chose to fight us to the death, originally we didn’t plan to do anything, but in this case, we were helpless, and we could only use our hands to destroy the Yun family.”

Gryffindor sighed and said, “There is no way to do this, don’t have a psychological burden.” ”

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw also nodded slowly, as if to take it for granted and take it for granted.

Slytherin was a dismissive skimming lip, Yunye did nothing, just because Dumbledore had a suspicion, he wanted to arrest Yunye, how could the Yun family agree, this is the natural thing.

Dumbledore had killed the Cloud Family, this kind of thing was not reversed, and Slytherin really looked down on Cloud Night!

But Slytherin did not speak out, and he saw that Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw were all in favor of Dumbledore’s approach, and his objection made no sense at all.

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, “We just destroyed the Yun family, and did not attack Yun Ye’s parents, we wanted to discuss with Yun Ye well, who knows that Yun Ye is unruly, does not care about the safety of his parents, and directly reflects Hogwarts, what do you say I can do?” ”

Slytherin smiled coldly, what just destroyed the Yun family, did not attack Yun Ye’s parents, as if Dumbledore was very innocent.

Just like a thief stole everything in the house and left only two pieces of clothing for the master, is it still necessary to say that this is the thief’s kindness?

Gryffindor wondered, “At that time, Yunye should not be your opponent, you still can’t stop him?” ”

Dumbledore shook his head, “There are many means of Yunye, at that time he didn’t know which space crack he had hidden, even I couldn’t find Yunye, after a gap of one or two months, Yunye came out of it, and even I couldn’t stop it and fled.” ”

Gryffindor said with a serious face, “This is a tricky guy that can’t be ignored!” ”

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw nodded at the same time, Yunye’s mind and courage were first-class, and they also knew how to tolerate it, and they were indeed an opponent that could not be ignored.

Dumbledore said with a bitter face, “After that, Yunye disappeared for a while, but after each appearance, his strength soared, and then he organized the remnants of the Yun Family, as well as the vampire clan, to counterattack the Ministry of Magic, and even the Ministry of Magic could not resist him, and the headquarters fell.” ”

Gryffindor and the other Hogwarts Giants also knew at this time that the Ministry of Magic was the most powerful magical government agency in British territory a thousand years later, and the face of the Big Four changed after hearing that the Ministry of Magic had been attacked by the Cloud Night.

But Gryffindor and the Big Three became angry and Slytherin smiled.

Gryffindor said angrily, “Sure enough, it is a lawless man!” This kind of person deserves to”

Dumbledore said, “I also organized many of the peak strong men of our time to surround and suppress him, but the cloud night climate has become a success, and my encirclement and suppression are in vain, and finally the cloud night hits Azkaban!” ”

“That is our last position, if we are captured by Yunye, we will really be finished, so I used the time device to teleport Yunye and me to this era and seek your help.”

The anger on Gryffindor’s face kept flowing, “I understand your situation, Albus, we will try to help you!” ”

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw also said in unison, “You don’t have to worry, we’re all Hogwarts people, so naturally we should help each other.” ”

Only Slytherin turned his head faintly, disdainful of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at the Hogwarts Four, and he also understood that Slytherin must have sensed that something was wrong, but Dumbledore was not flustered, what he had just said was the truth, even if Cloud Night appeared in front of him immediately now and testified against him.

It’s just that Dumbledore only said the damage caused by Cloud Night and the danger of formation, and did not say why Cloud Night did this and Cloud Night’s contribution to Hogwarts, Dumbledore did not want to say that these things affected Gryffindor and other Hogwarts Big Four to assist him.

As for Slytherin, who seemed to realize something, he was not taken to heart by Dumbledore, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw were all convinced by their own statements, and Slytherin could only act with the Big Four, and there would be no big problems.

Gryffindor sighed and said, “So now what we have to discuss is how to find Cloud Night and help eliminate this huge hidden danger in the future!” ”

Dumbledore’s face flashed with surprise, “Then thank you four seniors!” ”

Gryffindor also smiled and said, “You are our successor, and your ability to continue to carry Hogwarts forward is the greatest reward for us!” ”

Dumbledore immediately said respectfully, “As long as the matter of the cloud night is settled, I will do my best to promote my Hogwarts!” ”

Gryffindor asked, “You should know a lot about Cloud Night, is there anything you can do to find Cloud Night?” ”

Dumbledore was stunned, thought for a moment, and smiled bitterly: “Although I have not dealt with Yunye very much, but to be honest I don’t actually know Yunye, otherwise I wouldn’t have suffered so much loss.” ”

The Hogwarts giants such as Gryffindor and Slytherin were slightly stunned, they knew that Dumbledore was a strong person of the level they agreed with, and they could even feel that Dumbledore was not a stupid person, on the contrary, Dumbledore was a rather shrewd person, such a person would actually say that he did not understand the cloud night?

Gryffindor wondered, “Aren’t you the principal of Yunye, and have you dealt with Yunye a lot?” ”

Dumbledore nodded, “That’s right, but I really can’t guess what this person thinks, let alone find out about Cloud Night.” ”


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