Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 110 Germinated Seeds

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"Wizard family tree, born noble."

A Slytherin student shuttles through the rows of bookshelves in the library. Due to the sick absence of Lupin, the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts, all Defense Against the Dark Arts classes are temporarily replaced by their dean, Professor Snape. , he didn't know if their dean was bitten by a werewolf when he was young. He seemed to maintain an extraordinary hatred for werewolves. Snape asked them to write two volumes of work on werewolves, especially is the method of killing and distinguishing, the more the better.

Just when he sighed and was about to go to the next row of bookshelves, these big gilded characters came into his eyes.

Almost immediately, he developed a strong interest in this column of books. Almost immediately, he ran to the column of bookshelves, took out the family tree that symbolized his surname, and read it.

I forgot my original purpose of coming here.

Almost as soon as he saw it, he was addicted to it.

He was intoxicated and read word by word, not even missing a punctuation. God, he dared to say that the family tree in his family was a piece of waste paper compared to the one here, and he wrote a few names and birth and death years. What kind of evidence can prove their glorious past.

The more he read, the more excited and excited he became, as if he had returned to the days when the ancestors were bathed in glory. The ancient and noble wizards guided the way for them, and countless powerful wizards and his ancestors chatted and laughed, like heroes. His deeds made him feel honored, and a strong sense of pride and satisfaction suddenly gathered in his heart.

He also saw his own name at the end.

"Restoring the glory of the ancestors!" This thought grew uncontrollably in his head.

Still unfinished, he stretched out his hand to the next family tree.

"Gaunt family genealogy."

At the very beginning it says:

According to research, this is a family formed by the descendants of one of the founders of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin (the founder of Slytherin House), but because they adhere to their own way of life, they refuse to intermarry with Muggles , so the people are a little thin, because they pay special attention to luxury and extravagance, even if they were once quite wealthy, their property has gradually been exhausted under the splurge of recent generations. In general, this is a family that is in decline.

May the glory of Slytherin shine again at Hogwarts!

"Okay." The male student's brows furrowed. He is not interested in this family anymore. Most of their resumes are pale and unremarkable. He can see just between the lines that this family is declining. It was extremely fast, but with the idea of ​​having a beginning and an end, he decided to bite the bullet and continue reading.

I don't know if it was lucky or unfortunate, but he soon got a surprise.

Possibly the last remaining descendant of Slytherin—


December 31, 1926 - present

Possible last known descendant of Salazar Slytherin.

His mother, Merope Gaunt, had tarnished the glory of pure blood, fell in love with a Muggle, and what was even more ridiculous was that she did not have the charm to attract this Muggle, so she used a dangerous thing like a fascination agent to make A handsome Muggle fell in love with her, gave birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle, and died in childbirth.

Tom Riddle therefore grew up in an orphanage in London and showed extraordinary talent since he was a child, but because of the use of magic, his peers around him had fear of him...such as telekinesis , talking to animals, making people unlucky...

Professor Dumbledore led him back on the right track when he was about to go astray... so he became a Hogwarts student, assigned to Slytherin.

In fifth grade,

He was awarded the Special Contribution Award for his successful investigation into a murder that year...  

In seventh grade, Tom Riddle was elected President of the Boys Student Council. …

During his time at school, he also won the Outstanding Character Award, Special Contribution Award, etc., and also won the Merlin Medal, and now he can even see his symbol of glory in the trophy room at Hogwarts...


After graduating in 1945, Tom Riddle applied to be a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, but was turned down by the then-serving headmaster Armando Dippet. He then declined a number of inaugural invitations from the Ministry of Magic, choosing instead. Boginbok Antique Store.


After that, due to some accidents, he disappeared for ten years and his whereabouts are unknown...

The male student looked at the student's resume with envy. Even if it was only mixed race, he was still envious of his achievements, but the last choices made him a little incomprehensible. If he had achieved so much, he would have entered The Ministry of Magic has gone. Who wants to be a janitor in a broken antique store?

"Maybe only Malfoy can compare with him." Even so, he looked at these words with admiration, thinking of the leader of their academy who has been in the limelight recently.

Just as he was about to close the thin family tree, the original dark ink turned into a dazzling bright red, like a viper writhing its body, and began to change the letters it formed. The new sentence was:

Cowards have no right to know the truth.

"I want to see what the so-called truth is, so I'm making a fool of myself." The male student sneered, obviously not believing in his evil, and was frightened by a book, what kind of joke?

He began to keep turning the pages.

The next page is empty, nothing, just a blank sheet of paper.

"I should have thought it was a prank." He shook his head, and was about to put the book back in its place, but then the pages began to read again: tommarvoloriddle

"Well, I really want to see what tricks you can play." His right hand, which was about to put the book back, paused again.

The bright red letters began to creep slowly, like disgusting reptiles, which gave him an inexplicable ominous premonition.

"It's really low-end Transfiguration, but it's still so slow." He forced himself to laugh. Now this scene is still a bit weird, which makes him feel chills unconsciously, but soon he even forced a smile. Not coming out.

The blood-red letters rearranged into a row.


When he saw this sentence, his mind exploded, as if a high-pitched cold laughter passed by his ears, his hands shook, and the book fell directly to the ground, making a dull sound. He himself was still standing there, stunned.

"Fake?" He looked at the book lying on the ground in disbelief.

The handwriting faded out and reappeared again. From the very beginning of the line, the coquettish red color was particularly dazzling, but it was smaller than before:

Did he disappear, no, no, he made a new name for himself - Voldemort. (To be continued.)

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