Pansy couldn't imagine how someone could smile with satisfaction after being beheaded, as if it was a supreme honor for them.

"When I'm too old to work, I wish Master Malfoy would cut my head off and put my head on this plaque and leave my head with my ancestors, and I'd be grateful , my new honorable master." Kreacher crossed his ten fingers and placed them on his chest, his penetrating eyes filled with longing.

"Go to work, Kreacher." Malfoy waved his hand and told Kreacher to leave here. He didn't have the heart to help this house elf correct his deformed values, except for the type of Dobby, who might be saved. Most house-elves are indeed servile already ingrained in their bones.

"Yes, my esteemed master!" Kreacher saluted again on the stairs, and then rushed to the rooms that had been abandoned for a long time, and started cleaning.

"I think it's up to me to do a good job in the next path exploration activities, what do you think? Pansy." Malfoy was also a little headache at Pansy's sudden performance, so it would be better for him to open the way. .

Hearing the words, Pansy immediately hid behind Malfoy, clutching at the corner of his clothes cringingly. She may have been more frightened today than she has been in the past year.

At this moment, a gloomy gale suddenly poured into the corridor. I don't know where it came from, and then a white curtain hung on the wall. The bitten hole naturally separated to both sides, revealing a portrait showing a portrait of an old lady.

For a moment, Pansy felt that the old lady looked kind, but she quickly overturned her idea and immediately covered her ears tightly.

The old lady seemed to have been asleep all the time, but now she was suddenly awakened, raised her drooping eyelids, and then she began to growl in her toothy voice:

"Did my incompetent son lead you in? Where is he himself! How dare you filthy pigs to break into the ancestral home of the noble Black family! How dare you..." She roared hoarsely. And, Malfoy guessed, at this volume, it's likely that everyone in the next house could hear it.

Then Malfoy raised his wand at will, closed the curtain again, and cast a temporary silencer spell on it, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"Why don't you take it off the wall and throw it away?" Pansy glanced at the curtain in disgust, and asked in a low voice, for fear of waking the mad woman again, she even began to suspect that the portrait The old woman will come out of the painting at any time, and pounce on them.

"She should have cast a permanent glue spell on the back of her own portrait," Malfoy explained, and moved on.

"How do you know that this is your first time here, Draco." Pansy asked quietly, staring at Malfoy's back. She wondered why Malfoy looked like he was very familiar with this place, which couldn't be the first time.

"My uncle reminded me," Malfoy said without looking back.

"You robbed other people's houses, and he will kindly remind you?" Just when Pansy was about to ask more, she was surprised that she was already a lot behind Malfoy, and hurriedly trotted all the way to follow. , but forgot to keep asking.

"Slow down! Draco!" Pansy rushed over,

Calling Malfoy to wait for her.

Soon, the two of them reached the end of the hallway, where there was a door that was unlocked and looked loose, and Malfoy pushed the dirty door open with just his hands.

Then a pungent rotten smell overflowed from it, something like the smell of rotten wood mixed with rotten pork, and Pansy put his hand over his nose and mouth almost instantly.

"Fluorescent!" Malfoy raised his wand and whispered, and a soft glow from the tip of the wand lit up the room.

Before the two came in, it was a dim room, like a cave where ordinary goblins lived. Compared with the hall above, there were some lights that could provide light. This is the real darkness. The only light came from the other side of the room. A large fireplace. The smoke from the pipe filled the air, like gunpowder smoke on the battlefield. The heavy iron pot and iron basin hanging from the dark ceiling looked hideous and eerie in the smoke.

In the center of the room, there was only a small, oil-stained table, with several rusted pieces of iron nailed to the corners of the table.

, There are two long-mouthed teapots, one large and one small, on the cabinet, and the pots are also covered with rust.

"Is this kind of food made in the kitchen still edible?" Pansy said in a low voice, looking at all the things in front of her with discomfort.

Then she saw Malfoy slowly walk down the short steps, as if looking for something, looking around.

The cupboard and cupboard were quickly opened and closed again, and there was nothing in it except a few dead cockroaches and a few broken bowls.

"Then the locket should still be upstairs." Malfoy touched his chin, staring at the cupboard under him.

"Come on, Pansy, unless you're willing to stay here for lunch today." Malfoy soon decided to go upstairs to have a look, turned to Pansy, and made a not-so-funny joke by the way.

According to Malfoy's inference, the locket is likely to have not changed its position, and it is still in the glass cabinet door on the second floor.

So the two of them retreated back on the same path, this time Pansy took every step lightly, for fear that something would wake up Mrs. Black again.

Once again, past the wall with many house-elf heads hanging, Malfoy and Pansy trotted down the dark staircase to the second floor.

As soon as they reached the second floor, two black iron doors appeared in front of the two of them. One was locked and the other was hidden. Malfoy gently pushed the latter open, and suddenly felt the surrounding change. It's bright. This is a very spacious living room. As soon as the two entered the room, they saw a large window directly opposite. The light of the noon sun poured in straight through the glass and was refracted on the marble floor. With the dazzling light and shadow, Pan Xi walked briskly to the window, and with a "brush", the whole fan was completely opened, and the fresh air immediately replaced the musty smell in the room.

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