Mike didn't see Hermione in Ravenclaw's lounge the next day. Although this shy little girl had obtained Flitwick's permission, she still did not dare to come to the Ravenclaw lounge.

Although Hermione didn't come, the other pair of Gryffindors didn't care.

Mike saw the bored Weasley brothers as soon as he arrived in the lounge after class.

"Do you know how much money we make?"

"You can't believe it!"

As soon as the Weasley brothers saw Mike, they surrounded him, and the two of them spit every word.

"Calm down, I think you came to give me money today, right?" Mike said with some disgust.

The Weasley brothers looked at each other, and George pulled a heavy cloth bag from his robe.

"We've been to the pubs and teahouses of Hogsmeade Village these days, and Lady Padiff Teahouse has accepted our offer to add our drink to their menu."

"Yeah, this drink is amazing, now they're asking us for more drinks every day."

"In addition to selling it at Hogwarts, we have made a full 100 Galleons in the past few days! This is your 50 Galleons."

Brother Weasley, you told Mike what they did in the past few days, and then put the bag in Mike's hand.

Mike was a little surprised. To be honest, he really didn't expect the two brothers to be so talented in business, and they even knew how to find a restaurant to cooperate.

No wonder I could see some senior wizards holding the same Dolphin magic drink in their hands recently.

Turning over the heavy Jin Galleon in his hand, Mike silently gave a thumbs up in his heart.

"It seems that our magic drink is not bad outside the school. I see a lot of senior students drinking it." McKingaron tucked into his robe, "But what about the junior students? Did you give them to Forget? Know that women and children are the best earners."

Hearing Mike's words, the Weasley brothers' eyes became hot, and they hurriedly asked Mike what tricks he had.

"Halloween is coming soon." Mike paused. "If we offer every wizard a cup of Dolphin's magic drink at the Halloween dinner, will those who think it taste good find a way to buy it?"

Hearing this, the Weasley brothers were stunned for a moment, then excitedly stepped forward to grab Mike's arms and the other grabbed Mike's legs, and kept throwing Mike up. He shouted loudly:

"Mike our Prince Charming! Mike our Prince Charming! Mike our Prince Charming!"

It attracted curious glances from the Ravenclaws passing by.

Fortunately, the Weasley brothers knew the scale of jokes and put the microphone down before the crowd gathered around.

"We have to go stock up soon, goodbye Mike!"

The two of them ran out of Ravenclaw's lounge as soon as the words fell.

Mike looked at the two people who were far away and shook his head. The two of them were fine, but they were a little too lively.

Halloween is coming soon, and Mike, sitting on the sofa in the Ravenclaw lounge, was not even hot on his ass before Penelope went to help decorate the Hogwarts hall.

The girl had warmed to Mike since the last time she heard Professor Flitwick call him his favorite student.

From time to time in the past few days, he will appear in front of Mike's eyes and greet him.

What a girl who is good at seeing the wind.

However, Mike is not disgusted by Penello's flattery. After all, Penello is a beautiful woman. Compared with the little loli like Hermione, Mike prefers Penello, who is three years older than him.

As for the rudder.

Isn't that the case with most people in the world?

I like to be around the strong, and I long for the strong to drop some crumbs when they eat meat.

Once dropped, they will rush to grab food like vicious dogs.

Mike had seen too many such people in his previous life, and he also liked to deal with these people, at least they were simple enough.

They will never betray you as long as there is no greater good in front of them.

College points can be obtained for helping to decorate the hall, so the prefects of each college will organize students to help.

In fact, these little wizards can't help much, and there are even some Gryffindor troublemakers who are specially helpful. The mainstay of these jobs is the house-elves, who every night clean up the mess left by the little wizards during the day.

This is actually a labor experience class given to the little wizards at Hogwarts. It is not much different from the Chinese elementary school students who were taken by their teachers to pick up garbage outdoors on the International Environmental Day.

Most of the little wizards who participated were in the first and second grades, and the little wizards in the higher grades were busy with the increasingly numerous homework.

In this one Mike is undoubtedly the celebrity of the whole hall.

His level of magic and spells far surpassed those of these little wizards, and others had to stop and rest when they put on two or three large decorations with floating spells. And Mike is able to work non-stop all afternoon.

Finally, after three days of hard work, the hall was finally set up on Halloween morning.

Dumbledore and the teachers of the Four Houses held a luncheon at noon for all the students who participated in the labor.

During this period, Mike was greatly praised by Dumbledore, and he also added 50 points to Ravenclaw Academy, which made Ravenclaw more than Gryffindor and second only to Slytherin.

Professor Flitwick, who was beside him, clapped excitedly, his hands clapped red without knowing it, and his eyes were almost invisible from the smile.

Mike has been looking for Hermione's traces at the luncheon, he knows that Hermione will be blocked by trolls in the women's toilet tonight, and he wants to avoid this from happening.

Because of his arrival, although the world still maintains the original plot line in general, the details have been changed a lot. He couldn't guarantee that Hermione would survive the troll attack this time, and he had to avoid Hermione's encounter with the troll today.

However, to his disappointment, there was no Hermione on the Gryffindor table, only Harry and Ron were gobbling their food.

Mike remembered that they had only been here for a day and then gave up because they were too lucky.

Mike was not in the mood to eat. After accepting the compliments from the professors, he left the hall. Now finding Hermione is the most important thing.

Mike searched many places, the library, the Gryffindor lounge, the classrooms of various professors, but found nothing.

Seeing that it was getting dark outside, Mike was frustrated and had to go back to Ravenclaw's lounge.

In the next time, he had to recharge his batteries, and at night there was a monster with a height of more than 3 meters waiting for him to deal with.

But when Mike walked into the lounge, a figure he had been looking for all afternoon appeared in front of him.

It's Hermione.

She was hiding alone in the corner of the empty Ravenclaw lounge, her nose and eyes flushed.

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