Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 267: The Quidditch World Cup

"That person will be fine, right? I mean, this is the third time he has been 'forgotten' today, isn't he?"

Penello held Mike's arm and asked with some concern.

Hearing this, Dick hurried over. He had done this kind of work of receiving VIPs not once or twice, so he was very experienced in dealing with VIPs like Penello who were sympathetic to Muggles.

"Please rest assured that our staff are all professional. They will never let that Muggle suffer any harm."

Mike nodded noncommittally, and then moved on with Penello.

In his opinion, this Dick in front of him is completely lying. Frequent use of the Forgetfulness Curse on the same object will cause confusion in memory and even a sharp decline in memory. Even first-year students at Hogwarts know that, He didn't think those Ministry staff were capable of eradicating that aftereffect.

It might still be possible for Lockhart, the master of the Forgetting Curse.

But he wasn't going to deal with the Muggle either.

After all, the secrets of the supernatural world must never be revealed. If those staff members are not allowed to erase the memory of the Muggle hunter, then the only option left is to kill him.

Penello thought differently from Mike, perhaps because of her Muggle origin, she obviously cared about the Muggle hunter just now.

But there is no way, Mike obviously has no desire to interfere in this matter, so as a 'sensible' girl, she can only shut up.

Under the leadership of Dick, Mike and Penello soon came to a camping area full of tents.

This area occupies a large area, and although the ground looks like a lawn, it is still made of wood when stepped on, and it must have been reinforced by deformation.

Moreover, the tents here are very sparsely arranged, and each tent has a very delicate shape. The snow-white silk is dotted with many golden patterns, and the logo of the Ministry of Magic is even embroidered with various colored silk threads on the door curtain.

The distance between the tents can be said to be just right, neither making it too difficult for people in each tent to visit each other, nor making people feel that their privacy will be violated.

In the center of the campsite, there are many items that guests may use, such as barbecue grills, wine barrels, deck chairs, parasols, etc. The service is perfect.

What surprised Mike and Penello the most was the structure inside the tent.

According to Dick's introduction, countless traceless stretching spells have been cast inside these tents in order to expand the space inside to the extreme.

And the spaces that were opened up became the canvases of the top wizard architects in the UK.

This caused Mike to be taken aback by the luxurious decorations that appeared in front of him when he entered the tent that looked not much bigger than an ordinary tent, and almost thought that he had come to a certain European-style castle.

Dick looked at Mike who was a little dazed,

The smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be concealed.

Of course, this wasn't a mocking laugh, he didn't mean to make fun of Mike as a country bumpkin who just entered the city. He is very clear that the guests who are qualified to stay here will not lack such a luxurious residence, even if there is a look of shock on their faces, it is only because the accommodation provided by the competition far exceeds their expectations.

This is the best compliment to those who work so hard.

But he also knew that it was better for him not to laugh at the moment, after all, there was a high probability that the distinguished guests would think that he was laughing at them.

However, this is really unbearable!

Mike took a strange look at Dick, who was holding back his smile until his face was distorted, and said directly to Penello:

"It's still early for the game, why don't you go shopping and visit our friends by the way."


Perhaps women are born to like shopping. When Mike proposed to take Penello to go shopping, Penello, who was still a little sullen because of the previous Muggle hunter, immediately became excited, flicking his wand lightly. The stilettos turned into a pair of women's sandals that also matched his evening gown.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Penello's impatient look, Dick lifted the curtain of the tent for the two of them tactfully, and after they all went out, he informed them of the locations of other gathering places and the opening time of the game.

After saying that, he stepped back silently, lowered his head and sent Mike and Penello away respectfully.

“The service here is really good.”

After walking a long way, Penello looked back and sighed when he saw that Dick was still standing there watching them.

Mike smiled coldly and didn't speak.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of service, after all, it was exchanged for one hundred thousand Galleons.

The two strolled slowly, and soon came to the camping area for ordinary tickets.

The difference from the VIP area is that the road here is extremely ordinary mud and stone roads, and the distance between the tents is also very close, giving people a crowded feeling. Mike estimates that the interior of the tents with different shapes is also very crowded. Very crude, at least not as good as their roof.

However, being crowded also has its advantages, at least this place is much more lively than the VIP area.

There are people coming and going on the spacious stone road, and people of all skin colors and shapes are communicating with each other in a friendly manner.

In addition, there are many people pushing small carts selling souvenirs of the Quidditch World Cup. Although they sell the shoddy gadgets on them very expensively, there are still crowds of people around the carts. people.

The sharp-eyed Penello seemed to have noticed something, and poked Mike with his elbow.

Mike, who was observing a beautiful purple tent, immediately followed her gaze, and saw the Weasley family, Harry and the others crowded in front of a small cart to pick out souvenirs.

"Hey! Harry, what a coincidence!"

Hearing Mike's voice suddenly, Harry in the crowd suddenly raised his head and looked around for a long time before seeing Mike not far away.


Halfway through Harry's speech, he stopped abruptly, and the smile on his face froze, because he saw Penello who was holding Mike's arm beside Mike.

Harry could swear this was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Merlin's beard! Penello-senpai, who usually wears a school uniform, is already pretty enough. I didn't expect to be so beautiful after putting on an evening dress and dressing up!

Harry's abnormality immediately attracted the attention of others, and Ron turned around suspiciously, and immediately showed a picture of Brother Pig just like Harry.

Seeing this, Hermione pursed her mouth again, stomped her feet angrily, and then seemed to think of something, turned around suddenly, turned her back to Mike, and began to stroke her hair with her hands, as if she wanted to clean up the mess. Get some hair straightened out.

Compared with the two of them, the reactions of Mr. Weasley, George, and Fred were much better, and they recovered after only being stunned for a moment.

"Mike, Penello! Oh! We are so stupid, we should have thought that you would come too!"

"That's right!"

George and Fred jumped up excitedly and hugged Mike and Penello.

They hugged Mike very hard, as if they wanted to squeeze Mike into a human body, but they were cautious when hugging Penello, and quickly separated after just a little hug.

Mike could see that the two of them were still a little stressed when facing Penello who was so beautiful today.

Afterwards, Mike greeted Mr. Weasley and Harry, and then came to the front of the car.

At this time, Hermione could no longer pretend not to see Mike, only to see her stroke her hair roughly twice at the end, then turned around shyly, and gave Mike an awkward smile.

It can be seen from Hermione's red face like a peach that Hermione is desperate at the moment, her lion's mane-like hair has not been neatly combed just now Docile, on the contrary, seems to be a little more messy.

"You... hello, Mike."

Hermione's voice can be described as light as a mosquito, and although she was talking to Mike, her eyes kept drifting towards Penello.

Obviously very concerned about the existence of Penello.

Naturally, Hermione's small movements couldn't be hidden from Penello, and she also knew that the reason why Hermione was so abnormal today was because she felt ashamed after seeing herself.

Ever since, out of a woman's instinctive competitiveness, Penello held Mike's arm even tighter.

Hermione almost gritted her teeth when she saw this, but it's a pity that Mike didn't notice the silent war between the two women beside him, his attention was already attracted by the small cart.

The things on the trolley are actually nothing special, they are all low-cost magic gadgets, such as a panoramic telescope with video recording function, all kinds of weird badges, and some famous football stars. some type of.

Of course, the things that attracted Mike's attention were not these, but various objects with the emblem of the Los Santos company printed on them, a miniature of a city.

There are all kinds of these things, from the basic Dolphin Magic Drink to the company's latest research, a small fan that can eject airflow at different temperatures according to the user's wishes. Much better than anything else.

"How are the sales of these things?" Mike asked, pointing to the pile of things with the big logo of the Los Santos Corporation.

"Pretty good."

The busy stall owner answered Mike's question briefly, and Mike nodded in satisfaction.

The matter of sponsoring the Quidditch World Cup has long been delegated to Mike's promoters, and these people have obviously copied the Muggle society. Judging from what Mike has seen so far, doing so The effect seems to be good.

"Children, the time is almost up, let's go."

Mr. Weasley said excitedly.

The little guys who hadn't seen each other for a long time finally calmed down, followed Mr. Weasley closely like ducklings going out for a walk with their mother duck, and walked towards the arena.

Mike also withdrew his thoughts, and set off talking and laughing with Penello.

Harry and the others were carrying a lot of things, which they bought from the stall owner just now.

The crowd mixed into the main group and walked into the woods along a path illuminated by lanterns.

And as they moved forward, the cheers, shouts, and intermittent singing from the other side of the field began to gradually penetrate into their ears.

It seems that those who entered the market early have already turned the sky upside down.

Mike came to this conclusion.

The frenzy is highly contagious.

For example.

Many sports competitions and activities that are not very popular will be pulled to make up the number of people in order not to make the event scene too deserted, and you are being pulled to make up the number of people for an inexplicable sports game.

Maybe you are not very interested in the competition in the audience, but as long as there are enough people around and the atmosphere is good enough, then you will easily become excited and cheer along.

The people around Mike are very similar to the situation above. The only difference between the two is that these people really love Quidditch, and they don’t hesitate to spend a lot of money or even travel thousands of miles to come here to watch this game. .

So the time for them to enter the state is faster, and the behavior they show after entering the state is also crazier.

Mike could only feel that the faces of the people around him turned red, and the crowd even screamed excitedly from time to time.

This kind of fanatical emotion is so strong that it usually takes more than half an hour to walk from the camping area to the competition venue, Mike and the others only took 20 minutes to complete the journey.

And the moment they walked out of the woods, a spectacular stadium comparable to the previous Rose Bowl stadium appeared in front of everyone.

Most of the wizards present have never seen such a magnificent building in their life, and they all looked up at this huge building with their mouths wide open like country bumpkins.

To be honest, from the beginning, Mike felt that the wizards around him looked like beggars who had just returned from begging. A large part of this was because these people were all wearing very weird costumes, and one of them, Xiao Hei, was even wrapped in a colorful feather blanket. , which makes him look like a parrot courting.

But now, the sense of déjà vu of being in the army of beggars is even stronger.

Mike shook his head, and pulled Penello to leave this strange team quickly.

"VIP tickets! Merlin! Why did you come in through this entrance? You should have entered the stadium through the exclusive passage for VIPs in the east!"

The ticket checker for Mike was a girl with many freckles on her face. When she checked Mike and Penello's ticket repeatedly and confirmed that it was not fake, she went crazy.

Regardless of the other spectators who were still waiting for the ticket check, she left her job directly and personally guided Mike to the arena.

This irresponsible behavior naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the rest.

It's a pity that the Aurors standing beside them were not for display. When the magic wands they raised started to flash a dazzling red light, those who protested fell silent immediately.

Harry, Weasley and the others stared dumbfounded at Mike gradually going away, a little at a loss.

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

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