Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 303: Hagrid's Love

Many things have signs before they happen. For example, animals in the mountains and forests will be very disturbed before an earthquake, and dragonflies usually fly lower before it rains.

In the past, these signs were regarded as the apocalypse from the gods to human beings. However, after in-depth scientific research on these signs, people understood a truth from them.

Everything in the world is carried out according to the law of cause and effect!

Gore and Crabbe became Chris' followers, which is a result, and Mike is very interested in the cause of this result.

He felt that if he dug deeper, he might find something interesting.

You must know that everyone in Hogwarts knows that Goyle and Crabbe are Draco Malfoy's loyal followers.

Everyone even made up a lot of stories about the relationship between them. The most recognized version is that the families of Goyle and Crabbe depended on the Malfoy family, and their father was old Malfoy's. They were hardcore subordinates, so their son naturally became Malfoy's follower.

People always say that rumors cannot be trusted, but one thing about this rumor is true.

That is, the relationship between the Malfoy family and the families of Goyle and Crabbe is very good, and the families of Goyle and Crabbe have been kneeling and licking the Malfoy family for many years in order to obtain more benefits.

But now even Goyle and Crabbe have given up on Draco and chose Chris. Does this mean that Chris can give them far more benefits than the Malfoy family?

Mike sent some core members of his Mutual Aid Society to find out about Slytherin.

This is not an easy task. Slytherin is the most closed house among the four major houses. Their lounge does not welcome any non-Slytherin students to enter, even if you are pure blood, and if you insist on If you enter, you will only be greeted with endless curses.

Although the task was very difficult, the elites of the Mutual Aid Society did not disappoint Mike after all. On the second weekend after the Christmas holiday, a thick report was placed in Mike's dormitory.

After reading the report, a trace of astonishment appeared on Mike's face.

It's not that Mike's energy-raising skills are not good enough, but that the contents of the report are really amazing!

Chris! This guy actually integrated most of the power of the entire Slytherin house as a fourth grader, and became the uncrowned king of Slytherin!

Nowadays, even Dean Snape has to discuss with Chris in advance when making some important decisions!

This would never happen in other houses, but not in Slytherin.

Everyone in Slytherin is an exquisite egoist, and the only things that can make them bow down are their interests and desperately powerful forces.

Mike very much hoped that Chris would conquer those Slytherins by relying on the former, because if it was just like this, Chris would not be considered a strong enemy. After all, the world still depends on strength to speak.

But the content behind this report ruthlessly shattered his illusions.

Chris, who crushed everyone, including the prospective graduates, in a private Slytherin duel, causing everyone in Slytherin to bow their proud heads to themselves.

"It's not scientific!"

Mike rubbed his temple, Chris's sudden presence gave him a headache.

There is no description of this character in the original book!

The ghost knows what kind of adventure he encountered to become what he is now!

Mike even wondered if he was also possessed by a time traveler!

Fortunately, Chris' current strength should be weaker than his own, which can be seen from the fact that Mike was still selected for Hogwarts by the Goblet of Fire.

Of course, that's another story if Chris never put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

and many more!

Chris, did he really not sign up for the Triwizard Tournament?

Thinking of this, Mike's face darkened.

If this is the case, then Chris is too scary!

Mike began to immerse himself in writing the letter, and left the Ravenclaw lounge straight after finishing.

He wants to mobilize all his power to find out more about Chris, including the attitude of the families behind Chris' followers towards Chris.

For this reason, it would not hesitate to attract Dumbledore's attention again!

However, he had just walked out of the Ravenclaw lounge when he saw Harry pacing back and forth anxiously at the door knocker of the eagle's head.

"Mike! Thank goodness you're finally out!" Seeing Mike coming out, Harry leaned over and said with bright eyes, "Hagrid is in big trouble! I think you're the only one who can help him!"

Mike took the letter and didn't mention the embarrassing question of why Harry didn't go into the lounge to find himself, and said directly:

"Let's talk while walking, as you can see, I have some urgent letters to send."

After that, Mike walked quickly towards the direction of the owl tower.

And Harry followed up at a trot, and said:

"That reporter named Rita! She wrote another article, which said a lot of bad things about Hagrid, and said that he and Ms. Maxime are in love!"

"Oh! I have to say, no matter in terms of physique or half-giant blood, they are very well matched."

"You already knew they were half giants!?"

Harry let out a surprised exclamation, Mike rubbed his aching ears, looked at Harry like a fool and said:

"With Hagrid's exaggerated figure, it's not hard to guess, is it? Huh? You can't really have normal people who can grow up to the height and shape of Hagrid and Maxim, right?"

Mike's rhetorical question made Harry stunned for a moment, and his footsteps also stopped.

Mike ignored him at all and continued walking briskly.

After a while, Harry followed up and said out of breath:

"That's not the point. The crux of the matter is that many people are laughing at Hagrid about the half-giant blood. Now he is crying in the hut all day, and he doesn't even go to class! What's more, those who hate Hagrid Some even got their parents to write a letter of complaint to Dumbledore, wanting to kick Hagrid out of Hogwarts!"

The Owl Tower finally arrived, and Mike's pace also slowed down, which made Harry breathe a sigh of relief. Mike's speed was really too fast, and he couldn't stand it.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Hearing this, Harry's face was suffocated, he opened his mouth slightly, watched Mike skillfully tie the letter to the public owl's feet, and stammered after a while:

"Emmm, I... I don't know either. I just think you will find a way, after all, you are always so omnipotent, and everything will go smoothly in your hands..."

The second half of Harry's words became blurred. Mike fed the owls some bread, and turned around after watching them take off smoothly.

"I'm sorry, Harry, no one is omnipotent, and I can't help Hagrid with this matter." Mike said seriously, "The most difficult thing to change in the world is people's thinking, just like blood discrimination, including So many great men, including Dumbledore, have worked hard for so long, and now the purebloods still call people like me Mudbloods.

There's no solution to what happened with Hagrid. It's a fact that people don't like Hagrid. Even if I go to the door and beat everyone up, it won't help.

So, I advise you to let Hagrid take it easy, at least Dumbledore will never drive Hagrid away, that's enough. "

Harry lowered his head and remained silent. Although he couldn't see his face, he didn't need to look at Mike to know that Harry must be depressed at the moment.

"Although I can't help you with this matter, at least I can make a difference in another matter!" Mike patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Rita Skeeter, that guy and Sirius The same is an illegal Animagus, and the deformed form is a flying beetle. Because of this ability, she often turns into a beetle to spy on others, and then writes about other people's embarrassing stories and secrets for profit.

I handed over this matter and related evidence to the Ministry of Magic last week, and I believe a week is enough time for the Ministry to arrest her.

If nothing else happened, that article should be the last article in her life, and she will stay in Azkaban for decades. "

"Ah!?" Halliteng raised his head suddenly, and looked at Mike with surprise and joy, "Why did you do this? Of course, I didn't mean to accuse you, but you don't seem to have any grudge against her. So I think it's kind of weird..."

"Who said I have nothing against her, her last article implying that I and Fleur are in love caused Penello and me to have a big fight!"

A dazed expression appeared on Harry's face when he heard this, and then he said viciously:

"People like her should be locked up!"

Mike smiled and didn't speak, but walked slowly towards the Ravenclaw tower with Harry's shoulders on his shoulders.

Harry was very excited to learn that his enemy had been punished as he should, and he kept telling Mike how much trouble Rita's article had brought him along the way, until the two returned to the door in front of the Eagle Head knocker again. Only then did Harry seem to remember something, and carefully pulled Mike to an empty corner, and said softly:

"Mike, about the secret of the golden egg, if you don't know it, maybe you can put it in the water and try it. Oh! By the way! I suggest you prepare some fish gill grass, it will be used in the future!"

"Oh? Who told you?"

"How do you know someone told me?" Harry was surprised at first, but under Mike's gaze, he said helplessly, "Well, it's Mr. Bagman, he's such a good guy, the first project He still wanted to teach me how to deal with fire dragons, and he came to me specifically three days ago and told me this. It took me two full days to understand the mechanism inside. Seriously , Mike, am I particularly stupid?"

Mike didn't answer Harry's question, but asked:

"You mean, Ludo Bagman has been secretly helping you?"

"That's right, he gave me full marks last time!"

"Then he's a really nice guy."

"Who says it's not!"

Harry echoed excitedly, not even noticing that Mike opposite him had frowned.

Ludo's behavior seemed very strange to Mike, and it made sense for him to help himself, after all, that was Fudge's intention, but why did he help Harry?

Is there some other conspiracy, or is it that he opened the 'Unique' again in order to make a lot of money through trading?

Mike is more inclined to the latter, after all, this is not the first time Ludo has done this.

Thinking of this, Mike's frowning brows loosened.

After finishing talking with Harry, Mike returned to the lounge.

In the next few days, the letter sent by Mike finally received a response.

It's just that all the replies said that Mike's request this time was too difficult, and they needed more time, even Abt, who was a pure-blooded nobleman, was no exception.

This made Mike very anxious.

He had a vague premonition that if he didn't understand this matter, some very bad things might happen in the future.

But Mike also has his way to relieve anxiety, that is training.

Originally, Mike had a lot of training, and the newly added silent spell training squeezed a lot of sleep time from him.

These days Mike's training is even crazier.

He simply began to train in the secret realm all night, and his sleeping time was moved to less important courses like Muggle studies.

This made many professors very dissatisfied with him, and the gems in Ravenclaw's hourglass became less and less day by day.

But these professors can't do anything else with Mike.

You must know that Mike is a warrior, and he doesn't need to take the final exam at all. These professors have no chance to give him a low score in the exam.

As for confinement, there is no need to say more.

Now even Snape would not punish Mike with things like confinement, because everyone knows that Mike's confinement punishment will only be carried out in Flitwick's office, and there is simply a second place for Mike. Family!

Appropriate pressure can make people progress faster, and Mike thinks this is true.

Under the pressure given by Chris, Mike's strength is improving at an astonishing speed.

Since casting spells without a wand is really a complicated subject with extremely slow results, Mike temporarily put aside his research on casting spells without a wand and started practicing silent spell casting.

Before the arrival of the second project, Mike could cast most of the commonly used spells silently.

Of course, many magic mikes can only be cast, and most of them are not very effective when using silent casting. Not only will the effect of the spell be greatly reduced, but the casting speed will also be much slower.

However, combat spells like Fire Curse, Wind Speed ​​Curse, and Disarming Curse are different.

Mike has worked hard on these commonly used combat spells, and his efforts have been rewarded enough. The casting speed of these spells under silent casting has been almost instantaneous under his deliberate practice. Hair, and the power is not reduced at all!

I believe that in actual combat, he will definitely surprise his opponent.

At this time, the second project is about to start.

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