Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 354 Dumbledore may have been assassinated

"Mike, it's not good!"

As a familiar voice sounded behind them, both Mike and Franklin turned their heads instinctively, so they saw Harry and the three of them running towards this side anxiously.

"Have you read today's Daily Prophet? Umbridge has become a senior investigator!"

"We were talking about this just now."

"That's right, it looks like we're going to have a hard time in the future." Franklin imitated Mike and spread out his hands in resignation, "but luckily Umbridge isn't too much for us Ravenclaw. After all, she doesn't dare to mess with Mike."

Hearing that, Harry's expression was ugly. He suffered a lot at Umbridge these days, and he also felt that Umbridge's attitude towards their Gryffindor House was much worse than other academies.

Holding the last hope, Harry forced out an ugly smile and said:

"In fact, things may not be that bad. Maybe the newspapers are all nonsense. Think about it, Hogwarts is an old school that has been passed down for thousands of years, and there is Dumbledore. How could he possibly What about allowing Umbridge to do things at Hogwarts? We might just have to wait for Dumbledore to come back and tell him what Umbridge did."

When the words fell, Harry's expected echo did not appear, but everyone's faces became worse than before, especially Ron, whose expression was gloomy as if water was about to drip.

"I feel like Dumbledore may not be coming back."

Ron's voice caused surprise on the faces of everyone present, and it was not until everyone turned their attention to him that Ron continued:

"As you all know, my brother Percy, he had a big fight with the family, and then went to the Ministry of Magic to be Fudge's assistant, and as an assistant, he often knew things that others didn't.

And just last night, I received a letter from him. In the letter he first congratulated me on becoming a prefect and then gave me a shocking news! "

Perhaps because the next news was too shocking, Ron suddenly stopped, swaying his body and looking extremely nervous.

Mike and the others are hearing the key point, and they are in a hurry to be so greedy.

Finally, Harry, who knew Ron best, said:

"What's written on it?"

Hearing this, Ron took a deep breath like an oxygen-deficient fish thrown into the water again, and then said:

"He said that if I want to continue to be my prefect, or if I want to enter the Ministry of Magic in the future and have a bright future, I should stay away from Harry and Dumbledore! At the same time, I have to actively help Umri Strange, leave a good impression in her mind! Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he said that Dumbledore will soon step down, and the Ministry of Magic will soon take control of the entire Hogwarts !

Then you look at now,

Dumbledore went to France to visit an old friend, which was nothing special. But the strange thing is that he can't get in touch! The headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, who is in charge of every day, has now lost contact in a foreign country, and no one can contact him! Now let's combine what Percy told us yesterday, and we can draw a very simple and at the same time terrible conclusion! "

Ron and Harry gasped and said in unison:

"Dumbledore was assassinated while traveling!"

Hearing that, Mike, Hermione and the others were stunned. All three were shocked by the genius reasoning of Harry and Ron!

Looking at Harry and Ron again, the two of them are now pale, their lips are dry, and their faces are panic, obviously they are convinced of their reasoning results!

Seeing this, Mike and Franklin couldn't bear it any longer.

"Pfft! Hahahahahaha!"

A burst of laughter came from Mike and Franklin, who were both laughing and punching the long table.

"What are you laughing at! This is a very serious matter!"

Ron spoke in a rage, and he didn't say it, but as soon as he said it, he saw Mike and Franklin both laughing louder.

Hermione slapped her forehead and said coldly:

"Harry, Ron. Dumbledore can't be assassinated. You know that he is a legendary wizard who can rival Voldemort. If the Ministry of Magic can really kill Dumbledore without knowing it, it would be as early as ten Voldemort should have been wiped out years ago!"

"But, but..."

Ron stammered, and wanted to continue to quibble, but he couldn't think of a rebuttal sentence, he could only stay there.

Hermione sighed and shook her head helplessly:

"Well, didn't you say Percy sent you a letter? Could you just take it out and look at it?"

"I... I was so angry that I burned it!"


A crisp sound came, and Hermione slapped her forehead again - she was already desperate for Ron.

"Okay, huh! In short, Dumbledore can't be assassinated." Mike said, who was almost relieved, "Percy said that Dumbledore was not staying at Hogwarts for a long time. Umbridge will find evidence of Dumbledore's corruption and oust Dumbledore as headmaster."

"It's impossible!" said Harry decisively. "How could Dumbledore embezzle public funds?! This is obviously a false accusation! The Ministry of Magic is very good at this, and that's what they did to me during the summer! "

"Yes! That's for sure!"

Ron hurriedly agreed, while Mike and the others just said nothing.

It was difficult for him to tell Harry and Ron that from what he said at the moment, Dumbledore was likely to have used some Hogwarts public funds more or less.

"Let's not worry about these issues, instead of worrying about Dumbledore, we might as well take care of ourselves!" Hermione said, "You must know that Umbridge will investigate Dumbledore's embezzlement of public funds this time. Still have to scrutinize professors to improve student grades! What do you think she's going to do?"

"It should be listening to lectures, questioning, etc. Anyway, this is what I used to do in Muggle schools, and Hogwarts should be similar in this regard."

Harry nodded hastily, maintaining the same opinion as Franklin in this regard.

When Hermione heard this, she frowned and said:

"I mean, Umbridge's own class is a total of tedious, rubbish theory class, but the Daily Prophet calls it a successful reform. If that's the definition of success, then in Umbridge. Will other professors' courses under the odd 'guidance' turn out to be that bad?"

As soon as this statement appeared, everyone fell into silence again, and even Mike's face was not very good. Compared with the rich and interesting practical magic spell class, the simple and complicated theory class was really boring.

The faces of Ron and Franklin on the side were even more ugly. They were not good students, and they hated the theoretical teaching of cramming and rote memorization.

If you have more practical subjects, they may still be able to give you a passable score in the past, but if you really turn all of them into theory courses, their two scores will definitely be despairingly low.

"If things really turn out like this, I'm afraid I don't have the heart to go to class!" Harry covered his face in despair, "What's worse is that Voldemort has returned, and we are not learning more for the future. Defense means, but learning those bad theoretical knowledge!"

"Yeah, I can't even imagine, what are we going to do to protect ourselves after Voldemort really starts attacking Hogwarts like this, thick textbooks?"

Ron grumbled frowning.

However, a smile appeared on Mike's face when he heard that, and he deliberately said:

"I have another good idea. Since Umbridge doesn't want to teach us more Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, he even has other professors to teach us. So why don't I find someone else to teach us?"

"good idea!"

"Why didn't I think of that!"

Hermione, Harry and the others' eyes lit up, and they all spoke out in agreement.

"But now there is one more important question." The smile in Mike's eyes deepened, but he still pretended to be distressed and said, "That is who are we going to ask to teach us? After all, with this There are not many people with this ability.”

Harry, Hermione and the others looked at each other, and smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

"Isn't this candidate close to the horizon?"

"who is it?"

The smile on Mike's face couldn't be suppressed.

"Of course..." Everyone stretched out their hands to Mike in unison, "You!"


"Yes, great power, amazing prestige!" Ron said excitedly, "I can't find a more suitable person than you!"

"But what I'm good at is fighting, and I'm not very good at other knowledge."

Seeing that Mike was still refusing, Harry became anxious.

I saw him grab Hermione and said anxiously:

"You don't need to worry about this at all. Hermione will assist you with other knowledge. You must know that Hermione is a genius in this area! So, just agree, Mike, I beg you!"

Mike raised his eyebrows and looked at Hermione, who rubbed the hem of his clothes and finally said with the hints in Harry and Ron's eyes:

"Yes, I will assist you, so please rest assured."

"Since this is the case, then I promise you!"

As soon as these words came out, Harry and Ron immediately cheered, while Hermione frowned and said:

"But where are we going to study?"

Harry and Ron's cheers stopped abruptly, and after a while, Harry replied slightly embarrassedly:

"Why don't you go to the transsexuality classroom, Professor McGonagall lent it to me as a practice venue during the Triwizard Tournament last year. I'll ask her later, she should still lend it to us. Maybe……"

Harry's voice grew weaker and weaker, until it was almost inaudible.

Anyone can hear the uncertainty inside.

Hermione sighed again, and was about to think for a moment when she heard Mike chuckle next to him:

"You don't have to worry about the venue. I know a place that is most suitable as a teaching venue."

A flash of surprise flashed in Franklin's eyes, and he said in a daze: "You shouldn't be talking about..."

"Yes, that's the place."

"What place are you talking about?"

Harry looked puzzled, but Mike was not ready to tell the truth, just shook his head and said:

"You'll know then."

"Since that's the case, the matter of the venue is left to you." Hermione immediately made a decision, she still trusts Mike very much, at least compared to Harry and Ron, Mike is really too reliable, "As for us , go and do your best to pull people!"

After saying that, Hermione, Harry, and Ron, the three-man group of salvation, looked at each other, and then left the auditorium as hurriedly as when they came, and they didn't even care about breakfast.

And Mike looked at the backs of the few people gradually leaving, but a sneer appeared on his face.

"Look, isn't the opportunity here?"

"What did you say?" Franklin looked at Mike with a puzzled expression. "What kind of opportunity is this?"

"The opportunity to expand!"

"Uh, I don't quite understand what you mean, you can understand..."

"You don't have to understand." Mike twisted his neck and made a crunching sound of joints. "You just need to know that from now on we need to expand like crazy."

"Umbridge wouldn't allow it, would it? Even if you have a handle on her in your hand."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to carry out my order."

"Then... that's fine!" Franklin knew Mike very well, and stopped the questioning very well at this time.

At this moment, Mike was still sneering.

In Fudge's view, Hogwarts is a huge arsenal, which many people, including Dumbledore, firmly deny. When those professors come to see students, they should enjoy their campus life, not Learn something about fighting and killing all day.

However, Mike's point of view is the same as Fudge.

Hogwarts is different from ordinary Muggle schools. Due to the particularity of the spell, every student here has a certain fighting ability.

Not to mention the brilliant students, almost every one of them is an efficient killing machine.

And Mike's purpose is to completely hollow out the soldiers of this arsenal!

In fact, Fudge thought so too, which is why Umbridge was sent to Hogwarts.

But Umbridge is too underestimated. She completely ignores all the students at Hogwarts, including Mike, although she has powerful power and can use high-handed policies to rule Hogwarts. , but when she exercised high-pressure rule, it also spawned dissatisfaction in the hearts of her classmates.

When that time comes, it's time for Mike to play!

In this battle for soldiers, the winner will definitely be yourself!

In Mike's heart, this idea is extremely firm!

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

Harry Potter Raven's Claw

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