Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 49 Godric's Hollow No. 210

House-elves are excellent slaves, born with magical abilities that don't need to be learned like wizards. At the same time, after thousands of years of brainwashing, they are now proud to work for their masters for free, and ashamed of being abandoned by their masters.

The original house-elves were trophies captured by those families who participated in the war against goblin rebellions, and they became symbols of family glory and heritage in later generations.

Therefore, any family, if it is not to the point of being unable to survive, will never sell house-elves, which makes house-elves a priceless treasure.

Lolo was won by Professor Flitwick in a fight with others. It is said that the guy who lost Lolo was beaten to death by the elders of the family after returning home.

Mike doesn't sympathize with house-elves. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is the eternal truth in the world.

But I have to say that Lolo's craftsmanship is really good. It doesn't look like a house elf from England at all. Mike and Professor Flitwick had a very pleasant meal.

After lunch, Flitwick took Mike on a tour of his house.

The address of the house is 210 Godric's Hollow, you read that right, the same Godric's Hollow where Harry Potter's parents lived.

To be honest, this house doesn't look magical at all from the outside, just like an ordinary British two-storey building.

But if you open the door and enter it, you will find that there is something special inside. Doors that automatically open on switches, mops and rags that clean themselves, specimens that turn their eyes around...

The most exaggerated thing is that there are 46 rooms in this small-looking cottage! From dozens of square meters of guest rooms to hundreds of square meters of magic spell training rooms, a large number of traceless stretch spells are attached to each room!

Such a large hand shocked Mike. If this amount of work is used in the manufacture of non-marking expansion bags, I am afraid it will be enough to buy a small half of Diagon Alley.

After learning that the house was built by Professor Flitwick himself, Mike looked at him differently. Are you rich enough to be a professor at Hogwarts? I'm afraid it's not Shi Lezhi.

Professor Flitwick's lounge at Hogwarts, Mike, has also been there. Although the conditions there are also very good, compared with this "moat house", it is a sky and an underground.

Mike raised his doubts to Flitwick, but Professor Flitwick didn't explain anything to Mike, just laughed twice and changed the subject.

"Stop asking these silly questions, let's go to the magic training room. I want to take a good look at your magic level."

The magic training room in the "House" is even more luxurious than the one in the secret door of Professor Flitwick's office. The material on the walls has been upgraded directly from anti-magic stone to obsidian.

Mike raised his blackthorn wand as Flitwick watched.

"Burning flames!"

Blazing white flames spewed out from the tip of the staff, engulfing several dummies not far away, and the brightness of the entire training room was lowered a bit.

The quality of the dummy here is obviously much better than that of the dummy in the room on demand. It took ten seconds to melt under the burning of the blazing white flame.

As Mike's thoughts moved, the column of fire spewed from the tip of the staff disappeared, and a group of blazing white fireballs the size of an adult's fist were launched.

The flying speed of these fireballs is not fast, but as if they have automatic tracking, they can automatically adjust the flight trajectory and finally focus on the target.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As the fireball concentrated on the dummy, a series of explosions submerged the area where the dummy was located, and the air wave hit Mike and Flitwick, blowing the hem of their clothes.

Professor Flitwick was very excited and applauded.

Mike's performance wasn't over, however.

"Wind Speed ​​Curse! Obstacles are plentiful! Flames are blazing! Torn apart! All petrified!"

Mike started to run,

Under the blessing of the Wind Speed ​​Charm, he was like a bolt of lightning, dodging and moving in the training room. A series of spells were released from his wand, and the few moving targets left in the training room were blasted to scum.

After finishing the performance, Mike was panting heavily with his hands on his knees. At this moment, he was covered in sweat as if he had just been pulled out of the water. Although the performance just now only lasted less than five minutes, it consumed a lot of Mike's physical strength.

On the side, Professor Flitwick hurriedly changed a glass of water and handed it to Mike: "You are definitely the best student I have ever taught! I have only demonstrated the variant skills of the fire spell to you once, and then you can learn it by yourself for a year. Get it this far! I can't believe you just finished first grade this year."

"No, the dean taught me well." Mike took the cup and drank it, "I am a helpless orphan without your care, how could I have achieved today's results."

Professor Flitwick is a very emotional person, and his eyes turned red when he heard Mike's words. Reaching out his hand to touch Mike's head, he found that he was too short to reach, and his expression became a little embarrassed in an instant.

The outstretched hand quietly changed direction and patted on Mike's arm, and continued to recite the words of praise to Mike.

And Mike continued to talk business with Flitwick as if he didn't see Flitwick's move just now.

Before dinner, Professor Flitwick took Mike around Godric's Hollow again. They didn't get far from the gate, and the "moor house" behind them disappeared. Mike knew that this should be a kind of protective magic, and he was very concerned about this building. The evaluation of "Hao Zhai" has risen by a few points.

Godric's Hollow is the birthplace of Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founders of the famous Hogwarts. After the International Secrecy Act came into effect, it became a Muggle and wizarding village. .

The two have been mixed together for a long time, and Muggles will naturally discover some secrets about wizards, so this is also the focus of the Ministry of Magic's Memory Clearance Section. According to statistics, every Muggle resident here has been forgotten, perhaps because of the after-effects of the Oblivion Curse, the Muggle memory here is not very good.

At the same time, it is also the birthplace of the famous Harry Potter. It was here that Voldemort was defeated by the baby Harry Potter.

In order to commemorate the Potter family, a bronze statue of their family was erected in the village square.

These bronze statues are affixed with Muggle Banishing Charms, and in the eyes of Muggles, this is just a monument to commemorate World War II. But in the eyes of the wizards, it is the bronze statue of the Potter family of three.

Almost every wizard who comes to Godric's Hollow will choose to come here to give a deep bow to this brave family to thank them for their contribution to the wizarding world.

The church in the village is not ordinary. The small cemetery behind the church is the ancestral burial ground of many pure-blooded families.

"Those powerful wizards who were so amazed in their lifetimes can only be buried in this small and dilapidated cemetery after death. Death is really an equal and terrifying thing." Mike looked at the dense tombstones in front of him and thought , "It's no wonder that Voldemort is so maddened to pursue longevity. There is a great horror hidden in death."

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