Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Three

What Franklin said Mike couldn't hear.

At this moment, he was already lying on the back of the Thunderbird, and was carried by the Thunderbird and rushed towards the terrifying waterspout at a speed almost comparable to lightning!

Beside them, countless lightnings are rushing wildly!

I don't know if it was Voldemort's instruction or the Thunderbird's special physique. As soon as Mike got on the Thunderbird, he found that all the thunder and lightning around him were gathering towards them.

Fortunately, Thunderbird itself has a certain ability to control thunder and lightning. Under the control of Thunderbird, most of the thunder and lightning are led to other places by it, and the remaining thunder and lightning do not pose any threat to Thunderbird, but instead. It was absorbed by the Thunderbird and turned it into a source of energy for its high-speed movement!

But this situation soon changed, because Mike and Thunderbird finally rushed into the area of ​​​​the waterspout!

As soon as he entered, the Thunderbird slowed down under the action of the hurricane, and at the same time, there was a burst of mourning in his mouth.

The frigid water jet entangled in the turbulent wind easily cut through the ptarmigan's tough feathers, leaving dense wounds on its body surface.

A blood mist suddenly burst into the air, and the light brown feathers of the Thunderbird were instantly dyed red.

The severe pain made Thunderbird instinctively want to escape from here.

But at this moment, there was a stinging pain in its neck, and Mike, who had been lying on its back, inserted a small half of the holy sword directly into the back of Thunderbird's neck.

This sudden change made Thunderbird give up the idea of ​​running away, and could only continue to charge forward in an almost tragic manner.

Fortunately, Mike is not a devil. After confirming that the Thunderbird had given up escaping, he also took out his wand and created a huge strengthening armor protection spell to cover him and the Thunderbird together.

The moment the shield appeared, there was a dense crackling sound on its surface. Mike was surprised to find that those water droplets hit the translucent shield and sparked dense sparks! This is simply unscientific!

But Mike's attention was quickly diverted from the spectacle of sparks flying above the shield.

Because the attack from the outside world was too violent, the shield strength he released was simply not strong enough, and he could only barely maintain it by desperately outputting magic power.

Feeling the magic power that is consuming frantically in my body,

Mike once again felt the huge gap between ordinary wizards and legendary wizards.

Ordinary wizards can only rely on the magic within their bodies to forcefully create supernatural phenomena, but legendary wizards can mobilize various forces that exist in nature at will, and the magic in their bodies is just a crowbar. The role of the consumption is almost pitiful.

This makes Mike yearn for the legendary realm even more.

However, although their situation is very bad at the moment, fortunately, the speed of the Thunderbird finally returned to normal after it released the shield. Judging from the current situation, they will soon be able to touch the waterspout body.

'Next, it's up to you, Arthur. ’

Looking at the waterspout that was getting closer, Mike thought instinctively.

And just when they were about to collide with the waterspout, Arthur on the ground below suddenly swelled his muscles as if he felt something, and then, the silver sword he held high in his hand finally fell!

A silver-white edge slashed across the sky, smashing all the wind, rain, thunder and lightning along the way, and instantly imprinted on the waterspout in front of Mike.

"Cut off the water!"


A strange sound sounded, and the sword mark printed on the waterspout suddenly burst open, tearing a long slit directly on its body, revealing Voldemort who was cautiously entangled in the thunder.

And the most amazing thing is that the gap that was cut by the sword glow was not refilled by the water, but just stayed there abruptly!

Mike could even see the surprised look on Voldemort's face!

A look of joy flashed in Thunderbird's eyes. It was driven by Mike on the way and had already been seriously injured, and now this painful journey is finally coming to an end!

Thunderbird let out a cry, and rushed into the gap with a sudden acceleration!

The inside of a waterspout is a fantastic space.

Although there is still a lot of noise here, it is calm. There is not even a cloud in the sky here. The bright moonlight shines through the layers of water mist and illuminates the surrounding water walls that go straight into the sky, causing waves and waves. , Under the reflection of this light, Mike and Voldemort are like being in a kaleidoscope, which is extremely magical.

But at this moment, neither Voldemort nor Mike have the heart to appreciate this beauty at all!

After entering the eye of the storm, the Thunderbird fell toward the sea as if it had exhausted all its strength!

But that's enough!


Mike burst into a drink, and the holy sword in his hand was violently thrown by him. At the same time, a strong green light mixed with a few red light flashed out in his other hand, followed by the holy sword and flew towards Voldemort!

Seeing this, Voldemort's body also burst out with a strong magic power, and the few magic spells shot by Mike far away were instantly bounced, but the handle was directly torn by Voldemort hastily formed between Protective net, continue to stab!

Voldemort's face was distorted, he waved his arms frantically, and the endless magic was swayed by him as if he didn't want money, but it was all useless, no matter how anxious he was, the holy sword was not affected in any way!

The current situation is exactly as Mike had expected.

The so-called spell is too fragile in the eyes of legendary wizards like Voldemort, and they can completely destroy it with a wave of their hand.

But for a demon-hunting silver sword like the Holy Sword, their usual defensive method is so weak.

Watching the holy sword approach its destination little by little, the corners of Mike's mouth gradually rose.

In order not to let the opponent's magic power affect the holy sword, he didn't even put the floating spell on the holy sword, but only relied on the tyrannical physical power to throw the holy sword.

And now, his hard work is finally paying off!


The holy sword easily pierced the electric ball in Voldemort's chest, and under the action of the divine power on the holy sword, the white electric ball instantly vanished into nothingness.

And with the disappearance of the energy source, the powerful telegram on Voldemort's surface was like a light bulb that suddenly short-circuited.

Voldemort stared blankly at his empty chest, as if he didn't understand what was going on.

But soon, his body began to disintegrate into pieces of flying ash like a completely burned out match.

Voldemort reached out his hand in horror, trying to grab the ashes, but it was all in vain.

In the end, when it was about to dissipate completely, Voldemort finally woke up.

I saw him slowly looking down at Mike, who was falling with the Thunderbird, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly:

"Do you think you won? I'm not dead."

After all, Voldemort's remaining upper body also dissipated, and then the terrifying waterspout lost its source of magic and began to collapse. A spectacle of fish in the sky!


In midair, Mike panted and waved his wand, and then a thrust rose from the bottom, supporting him and the exhausted Thunderbird Thor to the ground slowly.

And when he landed, Benjamin, Arthur and others also arrived one after another, and everyone laughed and surrounded Mike in the center, cheering desperately.

Seeing this, Mike forced a smile. For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition, as if things were far from over, and new dangers were approaching fast.

But Voldemort was already dead, and he couldn't think of anything else that could threaten him now.

In the end, after thinking to no avail, he blamed all of this on Voldemort's dying words. In his opinion, this sentence was completely because Voldemort wanted to block him before he died, and all the Horcruxes had been destroyed. Now that Voldemort has no chance of being resurrected.

But I have to say that Voldemort still succeeded, and Mike is really in a bad mood now.

Taking a long breath, Mike greeted everyone back to the base to celebrate.

After all, he felt a little twisted in this place.

After hearing this, everyone agreed, imagining the celebration dinner later, and everyone couldn't wait to take out the door key to prepare thoroughly.

But when they actually pressed the switch of the door key, the accident happened.

"Huh? Why isn't my door key responding?"

"mine too."

"Is it broken?"

"Impossible? This is a special product!"


Hearing the exclamations of the surrounding teammates, Mike's brows furrowed instantly, and the magic wand and holy sword that had been put away by him also reappeared in his hands.

No one knows better than him that the door keys made by the Los Santos Group will not suddenly fail in such a wide range, so the direct reason for the current result is that the space blockade nearby has not been unlocked!

But Voldemort is dead!

Who is still maintaining the ban around here? !

"Congratulations, Mike, you have finally defeated Voldemort."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded from behind Mike, Mike turned his wand in his hand, and saw Dumbledore, who was already thin as a skeleton, looking at him with a complicated expression, and in his hand, the bone that was full of the breath of time. The wooden wand was flashing a faint blue light.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Mike looked at the other party vigilantly. Although his tone was gentle, he never put down the wand he pointed at the other party. "Why are you here?"

At this time, Benjamin and others finally reacted. They all restrained the joy on their faces, and dispersed themselves into battle teams to surround Dumbledore.

Dumbledore completely turned a blind eye to the people who surrounded him, and his eyes were focused on Mike from beginning to end.

From his gaze, Mike felt incomparable sadness and disappointment, which made Mike instinctively turn his head away and not want to look at him.

However, considering that there were so many men watching around him, in the end, Mike managed to endure the discomfort with perseverance and forcibly turned his gaze.

Seeing this, the sadness in Dumbledore's eyes became stronger. He just looked at Mike so quietly, and after a long time he said slowly:

"Mike, what do you...what do you want?"

"Huh?" Mike's expression stiffened. "Of course I want to destroy Voldemort and bring peace to the world."

Dumbledore shook his head slowly and said:

"Then you've got what you wanted now, is it time to stop?"

"I do not understand what you are saying?"

"You know, you've always known." Dumbledore began to get excited as he spoke, "Why are you provoking this dispute? So many people have sacrificed for this, this... Is it really worth it?"

Mike didn't speak. To be honest, he was quite uncomfortable seeing Dumbledore's almost inhuman appearance now, knowing that he could have avoided all this.

But his companions don't think so.

Franklin couldn't take it anymore when he heard the words, and he took two steps forward and roared:

"Of course it's worth it! It's for their own benefit! Why are those purebloods always on top? Why are we Muggle-born wizards going to be trampled into the mud? Stop sucking blood? Didn't you send the admission letter asking us to study here? Since the world is full of malice towards us mudbloods, why are you looking for us? Headmaster Dumbledore!"

Franklin's roar echoed in the air, and these words were like a sharp sword, piercing deep into Dumbledore's heart.

The wet and cold sea breeze hit Dumbledore with a sad expression from the southwest.

Upon seeing this, Franklin also felt a bit of guilt, lowered his head silently, and stopped talking.

At this time, Dumbledore sighed deeply, choked and said:

"I'm sorry, children, for making you feel wronged. But... we can take it slow. The world is slowly getting better, and I believe that one day that beautiful world will come true. We just need to take it slow. of……"

"Why us?" Franklin raised his head again, the muscles in his face were twitching constantly, "Why do we need to wait? Do you know how hard these days are? Since we can wait slowly The world gets better, so those purebloods can't adapt to the suddenly changed world?"

Dumbledore's wide mouth kept opening and closing, but no sound came out of it, as if he didn't know what to say to Franklin.

The next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head to look at the crowd surrounding him.

But all he saw was a pair of eyes full of hatred.

At this moment, Dumbledore's face became even older, and he finally understood.

The conflict between pure-blood wizards and other ethnic groups has become completely irreconcilable, and the two sides must have a life-and-death encounter.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and looked at Mike, who had been silent.

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