Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 97: Pursuit (modified)

Allen successfully arrived at King's Cross Station, and he was in a good mood. He not only caught a velvet for Emily, but also caught a sniff for himself!

At King's Cross Station, Allen took out his big tow box in a remote place. At Muggle's many stations, Allen first looked around and hesitated a little bit, then he decisively ran straight towards the partition wall between platforms 9 and 10. If you don't enter the station again, you will leave.

This behavior attracted a lot of Muggle's glance, but soon, they found that a large number of backpackers blocked their sight. When the vision was finally clear, the boy who was pushing the big tow box and running wildly had already Nowhere to go. Even if the curse of the Muggle expulsion on the platform itself prevents them from paying too much attention to the anomalies here, each Muggle is busy with his own affairs, how can he care about others, not to mention, on the platform, Running and catching the train is so common. So it didn't take long for the Muggles who had just witnessed Allen to run away from this matter.

Allen clearly remembers that the house-elf Dobby will close the passage to the platform of nine and three quarters before the departure. Since he hadn't seen Harry just now, Allen decided it was better to enter the station first.

Anyway, for Harry and Ron, this is just an interesting experience, there is no danger, and compared to the rash thing of riding a flying car and then hitting the hitting willow, the sniff just caught against Allen More attractive, "Of course, this experience is more interesting for bystanders. I do n’t want to be caught by Mrs. Snape and Mrs. Weasley ... wait? I seem to have forgotten to return those treasures that I sniffed. gone back…"

Allen was running through the hustle and bustle of the crowd, some little wizards were excited for the upcoming new semester, some were immersed in the joy of meeting with their friends, and some were reluctant to bid farewell to the family at the station . Looking at this vivid picture of joy and sorrow, Allen embarked on the Hogwarts Express train.

On the train, many Ravenclaw little wizards greeted Allen, and Allen nodded gently. Rejecting the good intentions of many little wizards asking for the same car, Allen went straight to the last car. There was no one in the carriage, but it was with Allen's heart.

He locked the compartment door and sat quietly for a while, not long after, the sound of pushing and pulling the compartment door, the booming voice on the platform, the laughter of the little wizards gradually disappeared-the train started.

The carriage where Allen is located is very quiet. At this time, the little wizards should have found their seats and arranged the salute. Allen stood up and locked the door from the inside.

Allen summons the sniff from the system's pet space. Just touching the air, the cunning little thing wanted to slip away and was grabbed by Allen. Allen grabbed the sniffing body tightly, turned it upside down, and swayed violently with his hind legs. A lot of gold and silver jewellery fell down, it was almost endless, and the number was surprisingly large.

"It's a cunning little thing, hiding so many things, I don't know how long it has been in the Muggle society!" Allen clearly liked this sniff, he scratched his sniffing stomach with a smile, so that more Coins and jewelry scattered out.

Footsteps were heard in the corridor, and soon, Allen's car door was knocked. At the moment when Allen was distracted, he sniffed his little body and broke away from Allen with incredible strength. Alan raised his head in disbelief, reached out to grab him, sniffed his body desperately into the locked door, and ran into the corridor of the train.

Allen stood up suddenly and opened the door.

"Allen, I heard Ravenclaws say you are in this compartment ..." It was Hermione, and she looked anxiously.

"Sorry, Hermione, I have something urgent to do now." Despite the anxiety, Allen remained polite.

Allen flashed, bypassing Hermione, searching for sniffing trails in the corridor.

"Hey? Allen ... Harry and Ron were not on the train, they missed the train!" Failure to stop Allen, Hermione said what she wanted to say in frustration.

Actually, when Allen heard that, what would it be like, Harry and Ron should have been enjoying the indulgence of flying in the air! He could not determine their position and chase them back. What's more, this incident did not affect them too much. In fact, Mr. Arthur Weasley was the biggest victim.

For Allen, the top priority is to catch this runaway sniff. Allen almost turned on the motor completely, without letting go of the clues, and suddenly, a sniffing figure flashed in the corner of the car window, a brilliant afternoon warm sun shed a ray of gold, and the window glass shone in the sunlight. , Which attracted sniffing. After discovering that the car window could not be put in his arms, it quickly jumped away again, looking for a new target.

Allen was very happy, and hurriedly followed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ sniffed like he found something, quickly jumped into an open door compartment. Allen jumped in without hesitation. A handsome adult witch with a small mirror in his hand looked at Allen in surprise.

Allen recognizes this man. With the blessing of sister Daisy and his mother Morgan Le Fay, there are more photos of this man in front of the family than Allen! He is exactly Hogwarts' new professor of black magic defense class-Mr. Gidero Lockhart, a star among wizards, a model among scammers.

"Is it for me to sign? The action is so fast. The little wizards who just came back went to take their pens and books. I want to say that there is no need to be so anxious. The days we are together are still growing!" Shaved the slightly curly blond hair on his head, showing his white teeth, and his signature smile on his face, "So, where is the sign?" The new Professor Lockhart looked at Allen doubtfully, he did everything. Not taken!

Allen's attention was now on Professor Lockhart's suitcase. He saw with his own eyes that he sniffed into the open suitcase, and many gorgeous robes were scattered in the suitcase. It seems that Professor Lockhart has just changed his clothes and is really a peacock-like man!

Just when Allen was thinking about how to relieve his embarrassment, a group of little witches broke into the carriage, and a fifth-year Gryffindor headed off Allen. The girls behind flocked in Holding handkerchiefs, some holding lipsticks, and others grabbing their shirts, surrounding Professor Guidro Rohart, asking for his signature. And this gentleman is obviously very comfortable with and enjoying this situation, he gets busy and gives his beautiful autograph to his little fans.

Allen felt for the first time that Jidro Harlot was sought after by the witches. He stepped back without a trace and returned to Gidro's suitcase.

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