Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1365: ?? Light up the kids

On the pureblood side, the McMillan family and the Burns family sat with Augusta Longbottom wearing the eagle specimen hat, and their eyes fell on the triumphant Hector Foley, Foley Talking with former minister Cornelius Fudge and Professor Slughorn.

Wearing a pinstripe suit, purple pointed-toed boots, and a dark green top hat, Fudge, who has retired, is red, his belly is already bulging to the size of Professor Slughorn’s, like a big balloon. Similar. Slughorn's walrus-like thick silver beard has been carefully groomed, and his bald skull is shining and his face is red.

"The coward Slughorn was afraid of being involved in the vortex between Dumbledore, Pureblood, Voldemort, and Harry. Neither side wanted to touch him, hiding everywhere. I heard that he even lived in a Muggle house before. Seeing that things have become clearer, I came to participate in the celebration." Noting the gaze of McMillan around him, Algie Longbottom said with some disdain, "And Foley, after he was coerced into the review committee just like you. , It seems that because he was scared by Ron Harris before, now he is completely down to them... It seems that they are feeding him well with those Muggle businesses."

"Slaghorn now chooses to settle in Floating City and participate in this celebration shows his judgment..." Mrs. Longbottom held her big red handbag and glared at Argie very righteously. "But this The slug is still very smart. His house was bought from his personal relationships, not directly through Harris, so he can get out of it quickly even if there is something later."

"The goblins of Gringotts are so immersed now, it's not a good phenomenon..." McMillan also sat upright like Mrs. Longbottom, and talked about business, his tone turned a little serious.

"Those who have been sentenced to fairies are sentenced, but this sentence is not too serious, and can be released in a few months... I guess this is more of an attempt to confirm the sins of the fairies to the magic world." As a magic law Bones, an official of the Executive Department, revealed that her square chin was nodded heavily, "I am actually more worried about another thing. Now all families in the magic world, including our Bones... have already begun to plan. Give up Gringotts vault and plan to transfer the assets to Harris Bank on Floating City...and as you said, the fairies are still so obedient...this is not quite right."

"Albus will come here too." Mrs. Longbottom straightened her green robe, turned and sat down, facing the doorway, "Our current relationship with the Harris family is already an ally in the eyes of outsiders. But in fact, it’s very unfamiliar and inconvenient to ask... Let’s talk to Albus later, he now enjoys his retirement and his relationship with Harris has eased a lot... and his close friend and Harris The relationship is very good... we may be able to know some of Harris's coping plans through him."

The purebloods stopped making noise, but watched waves of guests coming in through the Oak Tree Passage, which also made them feel the influence of the floating city in the magical world, except for the French Minister of Magic, Boothbatten, and Durmstrang. In addition to these well-known allies of Harris, some magical creatures like giants, horsemen and werewolves are not beyond everyone’s expectations, but even magical beasts like birds, snakes and unicorns come here with a basket of gifts like people. Some are beyond the wizards' recognition that these are not considered'intelligent creatures'.

And until the children's enthusiastic cheers came from the door, this hustle and bustle caused the guests in the courtyard to divert their attention from the magical animals and the special charms and vampires.

I saw a group of children cheering Albus Dumbledore rushing to the door.

The rare white wizard did not wear those robes with overly bright colors. His dress today is pure white, which is more in line with his title. Only the exquisite and somewhat feminine carvings still retain some of his somewhat sloppy clothes. style.

Dumbledore's long silver-white beard was braided into a braid on his chin, and his silver-white hair was neatly tucked behind his head. His short white hair and the well-trimmed beard on his face gleamed slightly. Contrary to him, Grindelwald, who is slightly fascinated, wore the pure black uniform of the president of Hogwarts University to accompany Dumbledore. The dresses of the first dark lord and white wizard formed a sharp contrast and yet another Very harmonious.

Both of them also hold a staff that is taller than others, which is popular in the floating city recently. This has almost become a symbol of personal strength-only wizards with the ability to cast spells without a staff are enough. The skill of manipulating this kind of product that has been almost eliminated by modern society.

The knotted branch in Dumbledore's hand was wrapped around the brown rod, which looked very strong. The protruding part of the rod was also engraved with the image of a phoenix. Grindelwald's was a black staff with metallic luster— —As a university president who actually doesn't have much moral bottom line, Grindelwald used his power to give Dumbledore a development that was far more effective than mass production.

Time-rich Dumbledore and Grindelwald often used magic, food, and toys to tease the little wizards near their homes in the floating city. This kind-hearted grandfather soon reaped the favor of the little wizards in the floating city. At this time, I met here and rushed forward.

Behind Dumbledore and Grindelwald, Lupin supported Tonks, whose belly was almost too big to break. The happy marriage made Lupin look much younger than before.

"Sirius is really irresponsible. Let Harry bring his aunt's family over by himself." Lupin looked bitterly. On this occasion, it was his responsibility to look after the Vernon family who had just begun to integrate into the wizarding world. And even if he is more honest and honest, he is a bit repulsive of contacting this family for a long time.

"Don't you know?" Tonks smiled brighter with a heart-shaped face, and her purple hair turned pink. "I think we should create more time for my uncle... so that he won't do it in the future. Run to our house if nothing happens."

Harry was obviously displeased by Sirius's frequent abandonment of himself recently. He thought that his godfather had played wildly in order to avoid contact with the Vernon family recently.

Dudley next to Harry has recently become more timid after fully understanding the magical world, which makes him appear smaller—especially when he knows his magic power is limited and he has watched Sirius and Ha After Leigh gave them a video about the duel between Alan Harris and Voldemort, he learned that this mighty power still exists in the world.

But Harry’s Aunt Teppany’s dress was very elegant and decent, and the presence of the hood successfully concealed her excessively long neck. The recent life and exploration in the magical world made the housewife seem to be rejuvenated again. The whole person looks more beautiful.

Only Vernon’s frowning face became more serious. He who looked quite old now followed silently, taking a look at the weird wizard robes worn by his wife and son from time to time, and then squeezed all the features on his fat face into a ball. Put aside his face sadly-repeated this several times in a short period of time.

After playing with the children for a while, Dumbledore took out his candies and gave them out, but seeing them still refused to disperse, the beard of Dumbledore, who was surrounded by the children, trembled. , With a bang, some fireworks appeared in his staff.

These little children were frightened, and then these fireworks automatically locked them and flew over, causing the bear children to burn up with flames, but they did not feel the scorching heat and pain, which could only bring them warmth. The flames of harm caused these little guys to forget that they wanted the sugar and started screaming and screaming. Some were bold and tried to ignite more people, and some were timid and tried to roll on the ground to extinguish it.

The small riots caused their parents embarrassedly grabbed the children who were running around, and then began to clean up and re-dress the children who had become dirty-it would take a lot of time to recover. Exquisite.

"Speaking of the floating city, there is almost no chance of using this kind of heating curse of my school. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Grindelwald raised his chin, slightly blessed, and his cheeks that seemed less angular were exposed. Smile, "Good job Albus, after lighting these children, their parents will let them not bother us..." Then he pointed to the distance, "But it seems that some of your big friends are still It will delay you for a while."

Algie Longbottom was walking quickly towards Dumbledore. She slowed down when she was almost in front of the opponent, and stood unnaturally to Dumbledore's side, so that Dumbledore could slightly block him. Green Devo's sight.

"Good afternoon Mr. Grindelwald..." Algie bowed slightly, "Do you have time to come and sit with us?"

"Albus, I saw a lot of old friends, I went to Grimson and they talked." Grindelwald with a small smile on his face, seeing the other person's fear of his past reputation, gentlemanly After making an excuse, he looked back at Harry and his party, "Tonks, you come to accompany Dumbledore. I will take Harry and Mrs. Dursley to meet my old friend..."

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