Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1369: ?Potion Championship

Because Ron had been pulling Harry on talking about the men’s topics, Ginny could only hold the table with her arms on her arms, put her hands on her cheeks, and looked around idly—then she noticed that she was standing on the pillars. Luna of Hufflepuff.

Ginny blinked to see that the other party’s dress was no longer well-behaved, but it was a little strange that the Malfoy’s lady was serving like a maid next to Luna. She was a little surprised to notice that Narcissa seemed to be politely speaking. It took Luna a long time to sit down and put a thin blanket on her imitating Hufflepuff figure...

The lover of romance, the young witch with unhealthy thoughts in her mind, sat up suddenly, her hand covering her mouth, her heart vibrated-in order to prove her suspicion, Ginny simply pulled Weasley The lady's sleeve pointed in Luna's direction.

Mrs. Weasley looked at Luna's direction inexplicably when she heard it. She didn't accidentally find that the good girl from the neighbor's house was dressed up again, and then she unexpectedly discovered that she was always looking down on her when she was in school. The boring Black witch was squeezing lemon juice from the drink in the golden cup of the strange girl, and then she also naturally noticed that the plumpness on the other's stomach seemed to be more than an imitative effect.

Molly felt that blood was coming to her head in an instant, her hand squeezed the tablecloth in front of her, but reason still made her lower her voice, otherwise Ginny's heart jumped: "Why are Allen messing up like this, Luna? How old! Xenofilius still complains about not seeing her daughter... She dressed up like this, could it be the idea of ​​the Peacock family to please Alan? No one in the family knows yet?!!!... Never in my life …Ginny, if you dare to do something like this with Harry, just wait for your father and me to clean up you!"

Petunia who was next to Molly heard Molly's scolding and noticed her emotional changes, but she didn't understand why this sorceress, who seemed to have little knowledge, would suddenly become angry.

"Percy, come here." Mrs. Weasley beckoned to her third son, and the wizard who was about to go to find his boss after dinner to come close obediently, she continued to lower her voice and commanded. "Percy, you go..." Molly squinted at her meticulously dressed son, and then changed her tone, "Go to George and they call Bill to hold Xenofilius, he I can talk to him...I think Owen will thank you later."

Percy, who was usually quite obedient, heard the last sentence coming. He quickly left his seat and went to find his brothers according to his mother's instructions.

Most of the people who stayed in the seats did not listen to their previous conversation, and Mrs. Weasley did not want to explain to them. She got up and left, and then suddenly turned her head, "Harry..." Molly Seeing Harry shook his head and stared at the younger son, "Ron! Don't let me know that you are stupid in school... Don't let me know that you bullied Miss Brown."

Ron, who was holding a chicken drumstick in one hand, was originally complaining, and then his mother was instructed with a dazed face. Harry could only nod his head, but he could see what Mrs. Weasley had found. He had already found out. He knew about Luna, but now he was not sure whether the other family members knew it. He could only watch Mrs. Weasley go to Luna and Narcissa, and then grabbed it inexplicably. Narcissa, then forcibly lifted up Luna who was trying to say something behind Molly's eyes, and started pulling her towards Morgan Le Fay.

"Mr. Dursley, isn't your son very strong... he's almost catching up with Charlie, right, dear?" The low-perceived Arthur did not realize that a few people were missing in a short period of time. He was right. He said to the empty chair beside him, "But it's embarrassing. When you were pregnant with Charlie, he only gained more than seven pounds after almost ten months. Now he has to grow seven pounds. I think it only took three weeks..."

Later, when Morgan Le Fayy felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain to Molly that his son was a big boy, he was in a small dining room similar to the Muggle Prime Minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street, upstairs in the banquet hall.

Owen and some Ministries of Magic who had come to bless his newborn daughter and the ministers of other countries' Ministry of Magic and some school principals who hadn't appeared before were sitting together for a more personal banquet.

"In our country, boys wear blue ribbons and girls wear red ribbons to distinguish..." The French Minister of Magic, Juliette Binoche, who was particularly dignified in a violet dress, introduced enthusiastically.

With a faint smile on his face, Owen raised a glass of red wine and drank it without speaking to cover up the joke he had suddenly thought of the other country’s flag that his son Allen had told him-waiting for the red and blue to be separated. Later, the remaining white can be used to teach children how to surrender.

However, with the presence of an elegant beauty, most of the ministers, who are still dominated by wizards, each try to show the elegant side of their own national culture, so the atmosphere on the wine table is very good, until the banquet is on to the dessert. section.

Irving took the dessert spoon and asked the question inadvertently: "You are well-informed if you want to come. What do you think about the recent developments of the International Wizarding Federation?"

Hearing that, the Indian High Priest Kuslapari, who had never appeared in the following venue before, grabbed Buddy on his body; the enthusiastic Minister Binoche just raised the wine glass in front of her and sipped it. Drink; Mrs. Maxim moved gracefully to smooth the creases in her black satin skirt...None of them, who were thinking about it, made a sound.

The room was silent for a moment, until Durmstrang’s headmaster Igor Karkaroff lifted his thin chin and opened his mouth, replacing it with the one installed in Granger’s house. The mouth of the dentures that were full of rotten teeth made the sweet false voice, breaking the silence: "I'm sure that President Babajid wants to resign recently, but there is not much opinion yet."

There were also a lot of inhaling breathing sounds-many people did know the plan of the current president, but many people actually only heard of it for the first time now.

"He is now resigning as president. It is not a bad thing for him personally..." The high priest Kuslapari raised his chin and seemed to begin to consider the language. "I heard, the vice principal of Ouagadou School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The position has been vacant for him at any time. At his age, it is very meaningful to come back to do some magic research and education."

"In fact, we arranged for everyone to gather here separately, mainly because President Babajid wanted to resign." Owen clasped his hands in front of him and said directly, "The previous meeting of the International Federation of Wizards Long, it’s Mr. Albus Dumbledore from the United Kingdom. He has contributed to the peace of the international magic world..." He looked at the ministers of other countries, "So we in the British Ministry of Magic hope that the international wizards can be united again. Bring back the post of president of the association."

Hearing Owen’s words, a few seconds of silence even broke out some sneers in the music-even though the wizards here are all professionals with a long history of work, some wizards almost can't maintain their facial expressions for Owen, which is almost whimsical. .

The high priest Kuslapari even lowered his head, as if he was interested in a small accessory on his body, but the corner of his mouth was cocked to reveal his sarcasm.

"Minister Harris, the strength of the British magical world is obvious to all in the international community at this time..." Female Minister Binos arranged her thoughts, slowly trying to remind Owen with a tact as much as possible, "but it also caused some countries to misunderstand. ."

"Owen, although the previous sanctions against the United Kingdom are in name only, at least many Ministry of Magic have not ended it in name..." Mrs. Maxim turned the opal ring in her hand and said more directly than her minister.

"Hahaha, you British have a kind of humor in your bones...but you will say if you are joking..." A hearty voice came, and a round-faced witch who was stronger than Molly slapped the table and laughed. "If you’re a joke, I’ll say that Kodos Doriz sent me over to ask if I want to use the venue of the duel contest to have a magical school potions tournament? Maybe it can just expand the influence instead of just four academies. I I think Principal Alan Harris should still be able to participate as a student... If he can compete with the potion that turns dumb guns into wizards, I want to win the championship. We Russians and my allies admire the strong. Maybe you will be willing to support you in regaining the post of President of the Federation...

Binoche was a little dissatisfied with the vulgarity of the witch, but he also smiled mockingly at the thought of the other party’s previous profession, and recognized that this strong witch was Petrova Pokov, this strange A witch with a Russian surname was once a professional chaser, and Pokov’s seduction technique used her surname as Pokov—and the Potions Tournament she mentioned is similar to the Triwizard Tournament, UU看书www. uukanshu.com is different. As usual, this kind of irregular competition with much less influence than the Goblet of Fire is made by Hogwarts in the United Kingdom, Kodos Doritz in Russia, the Magic Institute of Japan and Africa. In the competition held between the four schools of magic in Vagado, the winning school will only get one more symbolic golden crucible. (Author's note: The tournament and the four academies and prizes held are all official settings, but the time and method of holding are undecided. Try not to miss it, and try to be the first person to eat any crab in the HP expansion setting. I have no intention of letting it go.)

While some other ministers understood the seemingly vulgar plan of the Russian witch in a brief period of doubt, she first directly pointed out the disadvantages of Britain directly and without mercy, and the following conditions are complementary-Russia is because of its vast area. It has always been a major exporter of herbal medicines and potions. Obviously, the recent achievements in various potions in Floating City are obviously greedy for the Russians. Now they are directly using some magic tournament to mention their conditions to the United Kingdom.

However, even if Russia and its followers add France, it is clear that the British, which has almost become a target of public criticism, will not be able to regain this position, because this is not good for other countries.

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