Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1376: ?Choose an opportunity

On the narrow stage where the half-blood witches should sing, a maroon-haired wizard cursed Britain with a fanatical expression on his face. He criticized the countries that switched to the United Kingdom and attracted the applause of the wizards from the audience below. .

"Rigidity Fox, it's not my uncle's business...you shouldn't know these things too?" Ian's fingers squeezed the wine glass tightly. "We had the upper hand in the power struggle with my uncle's conservatives, but this Second...Look on TV. We have never wanted to isolate Britain, but we have fallen into an isolated state... Those conservatives will use this incident to attack you."

"There were not a few countries that opposed Britain before. Those in the United Kingdom who can unite with the wall, we can naturally unite with those diehards who opposed it..." Rigid Fuchs seemed to attach importance to Ian's opinion and said solemnly, as he leaned back on his chair. Put your hands and ten fingers crossed freely in front of the moon, "From another perspective, these countries that have been abandoned outside the scope of their alliance, our new alliance will be stronger and more reliable than the previous covenants when there were countries that were not firm enough."

"But before so many countries united to resist the United Kingdom, nothing has done to them. What's more, now, even if we unite with the remaining abandoned countries... Sooner or later, we will be separated by them... In fact, we have been separated. ...Cough cough..." Ian raised his neck again and took a sip of wine, and the feeling of being lit made him choke.

As the fluid from the trachea was expelled with the cough, Ian sighed, just like his sister said, and now it's like this bar, full of empty talk and big words expressing determination, except to make himself scolded refreshed I got some emotional vent, but it is not good for the United States itself, and it is meaningless.

"It seems that you are not satisfied with these people?" Graves' lips curled up with a smile, and he filled Ian with beer again, leaned his head over, and asked in a low voice: "Ian, I And some people with lofty ideals have some plans recently, do you want to join some substantive plans? I think you can get our trust..."

Ian’s head heated by the fiery whiskey suddenly shook his head. He realized that his friend must be planning some secret plan in secret, and he was afraid that the plan was not visible. He took a deep breath and firmly. Say: "Of course I am willing to make some facts. What is the plan about?"

Graves took out a long-horned water snake pendant representing the most intelligent school in Ifamuni Academy. The crystal embedded on his forehead was shiny, the snake's head stretched forward angrily, and the snake's letter was spit out from his mouth.

Graves pushed it gently in front of Ian: "I will use this door key to come directly in the early morning, and I will explain it when that happens... I'll go over and prepare."

When the air in this fairy bar was filled with the smell of alcohol and vomit, and no one on the podium started to speak, Ian disappeared into his deck with the long-horned water snake door key in his hand. Then he appeared in another place, sucking in the cold night air.

Opening his eyes and slowing his mind, Ian found that the place he was standing now was like the foot of a forest mountain in the mountainous area on the outskirts of a Muggle city. Although he couldn't tell where it was for a while, but from a distance It can be seen from the mountain shadows that the surrounding terrain of this Muggle city is complex, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and only one side leads to the outside world, so the development conditions are very limited.

Some people in cloaks arrived here early. They waited quietly in the woods. Seeing Ian’s appearance, some wizards he knew came over to say hello. It took a while for Ian to get there. The door key was dizzy and completely slowed down, and found that the few who greeted him were the most active young people in the blind pig bar.

Although he is not familiar with some wizards around him, he also knows that even if many of them like to shout slogans more than act, they are all well-known external hardliners. He learned that several of them are the same as him in the Ministry of Magic. The factions, they are the same as himself, hoping that the US Congress can be more prosperous.

The only thing that made Ian a little uncomfortable was that some of the people in the room wore black pointed hoods and black robes to conceal their true identity. As an Auror, he realized that there were some of these people. Obviously traces of long-term erosion by black magic.

With the retiring of time, more and more people gathered in the forest. When Greenvis appeared, there was some restlessness in the forest. Many wizards have already felt some anxiety from the atmosphere here. They are seeing today. Greenvis, the convener of, began to greet him, and only relaxed a little after getting the friendly response from the other side as always.

And Ian noticed that the weird wizards who had hidden their faces would bow their bodies low when they greeted Graves. They obviously respected the convener of action more than these wizards.

"Everyone, gathering here tonight means that we all have a passion and want to do something for our country." Graves' deep and powerful voice sounded, "We will start to act today to deport us in the United States. The evil spreading on the land takes the first step."

"Who dares to come to our country to make trouble? I am in charge of this part in Congress, and they must be good-looking!"

"I want my newspaper to expose them. This is just right for the British guys of the Wizarding International Federation!"

"Stiffness Fox, what do we need to do? I can't wait."

The unmasked wizards in the woods exclaimed in a restless voice, expressing their determination loudly.

"Very good, very energetic!" Rigid Fox Graves yelled with relief, "However, I have to make it clear beforehand that...what we are going to do carries a lot of risk, which is not only a violation of magic The laws of Parliament may even endanger our lives..." He paused. "If the exposure fails, it will definitely incur a blow to the wizarding federation controlled by the United Kingdom, and the country we love will have no reason to fight. An excuse to protect our actions."

There was some agitation in the forest. Although individual wizards were full of enthusiasm, they thought they were protests, and at best sabotage. They didn't expect things to be such a big disturbance. Hearing that what they were doing was illegal. It might even be life threatening, so he became entangled in his heart, and his gaze wandered around other wizards.

"I never deliberately exaggerated the seriousness of the matter, so I have never told you my plans and goals in advance..." Graves seemed to have anticipated and prepared for this. "I studied the Alan Harris and found that he Claiming to like to give others a chance to choose, I think this approach is very suitable for our own people... What I am doing now is to give everyone a chance to choose. If there are people who have regrets now, they can withdraw before they understand the goal... Just please Friends who want to quit, please go forward seven steps and gather in the open space in front."

After being silent for a while, someone finally couldn't bear the inner pressure. Under the shame, they took advantage of the darkness to change and put a mask on their heads, and then walked out with their heads down. After someone came out first, some footsteps on the branches and fallen leaves sounded. Some people covered their faces and walked to Graves from the forest. Although they did not speak, individual wizards even treated Graves because of shame. Bowed deeply.

"Bah, coward, coward."

"Damn it, speaking like that on weekdays is all lip service."

"What are these things, such people are not worthy of being with us."

Disdainful scolding sounded in the woods. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com’s behavior of fleeing made the remaining wizards look down on them. The wizards who walked to the front were so ashamed to be scolded, and they bowed their heads as if they were buried. Chest.

"Please wait a minute, I still have something to say to you." Although Graves seemed to be familiar with all wizards, he thoughtfully did not call out his name. He walked over and patted the other person on the shoulder to comfort him, "My My friend, I can understand your current mood, but withdrawing from this action will not change my view of you. You are still an American with lofty ideals in my heart... I can understand you. After all, our lives are not just ourselves. For one person, we have to take into account many factors such as family... In fact, if our actions tonight fail, I hope you can take over our will and don’t let this blood go out."

The wizard seemed to be ashamed when he heard that Graves was too ashamed. He seemed to return to the crowd to show his determination because he couldn't bear the ridicule, but was immediately held back by Graves.

"Please don't be so embarrassed..." Graves patted the opponent lightly on the back.

Then, Ian let out a breathing sound, and in the sharp eyes of the Auror, he found that when Graves was patting the opponent's back, he slipped down the wand originally hidden in his sleeve so that the tip of the wand faced it. The wizard whose name was being comforted by him, and the light of the spell burst out immediately.

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