Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1462: ? An extrajudicial fanatic named 3 Zhang

When the cheers started in the U.S. Congress Hall, above Hogwarts Floating City, more enthusiastic cheers were echoed because of the superiority of the number of people. Weasley swish-boom fireworks set off in various places in the Floating City. Celebrating hymns sung in unison...

Whether it’s the bustling commercial plaza, the solemn Ravenclaw Temple, or the newly renamed Ministry of Magic of the United Magic Kingdom, you can always see different races and hear different languages. It is to celebrate the establishment of the kingdom.

Just like what the members of the Ministry of Magic did in the morning, not only the floating city of Hogwarts, but also the British mainland and Germany, which was only plugged into the United Kingdom, and now wherever the British Ministry of Magic logo was hung before, those representatives The Ministry of Magic and the capital M logo with a magic wand in the middle began to be taken off by the wizards without hesitation, and replaced with the new logo of the United Kingdom of Magic, which belongs to Allen's All-Knowing Eye.

At this time, whether it was a wizard or a horseman, or the mermaids living in the Black Lake... all races were celebrating in their own way.

The horses shot magical arrows with the arrows removed from the edge of the forbidden forest. These arrows burst into the air and turned into stars. The cheerful little pony ran and chased freely under these stars, laughing and tweeting.

The mermaids with iron-gray skin and long, tousled dark green hair came out of the black lake, their tails splashed the lake, singing the songs that were pleasing to their hearts-even though they came out of the water. The sound became extremely harsh.

For non-witch races such as horsemen and merfolk, for various reasons, they arrogantly declined their status as "humans" and chose to let the Ministry of Magic define them as "beasts".

But now after frequent contact with wizards and inseparable life, this concept has changed, and now the newly established magic kingdom is different from the previous Ministry of Magic, and other non-witches have already been mentioned in the announcement. The magical creatures can obtain citizenship as long as they abide by the law. Obviously, the magic kingdom is not just the magic kingdom of wizards, but belongs to the entire magic world.

Of course, the most excited are the wizards themselves, especially the German wizards who immigrated to the floating city before and just joined. They are deeply honored and proud of this, not mentioning their previous identities at all, and calling themselves Hogwarts and the people of the Magic Kingdom.

Outside the wizard hall with a round dome, the newly formed Magic Kingdom government held a press conference again with great fanfare, and the rostrum erected by various media’s long guns and short cannons surrounded it.

There were a lot of wizards who were onlookers who were waiting for the result of the referendum before, and now every wizard who was present has gotten an outrageously thick constitution manual from the hands of gentlemen for free.

Len Harris, former director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the British Ministry of Magic, stood on the rostrum and presided over. He explained the purpose of this press conference to the audience and announced the promulgation and interpretation of new laws.

At this time, in the passage behind the rostrum, Mr. Krivart, who was actually responsible for the post-magical constitution, took the lead in codifying the constitutional provisions, evened out the folds that did not exist on his magic robe, which was actually free of ironing, and cleared it again. Looking at Lun with his voice, he was ready to speak at any time.

Mr. Krivart’s hand holding the Constitution Manual was too tense and cold. He secretly encouraged himself: In the Muggle society, as an excellent lawyer, he could be recognized by those Muggles and celebrity politicians. Now even if the battlefield is changed, he can definitely conquer these wizards and let them recognize their professional level.

"Don't worry Felipe, there are so many harassment flies outside today. The constitution you are responsible for compiling is undoubtedly very helpful to them." Chenofilius, with white hair like cotton candy, shook his bright yellow hat. Suizi then raised his eyes and swallowed the constitution of his opponent, "To be honest, I have never seen such a thick law... Isn't it more than Quidditch's foul rule?"

"Letizia and I have been working hard for this since they came to the magic world. This is necessary to heal the various maladies of the magic world for a long time." In front of his good friend, Mr. Krivart was a little proud Satisfied, "I bet, the entire floating city...no, it should be said that no one in the magical world knows the law better than us."

"It seems true that you told me that a lawyer is better than a dentist..." Xenofilius nodded and exclaimed.

"Xenofilius, it seems that you can understand now, the lawyer is much better than the dentist!" In front of his good friend, Mr. Krivart mocked him a little proudly on the floating city. Another Muggle-turned wizard said, "On a Muggle plane... You know that Muggles cannot teleport, so you need this kind of floating boat movement that cannot be teleported... In short, if there is an emergency, there is a flight attendant. I started shouting and asking who was the doctor among the passengers, that is, when the therapist came to help the heart patient, their dentists were just better than the kind of dentist who started to look at the clock at this time and picked up the notepad and asked the patient who had fallen into a coma with his chest. How do you feel about those psychiatrists who are more useful... they can at least do something at this time... at least they can open their mouths and have a look, you know?..."

But at this time, Lenn from the rostrum outside had already enthusiastically invited Mr. Krivart to take the stage. Felipe's back straightened suddenly. He nodded indiscriminately to Mr. Lovegood, and then the wizards were warmly outside. Amidst the applause, he walked out of the passage.

"Felipe, you walked smoothly!" Lovegood yelled. He shrugged when he saw that the other party hadn't heard him, and then called the subordinate who was in charge of the broadcast on the next TV station, "This... I'm sorry I forgot what your name was. , But you will be responsible for the broadcast of the next thing. I will go to the toilet immediately to make it easier. I eat a little bit at noon... Recently, Maggie’s skill in making colorful ball fish has improved."

"Yes, the head of the station!...eh?" The wizard agreed quickly, and then saw that his head of the station had turned around and started to trot, and he was a little dazed when he was taking out newspapers from his bag and preparing to squat on the toilet. "I am responsible? Just an assistant?"

However, unlike Lovegood’s unreliable performance, fortunately, Mr. Kriwatt outside, apart from walking on the stage at the beginning, after he walked on the rostrum with his head high and chest, he still took it out. The professional attitude of lawyers.

Almost the entire constitution came from Mr. Krivat, who was in the hands of himself and his wife. UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not even read the first issue. Like a few Jiazhen, he began to analyze and explain these laws to the wizards one by one, and also vividly explained them. He fabricated an extrajudicial character named San Zhang and used it to give some examples of crimes so that the wizards who were mostly regarded as legally blind by Mr. Krivat could better understand it.

After analyzing only a few pages, the audience below and the wizards in front of the TV already clapped mechanically after he finished speaking. Compared with the enthusiastic celebration outside, it was a little weirdly quiet here. The wizards on the scene were silent as they listened to the thunder, and the audience was a bit at a loss.

But Mr. Crevat took this as a compliment to him. He explained tirelessly, page after page, the wizards were dizzy, but it was not easy to leave at such a solemn occasion— I can only stare blankly at the outrageously thick and free handbook.

Because in the history of wizards, the legal provisions of the magical world have never been so detailed, strict and detailed, and it sounds like no loopholes have been caught. The magical world has always adopted the rule of man. As a combination of the court and the parliament, the organization is responsible for deliberation. The jurors and judges have a lot of power, rather than the current feeling of governing in accordance with the law, which seems impersonal.

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