Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1486: ? I will only feel sorry for my brother

After a while, the panting sisters were finally turned around like pillars, which caused Alan to stop by feeling a little motion sickness.

"Okay, leave Hermione and Penello aside for now, I feel like I've got a nuisance..." Allen's pale face became paler when he pressed it on his stomach.

"Daisy, if you don't believe my method, I will show you my hand." Emily was a little dazzled after being chased. She seemed to have some rebellious heart and continued to provoke her sister after she first entered puberty." Alan, you come to cooperate with me."

"Didn't I wake up midway? I was not the only witch who was deceived by this liar's tricks, and even Molly from the Order of the Phoenix was deceived!" Daisy, who gave up catching Emily, slumped on the sofa. , "This liar is comparable to Ellen... Emily, let me practice with Ellen. I still don't believe it..."

Emily, who had been relieved of her breath, coughed twice again. She delicately closed her small chin, her lips pursed, and her eyes were moist and pitiful as if she was about to cry. Emily lifted her lollipop, which was not seen to be in the form of a quill pen just after running, and said in a soft voice with some grievances: "Brother, you buy this for me, you Wouldn't girlfriend Penello get angry if she knew?"

"Hey! When did I lie to the witch! I didn't show the eight-tooth smile to the fans!" Allen, who was caught on fire, said to Daisy dissatisfiedly, and then watched Emily start her show. I got goose bumps, "And Emily! I won't cooperate... Uh...cough!"

Emily stretched the sugar quill into Alan’s mouth while Alan was talking, but too much force caused Alan’s throat to be poked with an ulcer...

"If Penello knew that we ate the same sugar quill, she wouldn't be jealous, would she?" She took a sharp breath, twisted her body, and tugged at the corner of Alan's clothes, with a somewhat alarmed and careful tone." If Penello knows, she won't beat me, what a terrible Penello. Unlike me, I will only feel sorry for my brother..."

"That's it?" Daisy was amused by Emily's exaggerated expression. "Emily, you see too many short video jokes on the wizard TV. Why don't you learn this..."

Alan, who was covering his mouth, lost his interest in making fun with his family. He sat on the sofa in a daze. He was touched by the phrase "terrible Penello" just said by Emily. Realizing his situation, now he doesn't think this is a joke...

In the evening, at Granger's house by the Black Lake in Floating City, the kitchen sounded a sonata of pots and pans. Mrs. Granger handled the ingredients in the kitchen and used her magical cooking ability.

In the dining room, Mr. Granger was sitting at the end of the table, and Hermione, who was also planning to solve this problem, took her helper Luna on both sides.

Although it has changed a lot, I still don’t like Nagini, who is too blatant and too close to Muggles. Because of the presence of Luna, he rolls Delphi into the room upstairs and stays when he gets home—the usual death knights It was also because of Mrs. Granger's concerns that they, who could have been free to move around in the room, were temporarily secretly outside the door to prevent these undead creatures from frightening Luna, a petite-looking witch.

"Your mother and I watched the whole game today. You are obviously better than the others." Mr. Granger continued to praise his daughter. "But you have been busy reviewing exams recently and haven't come back to live. At least after graduation. Have a relaxing vacation, right?"

"Oh, actually, I..." Hermione sat forward and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Dad, as I said earlier, I have a..."

At this time Dobby directed some appetizers made by Mrs. Granger from the kitchen to the table.

"Hermione, you have always been the pride of me and her mother. You are very sensible. You have always been an obedient female student and never let us worry." Mr. Granger did not notice that his daughter was interrupted, he leaned on the chair. I put my head on the rainbow fart, and then looked at Luna, "Speaking of Miss Lovegood, but my daughter is a bit too methodical and likes to follow the school rules in everything she does. Study and life are arranged very well...but it is not easy to make friends, because my mother and I welcome you to be a guest at home..."

Because her father's words about liking the rules made Hermione's face flushed, the courage she had just gathered was dissipated again.

"Ah, please feel free to...Miss Lovegood." Mr. Granger watched the motionless people react, and enthusiastically began to greet Luna with his male fork, "Do you want to order the snail first or order some snails." This cucumber salad? This cucumber was taught by Mrs. Zhang...Speaking of which, I began to think that she was talking about fun or some traditional ritual when she wanted to shoot. I didn't expect that this method would actually make cucumbers more delicious than cut..."

"I want to have some pudding first." Luna's finger touched her chin.

Hermione quickly explained: "Dad, it's not a staple food like Yorkshire pudding. She is used to eating dessert first..."

"Oh, ok... please wait..." Mr. Granger tilted his head in amazement, a little confused about this girl's habit, and as a father who hoped that his daughter could have more same-sex friends, he also knew that because he was more comfortable with the magic world. Repairing teeth is not a hassle, he gave up his habitual preaching, but got up and went into the kitchen to prepare Dobby to buy some ready-made ones from a nearby store.

"Luna, do you want to be like Emily said, I'll wait a few more years, and then the baby will tell them." Hermione couldn't see her father, and her entire upper body was leaning on the table, making gestures with her fingers. You just saw it, they thought I was a good girl... totally ignorant of my other dark side..."

"The harassment will soon obliterate your Gryffindor side." Luna was amused by Hermione. She used a fork to get some cucumbers for herself, and she frowned in fear when she saw the chili oil on it. I went down and turned around and said, "Your dad won't force you to eat the baby."

"Oh, you're right, I can't delay any longer, I'm a Gryffindor..." Hermione sighed and strengthened her conviction, then looked at Luna and asked curiously, "How did you give Lovegood What did the sir explain?"

"Huh? Why do I want to tell him?" Luna said with raised eyes in confusion, "My dad is also a Ravenclaw, he can find out by himself."

"What did your father find?" Mr. Granger's voice came from the kitchen. He walked in with the pudding bought by Dobby Teleport, and delivered the pudding to Luna himself. "Look if it suits your taste. I don’t know much about this... well, you like it."

Luna has already answered Mr. Granger with practical actions, she has already eaten it.

"Dad, didn't I just say something I wanted to tell you?" Hermione put her arm on the table, and she said to her father, who didn't want any more ink, "I have two heartbeats now..."

"Two heartbeats?" Mr. Granger was stuck there, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "Didn't you have transformed Animagus successfully?"

"What? How did you know the Animagus process?" Hermione became serious when she heard this, "Dad! Don't try this for you and mom! This is too superb for you, you know how to change. Nimags is very dangerous. One of my classmates almost turned into a cow and didn’t change back... You need to know enough about Transfiguration before you can try it. I will help you then... But I doubt you need to get what you need. It takes a long time for the magic power to grow into place, and I don’t know if it can support you to become magical creatures..."

"It doesn't matter if it's a magical creature, I actually want to become a shark." Mr. Granger said with some confidence. He grabbed his hair like Hermione's usual movements, "You know, the black lake is quite big." I like swimming, and sharks can keep getting new teeth..."

Luna, who was eating pudding on the side, raised her head in surprise at this time. She found that Hermione and her daughter had completely turned the conversation into a preaching topic. The goddess who is usually best at doing this kind of mischievously learned from Hermione. He went straight: "Hermione who has become Animagus, feeling two heartbeats again means that she is pregnant."

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