Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1555: ?Transportation means

In several places, in the Great Wall area where the spells on the head of the shift are not too dense, a large number of undead creatures suddenly emerged from the thick fog. They seemed to have calculated their time, and they waited for this opportunity to attack and suddenly increased. In order to increase the offensive strength, they rushed towards the wall in droves.

This piece of ground was also deliberately selected by the undead. Even if the golems were not supplemented to a state of victory, these constructs should not be able to pick up and suddenly increased to so many undead creatures, and they were pounced by these bone racks and corpses. It was covered tightly, and the undead creatures stopped by the goddess statue on that city wall almost became a hill on the ground.

This area seems to have become a gathering place for undead creatures due to weak defensive strength. An endless stream of low-level creatures stepped on their companions to impact and climb forward, and the dementors also began to swoop down to spread their evil and despair.

But the undead, who have never formed any effective organization, rely on a large number and rely on instinct to act, have actually begun to learn to use tactics and concentrate their firepower advantage. The undead struggled to climb and bite without sacrificing, creating several strong forces. Point of attack.

The wizards on the Great Wall saw that the offensive suddenly became fierce, and they quickly cast their spells to defend. The wizards who were about to change their classes could not take care of their physical and mental exhaustion and continued to attack, while the wizards who succeeded accelerated their pace, as soon as possible. Stand in position to defend.

The sound of footsteps on the Great Wall became chaotic, and the priests of the Ravenclaw Temple also walked to the wall and prayed to the goddess to increase the power of the goddess idol.

But this inability to break through the city wall is just a bait, when the attention of these wizards is attracted by the situation in front of the city wall.

The doors of the alien world, which appeared after the burning of several hideous skulls, appeared one after another in the clear space in the base camp of the wizards behind the city wall. Just after the door was formed, some obviously intelligent advanced undead creatures rushed through the door. Came out.

These undead moved very quickly and the goal was very clear. They directly rushed to the wizards who were resting near the door. The leaders of these attack areas were the leaders who re-mounted the bone horse and took the lead. It was William and Hara. These four death knights, they began to launch a raid in the rear.

And this is also not the main purpose of the undead, because this conspicuous assault quickly attracted the attention and encirclement of wizards who were not on the wall behind.

Just as the atmosphere of war was tense and the city wall was busy and tense, after the Great Wall that Uganda was responsible for, there was a slap next to the extra bunker that defended the explosion of the poisonous horns. Between the places that attracted the attention of the wizards, there appeared a small, skinny house elf with ears as big as a bat, and three or four wizards with it.

Coincidentally, the figure of house elves and wizards with black hoods also appeared under the huge lightning rod in the former area of ​​the United States.

Not only these two places, but on the red sandstone spires arranged in a similar shape to Qutb Minar in India, and the storage room of the golem parts painted in red in Russia, many areas on the Great Wall have teleported a house. The elf brought a combination of three or four wizards.

The house elves stared in horror with protruding eyes the size of a tennis ball, thinking that they shouldn't be in front of a wizard, and found that they were obviously more uncomfortable on the battlefield.

However, the owner of the family they brought over immediately ordered them to act. The Death Eater companions cast their spells quickly and began to build a super strong iron armor curse shield. One of them was also specially crafted with Mentos spells to quickly remove the wizard from A key to the door for space conversion here.

The house elves also got the owner's order and started to build a simple fireplace.

Even though they were not used to this kind of scene, the house elves still started to work on the spot with the contents of the bags they brought with them to cast the non-marking curse.

This kind of life-related magic, these magical creatures perform much better than most wizards who do not specialize in this way, and build a fireplace that is not gorgeous but large enough in a few strokes.

Those Death Eaters began to cast spells on the fireplace, seemingly wanting to build a lot of Floo networks and establish a stable teleportation point.

The house elves who had nothing to do by the side now basically understand the plan of their own people, and their small faces are written with reluctance and guilt. As far as they are concerned, they are against Harry who fights for the rights of the house elves. Sis, even if there are a lot of them, they feel that the rights they are fighting for are too exaggerated and the wages and vacations are too much, but overall they still have a good impression.

And as a creature, these little elves don't think they should help the **** of death.

But for this kind of creatures who are contracted and deliberately developed by wizards to obey, no matter what other reasons, their first creed is to obey the orders of their masters, because they still follow the instructions of the masters of Death Eaters from the pure-blooded family. , UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com puts its orders in the first place and resolutely implement them.

Although the city walls and those alien gates have attracted the attention of most wizards, the movements of the Death Eaters and house elves are still inevitably held in their positions behind, and some blindly rushed to reinforce the other two places. The wizards at the point of undead attack spotted it.

The spell that flew over to prevent them from moving hit the super iron armor curse with a loud noise, which attracted the attention of more wizards around. They became more anxious when they saw the action of the other party, and they already understood the undead. The first two attacks are both pretense, in essence, they want to use the fireplace to build a flyway network to send more enemies.

On the Great Wall, with the exception of a small number of guarded teleportation points dedicated to the apparition of wizards, most of the other areas have been set up with anti-apparition spells, but the gates of the alien world and the house. There is no way to completely prohibit the magic of the elves, as well as the transmission methods they now think of, such as setting up a fireplace and arranging a flyway net.

And the production of those door keys is obviously a kind of backhand, even if this action fails, the enemy has mastered a way that can be transmitted at any time.

If it cannot be stopped in time, the form will only get worse for them.

The wizard in charge of the contact urgently contacted Harris who were still killing the lone enemy in the sky outside to report, let them know the current situation of internal and external troubles.

Except for the wizard who was responsible for the external defense and attack on the wall of the city wall, the other personnel, even the civilian wizards, ran over and joined the ranks of preventing each other.

The spells on the Great Wall were closely intertwined, like countless fireworks exploded in the air, and the sound of the explosion even overwhelmed the battle under the wall.

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