Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1566: ?Let's follow along with mom

From Luna’s words, it not only explained how bad Ellen’s condition is now, but also revealed that she didn’t go in with the hope of victory at this time, but apparently knew that there was nothing to do, and she was holding Ellen. When the fifth grade Ministry of Magic was sucked into the arch, he wanted to enter the underworld with the purpose of not returning for Alan to return safely.

Suddenly, the previous uneasy speculation of Harris and the group was confirmed, and it seemed a little unacceptable for a while.

Albert, who was always worried about his younger brother, burst into tears. Like her husband, the emotional French witch was holding him and patted him on the back to comfort him, but she also sobbed.

Owen's heart twitched, and his deep eyes looked at Luna guiltily, his fingers were tightly pinched together, and he couldn't open his mouth without making a sound.

Emily arched slightly beside him, her toes slapped on the ground, and the tightly-strained little sweet bear narrowed her eyes, and was obviously relieved when she heard that at least Alan might be able to come back.

Hermione pursed her lips. She obviously noticed Emily's expression, and then noticed that Penello's raised brows were now back to their original positions, and her tight face relaxed a little.

Hermione shook her head. She touched her stomach and emphasized with a heavy tone: "This is not a fundamental solution to the problem. Even if Allen can return safely this time, Death will definitely make trouble... and there was no With Luna's words, we guess we can't even resist."

"Hermione is right! Why don't we summon people? At least go in together and fight Helbo?" Albert clenched his fist, secretly looking for someone to take away, "It's better than doing nothing. powerful."

Morgan Lefayy kept hanging her head down to hide her red eyes. Her fingernails pinched out crescent-shaped marks on her palms. At this time, when she heard the words of her elder son, she loosened her clenched hands and slowly raised them. beginning.

The mother looked at Luna firmly and said: "No, let's go together... Whether you are a **** or not, but as my daughter-in-law, you have already endured it once by yourself. We can't be so selfish to make you again... "

This has been approved by many Harris. In this situation, being too passive has made many people feel very angry. On the one hand, their growth has made them more relaxed when facing ordinary wizards and even today's Dark Lord, but On the other hand, no matter how much it grows here, it is still so insignificant when facing death.

"We really shouldn't be so passive." Owen grabbed his wife's shoulders and slowed down. "But we have to consider whether we can really help after entering, or will cause Alan and Luna's burden. ."

"But Dad, it's better than just admitting defeat, right?" Daisy retorted a little dissatisfied with her father's calmness and selfishness.

"Owen is right. Keeping your senses is the most important thing..." Luna's voice resounded in everyone's hearts again. Daisy, Lun, you resist Albert, at least until the final result comes out, don't let them be impulsive." Although she uses Luna's voice, her majesty is irresistible, and her thinking jumps with her in the past. It’s too fast for people to understand. Compared to this time, she introduced it very clearly, “I and Alan have no time to be cloned, Daisy, your mission... And Emily, I will ask you before we come back on Wednesday and Thursday, Naxi Although Sha and the others have taken care of them very carefully, they are still a little bit weaker in their knowledge..."

"I will take good care of them, and use all my abilities... to take them as my own children." Daisy choked and grabbed her fingers to prevent herself from being too gaffe. "But they are still too young. And no one can replace the two of you on knowledge? So it’s better if you teach me and help bring it by yourself..."

Emily, who was mentioned in a plate, inevitably sniffed at this time. She raised her head and looked at Luna sincerely, and nodded solemnly.

The hat on Xenofilius no longer knew where he was flying in the battle, and his gray hair was now scattered behind his head. He was as old as a hundred years old when he heard Luna's voice.

This crazy wizard touched the corners of his mouth, "Luna, you must have been bitten by a goblin. Your dad is very surprised by these thoughts...but to be honest...I...I think you probably shouldn't..."

"Dad..." Luna's voice returned completely to Luna's voice, looking at her father embarrassedly, "No matter how many bugs you kill, you also need mistletoe..."

"Mother, I want to go in with you! I won't be hurt by the underworld, and I don't want to be separated from you and my father again!" At this time, Helena, who was staying with Luna and next to him, let go of her torment for a long time. The skirt, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked at his mother's stern face for an instant, but his heart became heavier and heavier.

The female ghost had this thought just now after reflecting on the reason why your mother introduced her identity, but she felt that her mother would definitely not agree to her request and was thinking about it. Now this step, compared to the fear of losing her parents, she usually Some timid and not talkative, she still plucked up the courage to make a request.

At this time, Ravenclaw lowered his head and seemed to notice her, but her original serious face now began to have a ridiculous smile, which made her look more beautiful, because it was originally intimidating. The expression became softer now.

"Then come with mom."

At this time, on the other side, under the gloomy sky far away from the Great Wall of Underworld, in the duel battlefield between Allen and Death in another section of the Rocky Mountains.

The originally calm ground here has long been devastated, and the gray and ruined land is more scorched and cracked after the explosion, and the broken ground silently announces what kind of battle has been experienced here.

The topography of the gray space polluted by the underworld has been changed forever. The original undulating mountains were cut horizontally by a smooth knife and turned into platforms. Some small hills were even razed to the ground, but the ground was criss-crossed. The gully.

Among the ravines and valleys, there are sharp "forests of stone pillars" one after another.

The mixed stench of sulfur and acid corroded things in this area. On the ground, fragments of rocks, rotten wood, and metal splashed everywhere, and some summoned purgatory creatures fell silently to the ground. The flames on their bodies were still Continuously burning and igniting the bodies of the undead who are also lying nearby.

The cracked rotten wood collar is full of traces of being struck by lightning, and everything is desolate and desolate...

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