Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1501: What crazy talk

"Father, I asked my mother to bring me in." Helena eagerly walked a few steps forward, choking and trembling to explain, "My cry just now killed someone... I want to help..."

"And pull the crotch a few more times, and the prepared pants will not have to be changed." Luna had a teasing smile on her face, her misty eyes glanced at Alan's new pants, and then she If you face Helbo, the **** of death nonchalantly, the ethereal voice sounds: "Mr. Helbo, the gods are inconvenient, too innocent... Magic such as explosions will also blow you up."

The success of this sentence made the wizard very embarrassed, and the male **** on the side was made very uncomfortable because of the fact that he described it bluntly. His lips moved but he didn't say anything.

In the silence, Luna tilted her head, thinking of some topic, beckoned to Helena to move her closer.

"Halbo, this is Helena, the daughter of Ellen and I." Luna pointed to the ghost who was much taller than her at this time, and then pointed her finger at Death. "Helena, this is despicable. Helbo, death."

Although he felt that the atmosphere was deflected and fell into the opponent's rhythm for a moment, the **** of death Haierbo also regained his proper courtesy at this time and leaned slightly towards Helena.

"Hello, Miss Harris."

After speaking, it seemed that something was missing. The old man reached out his hand on the magic robe to find something out as a meeting ceremony, but then realized that the robe on his body could only be regarded as the front robe.

This made the decrees on both sides of the wing of Death’s bone-white cheeks lifted up, and he mocked himself somewhat sullenly: "I'm sorry, I am not much better than Mr. Harris now, but it is between the two ladies. I was rude in front of me."

Immediately, he took off the broken mirrored cloak on his body.

"The material of this mirrored cloak is quite precious. If you don't dislike it, you can take it apart and remake a little shawl or a little hat, which is suitable for ladies, but it's still a bit useful..."

This bucket floated in the air, folded so that it was completely flat, and flew towards the female ghost in the air.

Seeing the mirrored cloak floating in front of her, Helena was also surprised how the scene had become like this now, as if she had been introduced to some elder by her parents.

Although the fierce scenes after the initial prediction of the meeting with the female ghost are different, she has heard her parents say many times how mean and cunning the **** of death is. She doesn't think that the other party will give gifts to the other party. Dare to accept the gift of the other party directly. Those bad things made her translucent head start to work. It is speculated that the death **** Helbo’s deceit, and suspected that if the other party casts a curse on the mirror-shooting cloak, because her acceptance will cause her parents. Cause bad effects.

"Don't thank Helbo? Helena, don't worry about accepting it." Allen sighed helplessly at this time, "Since your mother has come in, and Mr. Helbo's most important goal has been achieved, he will no longer be able to do so. Use the three indiscriminate methods that you can't get on the table."

Hearing Alan say this, Helbo's closed lips loosened, and the big yellow eyes that were unforgettable for the two were bent, which made the wrinkles on his forehead look more.

"Miss Harris, your parents are equally smart..." Death praised, and even said kindly, "Please don't worry about your safety. My next words may be offensive... But please don't mind, ghosts are not Living things, in the strict sense, are produced by the dead who are too attached to the world of the living, or who dare not come to me..." He turned his head and assured Luna, "Since you have all been on the appointment, I won't be embarrassed. Junior...in fact, I will not leave her in the underworld, although strictly speaking she does not belong to me or there..."

There was no lightness or gratitude. Allen's nerves were tense, and the pressure from the current crisis strangled his throat, and the powerless feeling of sinking into the deep bound him deeply: now Luna and Death have taken pictures of each other. Now, it will be difficult for her to leave the underworld again...

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels the bone-chilling chill. The despair makes him lose his figure when he has just mastered the new power. In the battle with himself before, the **** of death is only a human form, and he can't beat him in this home court belonging to the **** of death. , Then if the opponent returns to the heyday of the gods and starts to fight, then the place he can help in the battle between the two gods, although not completely useless, will appear to be more limited here.

As a god, Luna was also a living creature, so here is definitely not the opponent of the death **** Helbo.

"How do I start? Still have to invite me to eat first? Do you still have any Greek cut cakes?"

Luna said, behind her, the giant dragon suddenly shrank, and the five dragon heads quickly overlapped like a phantom, and they converged to look like Luna, with pale complexion and very eyebrows. The light and silver eyes protruded, and the light golden hair was flowing behind him like water waves, looking trance, obviously exuding a weird and erratic temperament.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't prepare so many copies before." Reaper was a little embarrassed when asked, and then glanced at Helena with a more difficult expression, "Why don't you let Miss Harris go back before you start?"

"No, I'll get her to the sky first."

Luna responded that before Helena expressed disagreement, the clone behind her who had just turned from the fire dragon back to Luna had stretched out her slender and white palms, bending her five fingers to make a grasping motion, and Helena went up and down. On the left and right were wrapped some shields of the prison fence composed of force fields, and then flew into the high sky suspended by her imprisoned by her.

"Well, it's always a good thing to let her know more." Allen also looked a little away at this time, holding up his staff and preparing to wait and do his best.

"Then Helbo, let Alan go out after the fight? He is now full of worry. He would definitely not want to let him go out and run in by himself." Luna tilted her head towards Alan, with light golden curly hair. Slipping off his shoulders, he sang with a negotiating tone.

The **** of death Helbo hadn't spoken yet, Allen stood up straight with his staff leaning on his staff, and yelled anxiously.

"What are you talking about, Luna!" Seeing Luna's intention to reveal again, it was like giving Crookshanks to force a weight loss, and Allen's voice was trembling. "When I got out of that cauldron at the beginning, , Have you forgotten what I said? Just be together, don't think too much about talking nonsense!"

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