"Penello, are you a vampire?" Alan stroked the wound on his neck and couldn't help quipping.

Penello lay lazily on the long table, heard the words, narrowed his eyes slightly, elbowed back, raised his upper body, facing Allen, revealing a slightly evil smile.

She suddenly leaned forward, giving Allen an illusion of kissing-and then Penello suddenly and playfully ...

Unexpectedly, feeling astringent, Allen froze for a moment, then laughed.

Penello had already loosened his mouth, gave Allen a provocative look, and turned and jumped off the long table.

"Penello!" Allen said suddenly.

Penello turned around and curled his back with **** ripples. She glanced at him sideways and ignored it.

Leaning over, she picked up the clothes on the ground.

"Penello!" Allen called again.

"Don't make trouble, I have to go back to the library ..." Penello began to adjust his shoulder strap.

"No, Penello, I just want to say, you don't have to hurry ..." Allen learned his father's appearance to make him look innocent. "Our data hasn't been measured yet!"

Penello simply put down his clothes and held his wand— "A tape measure is flying."

The magic tape measure, long forgotten in the corner, flew towards Penello.

Penello held the tape measure and raised his eyebrows and asked, "What data is needed?"

Allen couldn't help but open his mouth and gave up some insignificant plans.

Penello handsomely tossed the tape measure in the air, the tape stretched freely several times in the air, and then flew to Penello, from shoulder to fingertip, from wrist to elbow, leg to floor, knee to armpit under……

It didn't take long for a complete and detailed data to be presented to Alan.

Penello did n’t want to be sweet with Alan, but her schedule for today was already planned. Tomorrow, a graduation party for a training class would be held. She could n’t get away and had to rush back as soon as possible.

The two finished washing quickly, and Penello was so radiant and amazing.

Retrieving the magic robe from the door handle, Penello looked at Allen with a smile.

Allen touched his nose and smiled to restore the original decorations and stationery on the long table.

After being separated from Penello, the refreshed Allen flicked the parchment in his hand and went to the West Tower with great enthusiasm, sending Banny to give the data to Mr. Harris.

After taking Luna, Hermione, Penello, and their data to Banny, Alan was again involved in intense training.

After training, Geraldine told everyone a message that caused cheers from all players.

This Sunday, the English Quidditch team will usher in the first game-against the Irish national team.

And this preliminary match was actually held at Hogwarts.

"We were so lucky!" Batman George Cohen showed his big white teeth with joy.

"Lucky also requires effort to get it." Geraldine glanced at George with a silly smile and continued to explain.

"Professor Dumbledore approached me and asked if he could apply to set the preliminary round at Hogwarts. To make the life of his little wizards more colorful and ease their nervousness as the final exam approached."

Geraldine shrugged, thinking about the kind expression on Professor Dumbledore's face when he found him.

In Geraldine's heart, if he was out of place with Dumbledore, he would choose this way.

Setting the preliminary round at Hogwarts not only allows students to watch the game for free and enrich their learning life; more importantly, it also expands and decorates the Quidditch playing field for free; it can also increase the influence of Hogwarts force.

It's just a multi-task.

"I applied to the Department of Magical Sports. After several negotiations, they finally decided to set the preliminary venue at Hogwarts."

Geraldine was a little excited to see everyone's expression, and decided to cool down their enthusiasm so that they would not relax their vigilance.

“It ’s not particularly difficult for Ireland. After all, they all graduated at Hogwarts and are familiar with Hogwarts.”

"Haha, I still remember Lynch, that stupid and daring, in order to prove that he is a warrior, actually went to challenge the beaten Liu, the arm was broken."

"And Ryan, in order to pursue Angelina, she was full of roses under the table cloth in the auditorium. When Angelina came in, everyone raised a rose for her, only the rose in his hand, because The movement was too big, the flowers fell off, and only the sticks were left! "

Everyone laughed and talked about the funny things they knew.

The Irish Quidditch players who were remembered by these players came to Hogwarts early on Friday afternoon.

The members of the Irish Quidditch National Team wore uniform light green robes and flew into Hogwarts on a brand new fire crossbow.

This aroused the warm cheers of the little wizards of Hogwarts.

At Hogwarts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ news is always circulating very quickly, everyone is very familiar with the players of the England national team.

For Irish stars, they are still very curious.

Simon, who is of Irish descent, was extremely excited and put the resumes of Irish stars on his mouth.

There are many wizards like Simone in the castle, but more are students who support the England national team.

Allen has received unprecedented courtesy at Hogwarts these past few days. In the hearts of the little wizards, he represents not only the national team, but also Hogwarts.

The hottest topic in the castle now is the upcoming Quidditch match preliminary.

Basically everyone will ask: "Do you support England or Ireland?"

Harry had some minor worries recently, and because of Allen's reasons, he naturally supported England.

But when he found out, Ron preferred Ireland and often stayed with Simone and others to discuss.

At this time, the atmosphere between Harry and Ron was tense.

Unlike Ron, Allen was surprised to find that the most polite to him was Slytherin, who was once unhappy!

The shrewd Slytherins did not want to be an enemy of Allen.

On the one hand, Allen's strength far exceeds Tongji's, and the future is unlimited.

Secondly, the Slytherins value honor, and when there are foreign forces stationed, they instinctively fell to Allen, who represented Hogwarts and England.

In the end, they all got their parents' advice-make sure to make good to Allen, Mr. Harris's status in the Ministry of Magic is rising, and his power is gradually rising.

Gryffindor's Percy, now every time he sees Allen, has to run over to cheer him on, and apologizes for Ron's support for Ireland and the indifference to Allen.

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