Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 44: The experience of the potion master (modified, modified typos)

Quickly leaving the Ravenclaw common room, before Allen walked into the Quidditch stadium, he heard the cheers of the Gryffindors echoing in the cold sky, which was also mixed with the roar of Slytherins And moaning.

Alan quickly walked up to the stand where Ravenclaw was located. It was very different to watch the game from the standpoint of the audience and to participate in person. Allen saw the little lions roaring from the Gryffindor stand opposite. In terms of the style of the academy, if it is not Ravenclaw's most inclusive and too cold for heterogeneity, the most opposing colleges should be Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

"The thief is still missing, isn't it?" Allen asked Roger, who was frowning frantically recording data.

"Yes, I haven't seen the strength of the players on both sides. They haven't found the golden snitch yet. But Gryffindor's chasers and batters are very strong, especially the batters, They cooperated more closely this year. "Roger turned his gaze to the Weasley brothers soaring freely in the sky, and looked envious, and then suddenly asked with some doubt," You have a bad stomach, so convenient to go for so long? " I heard that you are on Halloween. Maybe you should ask Cedric ’s father, Mr. Amos Diggory. I heard from my aunt that he was showing off Cedric with love and easy constipation in the Ministry of Magic. famous."

"They are twins, living together from small to large, it is strange to cooperate with each other. But our team's batter is also very good. For example, you, although you were playing this position for the first time that day, Is n’t it good? ”Alan, who had n’t explained much, could only digress, and complimented Roger to lift his chest.

"Oh, of course, I'm the best batter at Hogwarts!" Roger's blond soft hair and his white teeth shone in the sun, plus his identity as Captain Quidditch Attracted the attention of many little witches around.

"Roger, can you borrow your telescope?"

"Of course, I brought a lot." Roger felt like a particularly reliable captain.

Raised the binoculars, and Alan struggled to look at a small spot in the sky—that was Harry. Harry was gliding up and down lightly in the high air. Obviously, he looked around and found no trace of the golden snitch.

Allen looked at the game with ease. After the nervousness in the previous challenge, sleepiness only filled his body. When he was really relaxed, he especially missed the four-foot bed of Ravenclaw at that moment. It feels soft and wrapped in sky blue silk.

"Golden Snitch!" Roger's scream lifted the spirits of the wizards around him, "Potter found the Golden Snitch!"

Allen immediately raised his glasses, Harry was diving quickly, but unfortunately, Slytherin's Marcus Flint deliberately kicked him and knocked him away.

"So-after the obvious and mean cheating foul just now-" commentator Lee Jordan can no longer control his anger.

But no matter how angry the spectators are, the game has to continue—although Gryffindor gets a free throw, he also loses the chance to win.

While many people were still immersed in anger, Harry's broom was shaking uncontrollably. Slytherin also quickly pulled back a ball to offset the loss made by the opponent's free throw just now. Few people would pay attention to the golfer without finding the Golden Snitch.

Harry's broom twitched and twisted frantically all the way, slowly and increasingly moving Harry away from the field.

"Harry is in trouble." Alan was the first to find out that Ravencrowley was wrong. Roger next to him quickly pointed his telescope towards Harry. Harry's flying broom began to roll and roll, he could only Barely supported not to fall, which finally caught the attention of other audiences.

Under the eyes of all eyes, the flying broom was frantically twisted again, and Harry was dumped by his own broom-but unlike many of the inherent impressions of the glasses who are prejudiced and not agile enough, Harry responded fast enough. Successfully let one hand grab the broomstick and hang it in the air. The audience on the stands had no intention of watching the game. Many people exclaimed at the moment when Harry fell.

Alan pointed her telescope at Hermione and followed her in the crowd-Miss Masterstone managed to light Professor Snape ’s robe this time, and Professor Chilo was also hit by the air and wrapped in a headscarf The back of his head also hit the ground heavily and slid for a short distance.

Harry regained control of the broom and landed safely, spit the golden thief from his mouth.

Gryffindor won, but even with the final addition of 150 points, the Gryffindor score is not high. For the two teams playing today, the total score in the College Cup competition It will be very unfavorable, but for the Ravenclaws who played the offensive game last time, this is good news.

"We were pretty lucky to lead the other three teams by many points, but in any case, Gryffindor has a talented looking player this year, they are a powerful opponent." Roger closed his notebook and put The book lock was also locked up, and he now looked full of war.

"For other academies, we are the opponents they should worry about the most!" Through the hustle and excitement, Alan smiled at Roger with an encouraging smile, "Gryffindor, let's see you in the game!"

One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts School woke up from a dream and found several feet of snow covering the ground, and the lake was covered with hard ice. Despite the coldness, Alan's mood was as beautiful as March and March. He finally completed the library task of the system layout, and successfully obtained the book of the potion master Verto, which recorded the production methods of various ancient magic potions.

Although many of the ingredients in the formula have disappeared in the era of Allen, and some ingredients have been proved by modern potions to be feudal superstition products that actually have no effect-such as coins in the pockets of dead people or saliva of lying witches Kind of stuff.

But some of the lost theories made Allen study more and more to feel his ignorance, letting him wander in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Unlike Allen, most of the little wizards at Hogwarts did not put their minds on study. They were eagerly looking forward to the coming long vacation.

Although the public lounge in Ravenclaw has a private enchantment of Dean Flivi who loves students, the auditorium is also burning blaze, which is very warm, but the corridors that blow through the hall wind become cold and bitter, the window glass of the classroom It was also rattled by the cold wind.

The worst thing for students is that Professor Snape ’s classes are all in the underground classroom, and they form a white mist in front of them, so they have to stay as close as possible to their hot crucible.

Allen, who just got the book of the potion master Verto, was extremely positive about taking the potion class. He could n’t help but experiment with the pharmaceutical methods in the potion master Verto book privately, and he was also very serious Listening to Professor Snape ’s explanation, even if he recently restored the bad face of that cold old bat to him, but in order to strengthen his foundation, under the contrast of ancient and modern potion theory, Alan felt his potion Great progress has been made in the level, and there has been a tendency to move away from copybooks and begin to change from knowing how to change to knowing why to do so.

As a master potion class, Professor Severus Snape also clearly discovered that Allen is different. He is impeccable about Allen ’s potions, and even gradually finds that Allen has often been in the potion class. Trying not to use the pharmaceutical methods he taught is not a word.

This seems incredible to other students. Except for the students of Slytherin, Professor Snape seems to have a different view of Allen. Although his habitual criticism and sarcasm are inevitable, he not only never actually looked for it. Allen ’s stubble did not deduct his points, and even occasionally stood next to him to give instructions-after nearly half of the semester, everyone can judge Professor Snape ’s sneer and irony at this time. Others, especially Harry Potter, were different. In this way, he taught Alan Harris of Ravenclaw some potions he did n’t teach to other students.

But this also brings a worse experience for other poor students. After watching the production process of excellent students, the operations of those poor students seem to be more unbearable for Professor Snape. He has increased the irony and punishment to make these little wizards full. Attacked by double freezing of spirit and body-especially Neville Longbottom of Gryffindor suffered from Snape ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The potion is actually pretty good, but because of a group with Neville Foleg Brown has suffered.

It ’s not just the potions class. Allen ’s performance in other courses this semester is also amazing enough for a first-year student to be absolutely stunning. When there is a big gap with a person, only look up, and pull Wenkelau's atmosphere is also obviously different from Gryffindor's attitude towards this kind of good student, so no one came to trouble Allen.

The semester is not over, everyone thinks that the first grade of the final exam must be Allen. Except for the second place Miss Allstone Hermione Granger, it seems that she is still trying to perform in the classroom and compete with Allen in the competition. In order to look forward to catching up with Allen on the extra points, other people also put their goals on the third place.

Of course, excellent students also have the troubles of excellent students, that is, it is easy to become a teacher's helper.

For example, on the eve of Christmas at this moment, Allen was called by his dean and Professor of the Curse class, Flitwick, to help decorate Christmas decorations. He and several senior high school students used their wands to spray a string String golden bubbles and hang them on the branch of the newly moved tree by Hagrid.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the auditorium looks beautiful and magnificent. Walls are covered with pendant ribbons of holly and mistletoe. Twelve tall Christmas trees are erected everywhere in the room. Some trees have shiny small icicles, and some trees have hundreds of candles flashing on them.

The Gryffindor trio Harry, Ron, and Hermione also followed Hagrid into the auditorium, and did not find Allen who was standing beside the pine tree. Allen was about to say hello and just heard Harry Said to Hagrid: "Since you mentioned Nicole Lemay, we have been trying to figure out who he is."

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