Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 811: Martyrdom for Miss Granger

() Chapter 811 of Harry Potter's Invincible Scriptures is buried for Miss Granger. "This devil has the same ability as Allen, and can sense in advance what magic others are using!" Hermione Abandoning the idea of ​​telling Allen through a perceptual mark, Bayer is Lucius informing Allen that the big devil who was bought by the mysterious man to assassinate Allen must have come to Allen, "Since After knowing this news, Luna has always guaranteed that at least one avatar stays with Allen. Even if the devil finds that Allen is not here, there will be no big problem running to Diagon Alley to find them. "

Hermione frowned and glanced at the outline like a huge human figure, and like a shadow of a wandering movement, the core of which was the blazing Bayer, took Ginny's hand, and fled with the panic-screaming and crowded crowd Go, "We first rushed out of Hogsmeade Village, and then I will take you away with a phantom to notify Alan that they are coming."

Ginny squeezed her wand in her hands, and she was noisy and pale and nodded obediently. She also saw the end of the Aurors who wanted to phantom in front of the devil. They wanted to escape directly when his face was obviously not. May succeed.

Hermione greeted her female companion with a short scream. When she saw that the devil began to perform the implosion technique that made people disintegrate from the inside, she knew that she must not be Bayer's opponent, and the two little witches quickly Shuttle and try to escape in the opposite direction to the devil.


With a single syllable that Bayer read out at random, suddenly a huge panic shrouded them. They stood in place and could not move, not just Hermione and Ginny, all the wizards in this large area on the street They were all shrouded in "Law: Shock" by Bayer, unable to move their footsteps. All the purchases they carried in their hands, and the magic wands they took out of their hands fell to the ground.

How could the devil suddenly appear in front? Hermione ’s pupils were wide open, her eyelashes twitched slightly, and the gap between herself and the other party was far beyond her imagination. Under his shock, he did n’t want to run out of Hogsmead to inform Allen, and now he would do it even if he moved Less than.

"When Alan Harris's beloved fell down on the ground wailing and let her eventually stain the earth, then I will complete the contract." Bayer's burning yellow eyes stared at Hermione, the goat-like horns on his head gently Shaking, black poisonous droplets sizzled onto the ground under his feet, hissed, and the affected plants withered instantly, and the wind turned into ashes and scattered.

"Is the goal of the devil's trip actually his own ?!" Hermione was startled when he heard Bayer's words.

Bayer looked at Hermione playfully with his elegant voice with an old rhyme, winked at her and said aloud in the distance, "If the target of the deal and I ran away, I wouldn't have a good relationship, you must know that you are from the UK The pure-blood families gave me a tribute that I could not refuse, so I had to say sorry to Mr. Allen Harris. "

Suddenly and unexpectedly, everything happened so suddenly, Her Sensitive was very unwilling. She seemed to foresee her next situation. Her brain was spinning rapidly, desperately thinking about the way to get out, but she was moving continuously. When she couldn't do it, Miss Masterstone had no idea for a moment, and she always thought of a way at the crisis. She didn't know how to get out of the crisis.

Hermione had many thoughts in his mind, and the other party directly said that the tribute provided by the British pure blood family was seriously misleading. Although it could not be wrong, the devil did not mention that the pure blood family were death eaters under the mysterious people. Is he trying to provoke the conflict between Harris and the pure blood family? So you want to kill yourself? Hermione even came up with the idea of ​​whether Lucius Malfoy had betrayed, otherwise how the information he passed and the real situation had such a big deviation. Her amber pupils were squinted round, and mottled bloodstains were faintly visible inside, and cold sweat rolled from her forehead drop by drop.

"Avada Suo Ming!" A green light flew straight to Bayer, and Allen's armed Auror, defending Pupai and Bruto, rushed toward Hermione with a determined wand.

The life-threatening spell that Bruto had just shot through those black mists, centered on the devil's red skin, but the spell only turned the devil in the flames and shadows around-the green light hit him As mud bulls enter the sea, there is no wave.

Pupai's heart sank. His eyes swept over the wizards who had lost their ability to act under the devil's shock, knowing that he was definitely not the opponent of the devil in front of him.

"We are Aurors and can't hold back, let alone Miss Granger." Pupai clenched the wand in his hand, staring at Bayer, and said to Bruto, who didn't reply, but his ugly face Some are grim, but their eyes are firm.

Originally, because Allen went to the temple event today, it was inconvenient to bring guards as a voter, so as not to appear high-profile, and they do not have the duty to do so today. They habitually came to the Hogsmeade three broom taverns to relax and found out the changes After they rushed out and heard Bayer ’s words, they knew that his target turned out to be Hermione Granger. Knowing the importance of Hermione to the umbrella company and to Allen, they ignored their own safety and rushed up to want Protect Hermione.

Bayer's strength made Pupa and Bruto have no solution. Facing such a terrible enemy, Pupa and Bruto looked at each other and made the final decision.

Seeing the power of Bayer, the faction has been completely desperate. He has no hope of which magic of his own will destroy this enemy in front of him, and he no longer expects to survive, but he is still full of hope, praying that he can hold back For a moment, Bayer asked Bruto to rescue Miss Granger, even if it was only to give Miss Hermione Granger a breathing moment, his sacrifice would not be meaningless.

"I'm going, I can't let my respect put more pressure on the wizards." Bruto smiled at Pupai-at the World Cup, Albert joked about his appearance and did not allow him to stay When he came down to heal the wounded wizard, he would now use this sentence to make a joke. He was actually determined to die, and he did not even plan to attack.

"No, Olivo is still waiting at home ..."

Without waiting for the generals to continue, Bruto cast himself an armor to keep it in front of him.

Time is tight and imminent, and Pupai did not dispute with Bruto to drag the devil's candidate. Two tacitly quickly pulled the smoke bombs carried on the h94 uniform and tossed out the pull ring one by one. In the diffuse smoke, Pupai handsome The face became serious and gloomy, frowning, and quickly rushed towards Hermione.

However, Hermione was in a state of being "terrified", and several magic spells tried by Generalists could not be lifted. In anxiety, Generalists had to hold Hermione and Ginny next to her on one side and hold them back.

At this moment, Bruto's screams made him turn back uncontrollably, only to see Bruto ... Several parts of Bruto were thrown to the ground in an arc from the air, stirring up a dust, gurgling blood Flowing out of him, stained the street under him. And there has been no trace of Bayer there.

Pupa bit his lips tightly, his eyes split, and suddenly felt a pain in his chest. Hermione and Ginny rolled off his shoulders. Pupa lowered his head and found that his body was caught by the devil's hand. He lifted into the air, and the Pupa ribs began to break in Bayer's increasing strength. He raised his arm reluctantly and lifted his wand hard, pointing directly at Bayer, "Awada ..."

Bayer's burning yellow eyes gazed playfully at the struggling wizard in his hand, and stopped the execution of his execution. His cold, polite voice sounded again: "Warrior Auror, I appreciate your loyalty, now Give you a choice, if you give up, I will let you go; if you still want to continue, then I will give you a chance to attack me. "

After that, Bayer opened his large mouth with venom, his mouth full of fangs and a strong odor of sulfur exposed to the Puppies, it seemed to have the appearance of wanting to swallow the Puppies' life-spelling mantra.

"Guardian guard." To Bayer's surprise, a silver swan flew out of the top of the Pip's wand and quickly burrowed into his mouth. Bayer raised his other hand slightly in a panic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Grabbed the swan's neck, tightened his fists, and a few strands of black smoke overflowed from his mouth and palm.

With a mouthful of smoke, Baier coughed and angrily stamped the handsome face of the dead Pope into mud, then raised his uninjured hand and snapped his fingers under the eyes.

Just like when Allen and Luna were making that great Arcanist's Staff, they sold Beyle's subordinate Abyssal Demon Amon to them, a trace of mist appeared on the bodies of Pupa and Pluto. , Slowly rotating and gathering in the air, and finally compressed into two strange soul gems, the faces of howling two before the death flashed from time to time inside the gem.

Witnessing the death of the familiar Pupa and Bruto in person, Hermione's body trembled. The screams of the wind, the sound of bones being crushed, the screams of Pope and Bruto before she died, the only thing she could do without closing her eyes was the tears.

At the moment, blood was spilling from the streets of Hogsmead, and Bayer's body bowed slightly, lowering his head and simultaneously manipulating both pupils to look in different directions around him. His burning, steam-diffusing flame mane followed The wind swayed and the jumping flames made him look majestic even with such a gentleman's move. The momentum was astonishing: "In order to show respect and apology, maybe I should let all the people in the village come to bury the Lady Granger ? "

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