() Taking advantage of the confusion, Bayer carefully put an ice cream all over his left hand, his right hand extended his fingers with claws to the open space full of centipede corpses in front of his eyes, and a strange syllable uttered in his mouth. Out of thin air, there appeared a woman with a beautiful and soul-stirring beauty, which still made people feel enchanted under full armament.

Huge red wings spread behind the woman. She held a magical rope wrapped around her left arm. She wore a crooked horned helmet with curved and shiny heads. She was tight from head to toe. The ground is wrapped in black armor and outlined with red lines.

Bayer summoned the desires that once appeared in the Hogwarts Wizards. Although they can only be regarded as mid-level demons, and they are better at confusing than fighting, this is obviously not the case. He threw out his own rope.

On this side, a very small conical crystal appeared in Professor Flitwick ’s left hand. His wand was facing the crystal dragged with his left hand a bit, and an extremely cold force poured out from his wand. There was an explosion, and the heat in the large cone-shaped area that he faced seemed to be evacuated in an instant, and was occupied by the cold.

The Demon ’s huge red wings were folded together and wrapped in it to protect it, but the Demon, who was frostbitten because of Flitwick ’s curse, closed her eyes slightly and remembered the strange syllables of Bayer just now, but when she When it opened again, four barbs covered with barbs and long thorns, and their faces covered with many tentacles and snake-like beards, and even barbs with tails covered with barbs appeared on her. With professors and Aurors. Update the fastest mobile terminal ::

The face of these lower-level devil in armor is more rugged, and their sharp fangs, knotted muscles, and the jagged machete in their hands all show their badness.

Taking advantage of the gap between Professor Flivi's spell on the barb demon, the magic glowing rope in the Demon's hand is like a flying snake, its head swings back and forth slightly, fast and accurately wrapped Reaching Professor Flitwick's waist, the professor who was wielding his wand was instantly lifted and pulled high into the air, as if the intention was to raise him to a high place in the sky and then toss him to death.

Despite the cold weather, in Hogsmeade, many shops still maintain many ivy, clematis and other plants in the magical arrangement at the door, with carefully planted potted plants to add vitality and vitality to the winter. Professor Sprout glanced over these plants, and then shouted to the Aurors around him: "Hannaford, you cover me."

The three armed Aurors glanced at each other, and in this case expressed their obedience to the order of the former herbal medicine professor who was in front of them, and they were trained to start the operation in tacit agreement. One of the Aurors continued to cast super-strong armor curses in front of them, forming a dense wall of iron armor curses in order to block the attacks of those barb demon.

The other two Aurors raised their wands and stretched out, and three huge **** dogs appeared in the open space. The captain named Hannaford summoned both ends out once, and they directed towards those who were Use the serrated machete to hack off the barb of the super-strong armor curse.

The top of Professor Sprout ’s wand was aimed at the plants. The vines were like activated long snakes, arbitrarily growing wildly, and quickly meandering towards the battlefield.

Professor Sprout took out a handful of seeds from the bag he carried with him, and lifted them. The seeds fell into the ground from the air as if they were alive, and then burrowed down like a worm.

Feilunze stood tall, put the sword that he had taken from the quiver in his right hand on the string, stretched his arms and pulled the bow, and the bow was full of moon, and he did not see him aiming deliberately. The arrow hit a barb demon at the same time. The barb demon's eyes, throat, chest and abdomen were deeply inserted by an arrow, shaking a few times in place, and hitting the ground with a bang.

Mentioned by the demon's activation rope that Professor Flivi in ​​the air was not struggling randomly, his thick white hair was blown up in the air, and Professor Flivi adjusted his posture with his wand and tied it around his waist. 'S activation rope, cast a spell in a short period of time: "Relax and let go."

The activation rope instantly became loose and collapsed, and it lay on the waist of Professor Flitwick. It then broke and fell from the sky.

"Speed ​​shock absorption." Professor Flitwick applied a shock absorption spell to himself, and fell from the sky. He saw the barb demon who was hit by Falenze's precise arrow and fell to the ground. "Well done Beautiful, Ferenze. "

It was just horrifying that Professor Curse's arrows re-engaged by the praised Ferenze turned on himself this time, and the professor who fell to the ground quickly applied himself with armor.

Professor Flitwick looked at the dull eyes and desires of the fellow horsemen. It sounded a bit creepy and smirked, and he was clear. The desires took advantage of Ferenze while fighting Barbarian, while taking advantage of Feren The moment when Ze wins the spirit of relaxation, he charms him and exercises mental control over him. Only then can this kind of situation of his own beating himself.

Many strong-willed wizards can even get rid of the control of the soul-recaping man alone, but unlike the wizard, the horse people are less resistant to such spells.

With a wave of his wand, the shield made by the iron armor easily blocked the magic arrow from the controlled Ferenze, but Professor Flivi was a little distressed, wanting to fight Demon and Feren Under Ze ’s joint attack, helping his colleagues lift the spell without harming Ferenze is really not a simple matter. In order to avoid causing too much damage to Ferenze, many of the powerful magic spells mastered by the professor of magic spells cannot be cast.

As a former duel champion, Professor Flitwick did not get confused because of their joint attack. He faced the Demon and the Horseman alone, resisting their attack, calmly looking for the opportunity to attack the Demon. But the devil tactics, known for being cunning, are not rigid. In addition to letting the horse man resist in front of her, the devil also occasionally makes the barb devil attack the horse man when Flitwick is preparing to cast a spell. The professor of curses was shrunken.

On the side of the barb demon, when a companion was killed, these low-level demons wrinkled their noses to reveal their sharp teeth, and those disgusting flesh kept shaking. He raised his arms, which were thicker than the thighs of ordinary people. Mud-like flesh and blood flew out of the ground. They rolled and moved on the ground, with deformed and swollen faces and stubborn limbs on their The "body" appears and disappears from time to time. ??

I just summoned a **** dog to open a mouth full of fangs, and sprayed a mass of energy similar to the ice cone technique used by Professor Flitwick to these flesh groups. The difference is that this time The energy is composed of flames, and a small group of inferior magic cones in this range are regarded as combustible objects by this flame, and are instantly ignited, but those barb demon are completely safe, even if it is a low-level devil, flames and toxins are also Can't hurt them.

In the blaze of fire, the inferiors waved their stubby limbs wildly, walked swaying a few steps before falling to the ground. But many other evil monsters are like the tide, ignoring the flame and continue to move forward slowly, and try to use the claws on the flesh to tear the **** dog, but the agile opponent easily escapes, but unless other devil uses Commands or bad monsters are all destroyed by telepathy, otherwise they will not stop. This also makes the fat on their bodies that are subsequently ignited crackling under the flames of fire ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ pungent smell The smell permeated the field.

The inferior demon is not one of the lowest devil in the middle, and they ca n’t communicate without the brain. They can only sense the telepathic information transmitted by other advanced devil, and will obey the other party ’s commands. In fact, they are not even treated as devil by other devil. Look, although in addition to the special cases of being directly promoted by the upper devil and the special existence of the Devil, even the deep prison refining is also promoted step by step from this piece of meat.

Bayer summons the Devil, Desire calls the Barb Devil, and the Barb Demon calls the Devil. This fighting method reveals the extreme bureaucracy of the devil's society. As the embodiment of order and evil, the devil is in accordance with the strictest class system Come to act and be happy to do this, layer by layer, order the lower devil to fight for himself, which is completely reasonable in the devil's cognition.

This kind of thing has no advantage other than the number. Even the younger students of Hogwarts can easily solve it with a few spells. It is just the purpose of the barbs. They are not expecting them to actually kill. Who died.

For professors and Aurors, these inferior demons are even less dangerous. The only organs that can work normally in these inferior demons are stubby limbs. The three **** dogs can do it. Suppress these things, but because of the large number, they have successfully hindered their pace.

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