() Aware of the threat, the Hundred-armed Demon stopped the rampage charge, and instead used the dense tentacles to grab some broken trees and stones and threw them at the hunter spider. They hit the hunter spider covered with exoskeleton armor. There was a thumping sound in the abdomen, and he was bounced away.

The uninjured hunter spider Rose was irritated by the boldness of this lower-level demon. Its figure disappeared in place, using its teleportation ability to reach the Baimu ghost demon instantly from top to bottom. When the mouth opened, a large piece of silver-white tough sticky net hit the demon head-on.

The devil stretched out those tentacles to tear these webs, and at first it was easy to get rid of the entanglement, but as the demon spider spit out more and more webs, those strong webs even wrapped some of its arms tightly around each other. , Layer after layer, circle after circle.

The demon spider with rich experience in demon hunting in the spider web that it spit out, and began to crawl towards the Baimu ghost demon freely. The sharp limbs will poke the eyes of the devil's palm and tear off the arms that are caught by the spider web —— The demons given high hopes by the Death Eaters did not show any strength except killing several Death Eaters themselves. It seems that they will be solved by the Demon Spider.

At the same time, the spider silk just spit out the seemingly waste, but in fact, the cactus and the tree have been connected into a cobweb to separate its prey from other Death Eaters. These sticky silks are very serious. Slowed the speed of the Death Eaters who tried to help.

Selwyn carefully used magic spells to disperse the scattered spider silks in front of him. He wanted to burn them with fiery flames, but worried that the companions that would be entangled in the spider silks would also be burned to death. He glanced away. Penello, who released the demon spider and had nothing to continue, complained with fright: "Unlucky! This witch can be encountered in the UK!"

"Selwyn! Don't stand silly, don't worry about these Aurors, and rush over, they are too late to stop all of us! Grab Lockhart and withdraw!" Dolfin's left hand covered himself with a severe pain from the wound. In his chest, his right hand fired a life-spell on the demon spider, but because it just hit its carapace, it bounced off like a bounce.

Although he was not hit by the key, which was not covered by the carapace, the demon spider that felt threatened was still attracted by Dolfin. The compound eye of the demon spider looked at Dolfin and raised two from a distance. Giant claw.

Seeing that he had attracted the hatred of the other party, Dolphin's face changed suddenly, revealing a horrified look. He was so scared that he stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. His eyes were full of terror, and his heart was cold.

"Don't get entangled with it, the few of you follow me to grab Lockhart!" Selwin screamed at the opportunity and greeted several Death Eaters to stop ignoring the battlefield in front of them, so that they began to distort in a short distance. Going behind the umbrella and rushing to find Lockhart's trail.

Penello rubbed the ground with his feet impatiently. The wand in her hand was about to participate in the attack personally. The wolf mother quickly calmed down and said: "We must be the final victory, Miss Krivat."

"If our camp hasn't been cleaned up, it's been destroyed, or it attracted people from Vagato ... Do you want to stay in this ghost place again?" Penello looked around and looked at the wolf mother who had been pulling her. As a guard, the wolf mother has been persuading Penello not to shoot-but now the wolf mother obviously has no way to use this as an excuse to persuade Penello.

No longer talking nonsense, Penello directly collected his little wand and replaced it with an abnormally large wand, and his body quickly changed-Penelope used her Animagus directly.

The demon spider witch with the giant wand teleported to Selwyn ’s others who had ran behind them, and the six compound eyes in the circle above Penello opened at the same time, spouting like their pets The silver wire and the cobwebs cover the ground. After a few repetitions, the silver and white like chopsticks are criss-crossed in thickness, layered on the road ahead of the Death Eaters. This group of Death Eaters' vanguards is like the broadcast on the Wizards TV. Like the victims of horror movies, after some eruption of enchantment light, they were either killed by the enchantment and claws taken by the spidering witch, or they were wrapped in a circle of silkworm pupae and squirmed slightly on the tree.

Dolphine stared at the nebulous movement of the demon spider and turned the witch sharply, which was more powerful than the Ministry of Magic last year. She used one person to cover the sky and seemed to be turned into a huge net. What was so fragile was that it was not his illusion, because after a moment of hesitation, the other party had teleported to the top of his own head and hung him upside down.

Penello, who was watching the battlefield with the wolf mother, had long noticed that it was this seemingly wounded Death Eater who was in charge of the wizards, after solving the few Death Eaters who tried to cross the battlefield. A goal was placed on him.

Dolfin waved his wand again and again, hoping that the scholar had successfully resisted the Death Eater who was attacked by the pet spider silk of the devil's head, and made the armor protect himself. He succeeded-he used an armor curse to put Penello's The cobweb turned aside.

But that's all. Penello whispered how long the broken devil's claws shattered the shield he made, and then swept over with the huge metal wand with a physical attack.


Dolfin's breastbone collapsed and flew out, and his nose and mouth began to bleed, but soon, this witch no longer had to worry about bleeding from his new and old wounds. He wrapped it tightly, like playing yo-yo and pulled him back to hang on the tree.

He seemed worried about dying, and after doing all this, Penello also smoothly repaired a curse spell to temporarily stabilize his injury.

Penelope ’s strength became the last straw to overwhelm the Death Eaters. Selwin bit by biting his hand because of the selection of his hands. His clenched wand pointed at his arm with the Death Eater ’s imprint. Stroke, only the imprinted arm broke with the palm of the hand, and fell to the ground with the blood. He did n’t even use a healing curse to stop the bleeding, and he did n’t notify any companions. The shift shape disappeared in place.

I insist on fighting with two monsters like that, I am afraid that my life will be buried here, and if I run back like this, there is no doubt that the master ’s punishment will only be more miserable than the death, but his current choice is just to lose one arm and give The remaining Death Eaters made an example in despair and despair. They all made the same choices as Selwin, except for a few unlucky eggs who were facing the rising Penello and the umbrella team members.

Hundreds of tentacles have been eaten up by the demon spider, the broken tentacles fell to the ground, and the palm eyes closed.

And in the hiding place of Nancy's daughter.

After hearing the rapid footsteps of the Death Eaters passing by outside the cactus pile, Patricia did not dare to hide in the cactus pile, holding her breath, she heard her heartbeat in the dark, and outside Here comes the breathing sound that runs because of fast running.

"Bad people are chasing Lockhart." Patricia sat quietly inside, grabbing the ragged clothes on her body and listening to the movement outside. There was a faint blasting sound and the sound of human wailing afterwards. , Patricia Jr. ’s head pressed against her knees, trying to see the outside through the gaps in the stacked cactus thorns. Through the gaps, she saw the fleeting light from time to time not far away, huge The spider-like figure flashed over the treetops.

"Lockhart is so powerful!" The little girl jumped inwardly, but thinking of the number of people who had just passed by, the little girl's heart was raised again, learning to be a believer's maiden, silently praying for Lockhart, placing her crossed fingers Mouth.

After a long time, there were some footsteps outside the cactus, and the sound was getting closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of the cactus pile. Even at a young age, she also understood that the number of people came was not right. Hart's worries and fears, curled up to cover his mouth or it would make a noise.

"Patricia, don't be afraid, I brought someone to save you."

The familiar voice of Gidero Lockhart sounded, and Patricia raised her ears. The joy that filled her heart made her speechless for a moment.

"Patricia? I'm Gidero Lockhart. Those bad guys won't hurt us anymore." Without hearing Patricia's response, Lockhart's tone became hurried, "Patri Xia, you are not injured, why don't you talk? "

"I ... in Gidero ... I'm very good, I listen to you ... not speaking or moving." Patricia finally recovered her voice, and the voice choked with excitement was hoarse.

"I-Gidero Lockhart, a third-level medalist of the Merlin Jazz Order, an honorary member of the Anti-Black Magic League, and won the Witcher Weekly's most charming smile award five times ..." Lockhart's voice sounded loose With a sigh of relief, he began to comfort Patricia with some complacent tone, "I promised to do what you said! We can go to your mother!"

"Can I find my mother ?! Great! Lockhart!" Little Patricia's big round eyes soaked in tears widened, cheering uncontrollably, her voice full of joy, she moved her body gently , But the thorns of the cactus pierced her skin instantly, the little girl whispered in pain but didn't cry anymore.

"Don't move, we'll come to rescue you, don't move first." Lockhart hurriedly stopped, he begged to the umbrella team around him, "It seems Merlin's part is good, please help Patricia Rescue, don't let the cactus **** her. At that time the situation was urgent, and I didn't give her any protective measures. "

"Doctor, you go, be careful, don't hurt the child." The wolf nodded to Loha and said to the doctor.

"I don't want to move, little devil, it will be fine soon." The doctor drew his wand neatly and nodded toward the heap of cacti. The topmost cactus floated, pulled aside by the magic power, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Don't be afraid of Patricia, don't move, the wizard's police aunt is saving you out." Hearing the doctor's less gentle tone, Lockhart rubbed his hands and comforted.

"I'm not afraid of Lockhart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I will obey." Patricia's childish voice was full of joy.

The outermost cacti were quickly cleared by the doctor and floated one after another. Although as a pure blood and personal hobby, the doctor's attitude towards the person who would not cast the law was not as gentle as she treated her patient. But in the face of a child, the doctor still came up with the precise control and keen insight of her as a professional therapist. The speed of cleaning the cactus was so dazzling that she was so precise that her magical control was staggering and her movements were coherent Any flaws-as long as she wants.

Under the direction of the doctor, none of the cacti rolled down, causing secondary damage to Little Patricia. Soon, little Patricia curled into a ball and her face on her knees appeared in front of everyone.

"Patricia, it's all right." Lockhart called softly, as if afraid to scare the little girl.

Patricia looked up, she widened her eyes, saw Lockhart's translucent body a little puzzled, but then saw the familiar smile face and put the doubt just behind her head, and stood up suddenly. She rushed towards Lockhart, but she held her hands empty, and the whole person seemed to pass through a bucket of ice water, fell to the ground, and the palms were scratched with blood.


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