Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 858: Not a romantic thing

() With a bang, the boat hit the shore of the lake.

"This boat can't hold so many of us." Hermione looked down at the boat. It was indeed a very small boat. "It can only hold one person and can't eat the weight of so many of us."

"For the mysterious man, he only considers how much magical power has crossed his lake. This boat may have been cast a spell, and he can only ride one wizard at a time." Allen's hand flicked gently over the boat. , To feel the magical fluctuations on this ship, "The mysterious man at the time also needed a way that he could smoothly cross the lake surface in case he needed to view or take away his pendant, to avoid the irritation created by himself and Those guys placed in the lake. "

Sirius, as an adult wizard and a member of the Order of the Phoenix, even if he knew how powerful Allen was, he was habitually influenced by his appearance to treat him as a junior, and this was originally a matter for the Black family. He did not intend to let Allen Adventure "Listen, you guys are waiting here. I will go first. If they find out that we are not mysterious, they will want to pull us into the water. I will try it first. If it ’s okay, Allen will go ... eh?"

Sirius discovered that Hermione had climbed onto the boat carefully with Ellen's help and sat inside.

"At that time, the mysterious man who made this must haven't learned this trick ..." Allen's robe turned into a black mist, and then flew up. He didn't sit on the boat but sat in the air, but it also made He stayed in the boat. Min couldn't sit comfortably, she could only squat down, her knees against Allen's back, tightly squeezed together.

"Hey, what shall we do?" Sirius asked anxiously.

"Wait, I will come back to pick you up." Allen waved his hand to Sirius without looking back. He watched the boat carrying Hermione set off immediately, making a soft rustling sound through the water.

"It's driving autonomously." Hermione found that Allen didn't drive the boat, and the boat was heading towards the center of the lake. Soon, the cave walls were invisible. They seemed to be in the endless sea, just this The waters are like a dead sea, without any waves.

As the boat progressed, the light of Hermione's wand reflected on the dark water, with a little golden light shining. The boat cut deep ripples on the glass-like smooth lake, and because of what he saw in Klitsch's memory, Hermione could not help but observe the bottom through the calm water.

She exchanged the wand on her hand over Allen's back to the other hand. The light of the wand tip swept across a surface of the water, floating a few inches below the surface of the water. The white marble-like hands caught Hermione's eyes. He also wore a decaying watch on his wrist.

Hermione's body leaned forward slightly, and in the light of her wand, a few inches below the surface of the water under the dark lake, there were several corpses lying on their backs, their eyes open and bewildered, like a knot inside In the cobwebs, hair and clothes swirled around their bodies like smoke, and as the boat progressed, they suddenly disappeared in the black lake water.

"In terms of dressing up ... these were all killed by Muggles, and their lives were not worth mentioning in the eyes of the mysterious man." Hermione photographed the boat gang angrily, biting her lips with her white teeth. They take it seriously, just as Bayer doesn't take ordinary wizards seriously ... "

"Hermione, so we need to have stronger power. They didn't take these people seriously, so nobody cares about them, but if you have the power, you take them seriously, then others will naturally Follow you and care about them ... just like our Sirius is not a bad guy, and he tried to resist the education of the Black family, but he was still influenced by his family. The wizards inside our umbrella, do they really care about house elves? They are because You care and care ... "After that, Allen leaned his back on Hermione ’s knee." But the last time I discussed with you was not precise. Power is more important than power, especially for our wizarding world. This is especially true. If the world is likened to a chess board, the players are the people who control these forces, the ordinary Muggles, the ordinary wizards and other things that form the basis of the world are placed on the chess board ... Some powers can be regarded as chess pieces, but more Not even pieces can be considered as gray on the board, but the same thing is that if they become prominent, they will only be blown. "

For a while in silence, the sense of security brought by the squeeze made by Allen's back and her legs made Hermione's tight face calm down, and a line of brand-new teeth marks printed on her lips, she looked at The Mithril Wand with the dragon-heart tendon in his hand nodded. "Allen, you are right ..."

"It's a good thing that you strengthened your personal training during this time, but everything is not only black and white right and wrong and two extremes ..." Allen sitting on the bow of the boat did not look back, as if his back had long eyes and Hermione stared. With his own wand that is the easiest to cast great power spells and the most addictive to black magic in the core material, "What you need is to let yourself control the power instead of letting the power control you, so the mysterious person becomes a mysterious person ... Knowledge and power should be just the ladder for your beautiful purpose. "

Then, the boat hit a thing lightly and stopped.

The two men, with their thoughts together, came to a smooth rocky island in the middle of the lake. Allen floated to the shore and stood, allowing Hermione to leap gently from the boat to the shore with her arm.

This is a large flat black slate, empty above it, with only a green light source noticeable. It came out of a stone basin similar to a meditation basin with a base under it.

After Hermione stood firm, Allen turned his eyes away from the stone basin and turned to wave to the open space beside him. As Allen's arm fell, two flames appeared in the air, and countless skulls were screaming silently. After burning, a tall arch made of skulls appeared along with the flames.

At the same time, the same situation appeared on the lakeside of Sirius, but this same door appeared behind Sirius instead of before Sirius, which Allen originally aimed at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Here In the film space, the door of the alien world is disturbed, and there is a slight deviation in position. However, because the distance is very close, the position can be seen on both sides, so this visible error will not cause any accidental damage.

"Come here, Sirius." Sirius was startled by the sudden appearance of the door to the outside world and the voice of Allen who appeared in the bottom of my heart, as if awakened in a dream, and his eyes seemed to have just fumbled back from a distant place. of.

Sirius froze for a moment, then turned back to look at the door to the outside world on the black stone slab in the center of the lake. He exhaled shortly and convulsively. He strode into the door to the outside world, and Kreacher followed, followed. The disappearance of their figures appeared again in the door of the outside world on the side of Allen, and the door of the outside world on the lakeside also disappeared.

"Allen, you bad boy! Since there is such a method to break through the prohibition of the welcome shift zone, why didn't you use it at first?" Sirius, who just came out of the portal, feels that this way is more comfortable than the phantom shift form. Feeling, he quickly walked over to see Allen, his expression a little angry, "If you want to go boating with Hermione, you should go to Black Lake! It's not a romantic thing to take a girl to squeeze a boat on a lake full of corpses. ! "

It didn't happen that Allen was a deliberate Missystone. At this time, he didn't care about the things like power and power that flushed his face.

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