() As soon as he served, Sirius ’s thin face became as cruel as his prison picture. Tall, he bent down all at once, and he supported the edge of the stone basin with one hand, and the green bars on his hands were exposed, The two dark grey eyes were wide, filled with red bloodshot eyes. He shook his hand and pushed the cup into the stone basin again. After a short gestation, he scooped up a full cup and cup and drank it quickly.

Some surprised Allen touched his chin. The pain caused by this potion, even if he was tough like Dumbledore in his memory, he could not maintain it for a long time and could not maintain the balance of the body and fell to the ground uncontrollably. Harry came to feed, but Sirius could still stand in front of the stone basin even after drinking so many glasses. It seems that he has been well-conditioned after coming out of prison for the past few years.

The muscles on Sirius' face were twitching, and he tried to stretch out his trembling hand to continue sinking the shell into the liquid. He closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he resolutely lifted the cup, but he had n’t reached his mouth yet. He fell back into the stone basin again, Sirius stumbled to the ground, his eyes closed, his breathing was heavy, not all the pain caused by the poison made by the mysterious person was physical.

When Sirius just lifted the cup halfway up, the illusion of the house familiar to Godric Valley suddenly appeared in his mind. He had imagined the Potter family ’s encounter that day, James Potter, for many years. Brave to face the mysterious man and his Death Eaters, hazel eyes were watching the mysterious man who invaded his home, and the messy and angry black hair stood up stubbornly. He blocked his wife Lily, son Potter and In front of their pet cat, until the green light flashed, Jim's slender body collapsed.

Sirius hugged his head in pain, and his extreme thirst and mental trauma prevented him from expressing his pain with howling. He murmured in his mouth: "No ... James ... Be careful, don't go, Lily runs ... my fault ... it's all my fault ... "

Although his voice was blurry and his self-blame turned the voice into a crying cavity, the sensitive Alan and Hermione clearly understood his words.

"He has experienced so many horrible things, but the most fearful thing is the death of his friend." Hermione sighed while watching Sirius.

"The effect of venom should be related to the illusion caused by the heartache. Sirius regretted his friend James' tragic murder. Venom had a great impact on him. Regulus was very young when he took this potion. He has n’t experienced much pain, so the venom caused far less fear in his heart than Sirius. ”Allen explained to Hermione, and he also wanted to understand how this venom caused Dumbledore compared to Sirius. The reason for the greater influence is that the sorcerer suffered more pain than they did.

At this point, Sirius was violently twitching, and he was unconscious, covering his head, and it seemed that there was no way to continue to scoop up the venom and drink it.

"Master! Klitsch come to help him!" After finishing, Klitsch, who had been waiting for a long time, picked up the shells in the stone basin, filled with transparent venom, and carried him to Sirius in front of him, forcibly instilling Sirius.

Two spoonfuls later, Sirius wandering in fantasy and reality began to resist instinctively. He pushed Klitsch's shoulder with his hand and refused: "Don't ... don't come again ..."

Allen clasped his arms around his arms, his fingers tapped on the other arm, and he was secretly thinking: with just a few spoons, he could n’t hold on and did n’t want to drink anymore. Dumbledore insisted that there was little medicine in the stone basin. More than half.

Kreacher's deep voice was a little excited, and he said like a soothing: "You have to continue to drink, you have to experience what Master Regulus has experienced and felt, you have to continue to drink!" Into Sirius's stomach, Sirius gasped, his face pale and moaned painfully.

Kreacher once again scooped a cup, squeezed the shell into Sirius's mouth, and poured it into the mouth. Sirius, who had recovered a little, drank the potion in the shell, but this time finally Sirius could no longer control himself. Screaming, the sad voice crossed the silent Black Lake and echoed in the cave.

The stone basin was almost half empty. Kreacher was holding a shell. When he saw Sirius ’twitching hand trying to pat the ground, he glanced at Allen, stepped on it with his feet when he thought he had n’t noticed, and then leaned down. Lower body, holding down Sirius's other hand, and then forcibly pouring potion into Sirius' throat.

Sirius, imprisoned by the house elf, was shaking from head to toe. He was so thirsty that he could not resist the charm of the liquid, but the more he drank the venom, his internal organs became more and more anxious, and the pain caused him to roll on the ground. Completely forgot the agreement with Allen.

Hermione finally noticed Klitsch ’s move from Sirius ’s fierce reaction. Her brows were frowned and she burst into anger. She understood that Kreacher wanted to avenge Sirius ’s psychology, but he could not deprive Sirius of the opportunity to refuse: "Clice, stop now!"

It's just that Kreacher completely ignored Hermione and treated her as if she hadn't heard it. After all, Hermione wasn't his master, and Kreacher didn't have to pay attention to anyone else's orders, so Kreacher instead seized the last time and tried before Allen gave orders Feed more venom.

"Clice, stop!" Allen gave the order under Hermione's gaze.

Under the action of the contract, the elf elder stumbled to the ground because of his actions and master orders. The crystal shell rolled down, and the liquid flew back to the stone basin himself before the liquid had fallen to the ground.

Kreacher didn't blame his master, but complained about the mud-type Hermione. If the hostess was there, what would you say, but this mud-type seems to have a lot to do with the new owner, and wants to welcome back Master Regulus? Relying on them ... Thinking of this, the elf rubbed his tail vertebrae, and Kreacher, who stood up, gave up the habit of swearing.

Hermione quickly poured the elderflower lotion into the semi-coma Sirius, who instinctively swallowed it, one accidentally, the drink flowed into the trachea, he coughed violently, but the man finally finally awoke, calmed down slightly and strongly Ask for water to drink.

Allen also came up to check and confirmed that Sirius would not be a big deal: "Kliche ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you take care of your former master."

Looking at the venom that was approaching the bottom of the basin, Kreacher felt very sorry. He pretended to be injured due to aging and just fell, and used a very slow movement to spend a long time to support Sirius's shoulders. Lu, only a little bit of sugar-free beverage was poured into Sirius ’s throat, but when the house elves were disappointed, Sirius finally eased over and lay on the ground with his face up to the ground, grunting and breathing for a while, he I grabbed the drink and poured it myself.

"I'll go outside the cave and bring Lynch and them over to do the right thing." After Alan explained to Hermione that the scene was restored, she began to fly out. "Klice, obey Miss Hermione Granger. Any of your orders. "

Sirius was struggling to sit up, his face pale and panted, his breath sounded very weak.

Klitsch's hoarse voice was harsh and harsh: "Useless prodigal son, there are so many venoms left, and not to mention Master Regulus, you are too bad compared to Klitsch!"

It was just that Sirius did not refute him this time, nor did he try to respond to Klitsch's small movements for the time being. He lowered his head slightly and looked at the lake. He did not finish drinking.

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