Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 885: ? Player channel

() Hogwarts Quidditch Stadium player channel.

"There are a lot of beautiful girls coming to the game today ..." Michael Kona nudged his thick hair, trying to make his charm more conspicuous.

Edward Fox nodded quickly and agreed: "Allen's sister is prettier than my sister."

"Sir, please let us worry about it, don't forget that our total standings are only two hundred and ten ten more than Slytherin." Qiu Zhang sorted out his protective gear, this game is hers at school In the last game, although several Quidditch clubs had already sent her invitations, she did not expect anything to happen in this final battle.

"Relax, Slytherin is looking for player Emily Harris and chaser Draco Malfoy. The players in other positions are not as good as us." Michael Kona vs. Qiu · Zhang Quan said, "Autumn, you should relax. They want to win. They need to let Emily have to catch the golden thief after leading us by 70."

"Autumn is right, we should be serious. Today, Malfoy is gaining momentum. Slytherin basically rely on him to score, and the Poodle Parkinson poodle will protect him regardless of others." As Caidi Lisa Dupin, the two-year goalkeeper, was a little bit confused about whether he could hold Ravenclaw ’s goal. "Draco Malfoy became very powerful after he went to Demstrong with Alan in fifth grade. , He and Allen ’s sister Emily pushed Slytherin to second place in the standings this year. Speaking of the new lineup, Gryffindor captain Harry Potter is now everywhere telling them that Why did the team lose during the rebuilding period. "

"Just play according to our plan. Malfoy can't stop if he can't stop it, but he must rotate at any time to keep at least two people constantly entangled him to waste his physical strength. He can be as powerful as Allen?" Kona tried to relax his teammates, "And do n’t forget, Alan helped us a lot but did n’t help his sister. The speech a few days ago split the little snakes that were usually in groups, you know. Slytherin hasn't had much mixed blood, let alone the Quidditch team. "

The Kitty Hawks are very confident in this professional club to deal with the team tactics that rely on a few strong players. How about Draco and Emily better than them? Now they have the advantage because they implement Larry Brown's philosophy and play in the right way.

On the Slytherin side, many players frowned in the direction of the Ravenclaw team, and the finger joints holding the broom were slightly white. After being guided by professional club-style training and tactics, they were tempted by the extra bonus of Allen. It seems that this team makes this team almost invincible for the other three colleges. More such as goalkeeper Miles Bleach and chaser Blaise Zabini are even more distracted because of the conflict of family positions. , Especially the new object of Zabini ’s mother was very dissatisfied with Harris ’previous decision.

"Cough ..." Emily noticed that her teammates were entangled in tension. Although it wasn't the captain who usually didn't like to let herself go to the position of the front desk, but at this time, she pushed herself to learn from Lynch The Viking-style braid came, and some heroic walking to the players coughed twice and caught everyone's attention.

"Ravenclaw has been winning since my brother went to school ... A few minutes later, when the silver whistle sounded, to Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, the sixth graders who did not intend to specialize in this sport after graduation For students, this is the most important game in their careers. Next year they will have to deal with the ultimate wizard test, so everything depends on today ... "

Slytherin ’s players focused their attention on Emily. Emily had been attracting attention before, but it was different from the usual pursuit. She was facing the attention of all the players for the first time. The next speech still seemed a bit uncomfortable, and she continued after a pause.

"We Slytherin won the Academy Cup for six consecutive years before Ravenclaw. I know that my brother's speech put you under various pressures from your family. I don't want to argue with you about this matter here. Right and wrong, but just want to say that our Slytherin has always been the most united college, more united than other colleges, and the history of our college has been fighting against the other three colleges since the founder ... "Amy Li gradually let go of her speech. She unconsciously imitated Allen ’s movement and put her hands behind her back. “No matter what we will become after family issues, we are now Quidditch teammates. If we cannot heal as a team like the predecessors of our college, we will be defeated by them and mocked by the other two colleges. Look at the audience, even if the lions and badgers are crushed by Ravenclaw Under pressure, they will still support Ravenclaw in this case ... No matter whether it is a victory or a defeat, our snake house can only rely on ourselves ... "

Slytherin's players, regardless of birth, position or gender, have become a circle as they unconsciously approached.

"I am a Slytherin player, I ca n’t help you too much on the court ... But, trust me, although I am a Harris, I am also a Slytherin, I mean, I look at your familiar faces. Since I entered the college, for whatever reason, you take care of me like I suddenly had a lot of brothers and sisters in this college. This is not my last game. I still It ’s too young, but today I hope that you will not regret today ’s game after graduation, and regret why you did n’t work harder at that time ... I also hope that in the last game with you, you will end with success ... Everyone We all thought that Ravenclaw would once again be the champion of the Quidditch competition this year. We can be beaten by Ravenclaw like a few years ago ... Or, can we try hard? We can play our Slytherin ’s advantage is to fight for victory. Compared to other colleges, we care about our honor and tradition ... And where can the situation go any worse? "The fastest update computer :: /

After seeing Emily pause, there was silence on the scene. Panxi, who was refreshing, was about to take the lead in applauding, but found that the teammates around her had taken a step earlier, even though it was full of Gryffindor team. The style of 'Listen to My Roar' is different, but including Miles Bridge nodded to the side teammates and assured them that they would try to keep every ball.

"Emily, you're entangled with Qiu Zhang on the court, don't even give her the time to watch the Golden Snitch." Draco Malfoy showed the momentum he should have as a captain, "The game After the start, your task is to focus on the defense as much as possible. The offense mainly gives me the ball. Believe me, as long as we do n’t waste every tenth, whether it is a score or a tenth, we all know that they will add up quickly. Let us lead by 70 points! "::

Blushing Gregory Gore waved his club smirk: "Those softballs in Eagle Court are afraid of pain!"

Pansy raised his broom and questioned his teammates: "Boys, what did you hear about our little princess? Now, what are you going to do?"

"Win the ball!"

"Win the ball!"

"Win the ball!"

Then, the noisy sounds rose sharply, and in the deafening cheers and boos, the Ravenclaw and Slytherin players walked into the venue with confidence.

"The Slytherin team played ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ led by Captain Draco Malfoy ... followed by golfer Emily Harris ... she loves sweets, Hermione always stopped her ... According to Muggles, it seems that eating sugar is not good for teeth. "A dreamy voice echoed over the court." Then it was Pansy Parkinson, who was holding the stick. It ’s not important, it ’s important that she has a lot of harassment in her semester. "

"It's a batter! Miss Lovegood, don't mention any harassment ..." Professor McGonagall's reminder also came from the commentary.




In the auditorium of the stadium, most of the little wizards who don't know who the commentator is today, after hearing this highly recognizable voice, a voice of doubt burst out and he heard this familiar voice Harris Their faces have become a little weird. Daisy, who came back with a bunch of snacks, leaned over to look at the commentary, then glanced grinningly like she had swallowed seven raw eggs, and Hermione sat back happily.

Morgan Le Fay's complexion remained normal, but he had begun to focus on the newspaper in his hands.

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