Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 887: ? Even without someone else

() At this time, the Viking-style braid behind Emily on the court was almost parallel to the broom under her rapid speed. In order to get enough time for Draco Malfoy to catch up with the seventies, in this way Under the entanglement, although Qiu Zhang has found several traces of golden thieves, they were all destroyed by the other party, leading to the opportunity to slip away and have to find again.

Although Qiu Zhang knew that based on the current score of Ravenclaw, she did n’t need to worry about Slytherin surpassing them to win the Academy Cup, but Emily ’s endless intractability made her still upset. The mentality of the Slytherin team members at this time is almost as anxious as Qiu Zhang.

The Slytherin team members did not participate in high-intensity attacks like Draco and Pansy in order to defend their positions as much as possible. However, Ravenclaw ’s corresponding position is even better, and their tactical cooperation and tacit understanding also exceed Slytherin. Although they have done their best to stop Ravenclaw, Draco scored , Ravenclaw can score again soon, so the battle situation is stuck, although the score of Slytherin has always been leading, but the gap has not been able to widen, but when it is worse, it will obviously continue to rely on individual Slytherin. Laws are unfavorable, and Ravenclaw relies on them to significantly reduce physical exertion.

Pansy ’s eyes glanced at Emily, who was entangled in the sky in the autumn, and Draco, who was tangled in hair, could n’t care to describe the embarrassed Draco. Baisensen ’s teeth bit the lower lip. She slipped slowly around her neck and made a signal unique to the Slytherin team. All previous Slytherin Quidditch teams understood the meaning of this gesture. Now it is time to use the traditional style of the Slytherin Quidditch team. It's time.

In the next game, Goyle and Crabbe used their big advantage to deliberately hit the opponent's player with their body, and deliberately aimed the ball at the opponent's body. Gore's shots were a bit underweight. They even shot against the weak parts of the Ravenclaw players' body. The angry Mrs. Huo Qi awarded Ravenclaw a lot of free throws, so Slytherin's score was even Once behind.

However, the subsequent effects produced afterwards have really played a role. These methods have little effect on Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but they have really played a role for some of the painful Ravenclaws. After a few **** encounters, when the Kitty Hawks faced the Slytherin who did not have good intentions, they unconsciously evaded some actions, but the destroyed tactics and formation immediately made Draco attack. Both ends and others are a lot easier on the defensive end.

This also caused a lot of people on the court to start abuses. In fact, for most of the audience, whether they are in school or graduate, they support the team Ravenclaw is not because of the Ravenclaw group The nerds are so flattering, just because they are more or less trapped by Slytherin by similar tricks.

"This group of venomous snakes is really mean, and started playing this shameless method again!" Ron was watching the Draco out of the limelight. , "The group of snakes kept calling me King Weasley last year to make me behave abnormally!"

Harry recalled the original situation, imitating Geraldine's tone and said: "Do you remember the game where Allen was a batsman, the English coach Geraldine had said, like Slytherin? This kind of inferior violation means will not play any role if it is placed in a regular game! "

Ginny echoed her boyfriend's sentence, and she started to plan for Quidditch professional sports after graduation. She further said: "And after the players from this team develop these bad habits, they will not survive on the professional team. , Because even if it is a foul, the professional team also has a professional team foul way. "

"That's it! It's actually a good thing to say so!" Ron nodded and said in relief. "They want to be professional players in the future, but no one wants them!"

"But speaking of it, although I knew that Ravenclaw was not good at collision, I didn't expect them to be so painful ..." Harry as the team captain saw something, but then he shook his head again, although Gryffindor The style should be the best of the four teams, but they are not Slytherin, and the normal process of Ravenclaw can completely solve their style and tactics by conventional means.

Sirius's eyes were not very angry, but instead showed a nostalgic look: "Speaking of that, those Slytherins used to use these fouls against James, but Harry, these are not problems in front of your father's flying talent. ! "

At this time there was a cold hum around them, it turned out that several Slytherins heard these little lions talking in loud voices.

"But that's a professional game!" Millison Burst's fat chin was high, and he put down the fat hand that was applying lip balm: "Don't forget that this is Hogwarts' internal game, you guys I also think that those of the above will plan to leave their family business and not play after graduation? "

Although Slytherin has begun to split the camp, when the other colleges insulted Slytherin, these little snakes put aside the unpleasant temporarily and habitually chose to stand up and fight against others.

And on the side of Harris stands.

Albert and Daisy seem to have forgotten that they came to see this game to support their sister Emily. The two brothers and sisters exaggerated after Gregory Gore took a run-off ball with a strong body. Terry Bout of Ravenclaw gave him a ruthless afterwards, and both stood up and gave out a roar like most people present. Furong and Tonks looked at each other with a helpless look. He dragged one back to his seat.

Luna turned the butter beer stopper around her neck: "There is still a lot of harassment on the students of Slytherin College during this time, this will be a little less ... Ouch!"

"It's Slytherin's foul! It's not Slytherin's harassment! Miss Lovegood!" McGonagall couldn't help but shoot the Luna's waist with the tip of her wand. McGonagall had to graduate Lee Jordan No one else unexpectedly suddenly poke, making Luna's big eyes more convex.

Professor McGonagall said that this way would make Luna's explanations normal afterwards. At that time, her own mood was at least a little more pleasant than the anxious state just now, such as the penalty shot on the court, she just focused on the positive There are still some meanings in the hand holding the wand.

"The Slytherin methods are quite practical. Allen had won many championships before you came to school." Penello was quite common with Slytherin and these methods were actually used as batting After the hand destroyed the Slytherin broom with this foul tactic, the tactics of these snakes began to be more normal and useless foul.

"School games are useful, but today they are quite suitable for doing so." Allen put his eyes on the mother's little girl's head. "That little eight-eyed giant spider is too small to press the enslavement gem? Is it so small? They are trained to be obedient? This thing is close to human intelligence, but it cannot be domesticated, so it is highly dangerous to ordinary wizards and Muggles. You have to be careful not to hurt children. "

"It's okay, that Aragok and his wife Mosag's last grandson are significantly smarter than the average, knowing what to do and not doing, if it's not that its dad has died recently, I estimate it I can already learn how to use the big claw that plays with it to speak people's words. "Penello said in a somewhat flamboyant tone." In fact, they are not untamable. In the past two years, those who have been disobedient have continued Absorbed in front of them, these little guys who are too young to install slavery gems are obviously easier to talk about than the previous ones, knowing what can and cannot be done. "

"Oh, it's this time, Aragok is old and dead ..." Alan shook his head, "Hagrid hasn't been able to find this after the battle at the Ministry of Magic. He hasn't done anything recently. So naive, I can remember that after seeing that war, the eight-eyed giant spider is clearly classified as a Class A non-traded commodity by the Magical Biological Management and Control Department ... well, maybe he ca n’t think of it as accurate , But it is enough to know that this will be severely punished. "

Penello replied with a pityful expression: "It's just a pity that the soul, this old guy, I have never shot it for the offspring of it so that he can manipulate it in the ethnic group. This time, I came back from Africa and finished other things. Already dead. "

Hearing the word "old death", Allen put his sight on the witch: "Penello, we have to give your parents elixir ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You are thinking about security work very carefully, than I ’m much more comprehensive ... but I ’ll let some Necro Knights follow them for security reasons ... "

"Okay, I'll go with you." Penello's voice was a little softer than usual, and then she began to laugh sharply, "Don't look like my father, in fact, he is most afraid of watching horror movies. I will see his reaction when it is time. "

Allen changed the subject about the other person ’s hard way to get along.

"Oh? By the way, so say Aragok ... Aragok's body is still in the space of your pocket?" Allen said, glancing around, and then gave up the idea of ​​finding someone in this place, even if he It ’s a mixed-race giant. “Wait to be sent back to Hagrid. After all, its descendants have made a lot of contributions to both Harris and the Ministry of Magic. Let ’s go to Hagrid to hold a funeral for it. Determine the situation for Hagrid. "

Penelope raised her slender legs and her bright red lips lightly opened: "Is this a date?"

"... if you think I'm taking you to the funeral of a man-eating spider to be romantic."

"Even without someone else."

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