Hesitated for a moment, because just received Hermione ’s news that she and Harry were heading to Hagrid—Hermione also informed Alan through the Seal of All Knowing that Harry had borrowed her healing agent. Lun finally suppressed the idea of ​​inviting Snape to participate in the banquet. After all, this cold old bat was not flattering.

Leaving Professor Snape ’s office, Alan ’s figure appeared behind the castle, where the herbal medicine class was taught, and various magic plants were cultivated, and Alan ’s goal was the first greenhouse.

Although it was early spring, the UK was still cold. The humidity and temperature in the air left some frost in some corners. Looking at the appearance of the birth machine now, Allen noticed unconsciously because of the material of Snape ’s wand. Several birch trees.

Recall that in the last month, in January, the entire Hogwarts was wrapped in white because of incomplete melting of snow. From a distance, only the tops of these birch trees in the forest can be slightly hairy. Green-The birch trees have begun to germinate before the cold winter.

Came to the first greenhouse. This is the place where first-year freshmen learn herbal medicine. This greenhouse is full of harmless creatures. These magical creatures are more common and not precious.

Allen yelled left and right to look for some who did n’t see Professor Sprout nor found others. Allen planned to take it directly afterwards and said a word to Dean Hufflepuff. She would n’t mind if she wanted to be gentle , Anyway, the medicines you need are very common and common plants, even if you take them away, it will not hinder you.

And some things are still used by Hufflepuff students, where they plant some ingredients that they will use when cooking, so that they can pick up something fresh when they need it-Allen thinks he is Professor, pick some of the dishes that these students planted

Picking up some tender coriander and putting them in his pockets, Alan thought on the ground but returned to Snape because of the buds-although he sympathized with Snape, he was not particularly emotional about him, because this For whatever reason, he scolded the mud kind and the black magic skills obsessed with the woman's aversion, and foolishly tried to get the other party involved. It was indeed his own mistake.

The reason why Allen ’s thoughts are put on him is because his avatar has been studying the secrets in the Department of Mysteries recently. Recently, he has begun to have a little grasp of fate, and Snape officially has a good goal of inquiry, except In addition to the meaning previously discovered through his name and Shenfeng Wuying spell name, today Snape ’s wand and Snape ’s birthday make Allen feel that he has made some new discoveries about fate-the wand can always reflect a person ’s In some aspects of personality, birthday is always one of the most important information for divination.

The Celtic tree calendar is a calendar adopted by the ancient Celts. It divides a year into a start day and 13 months. Druid wizards who are proficient in natural magic believe that trees are the ancestors of human beings. It has a unique magical nature, so it will be named after a tree every month and given a rune. According to the Celtic tree calendar birch 1224 ~ 120 is the birch moon.

And on January 9, 1960, in a broken room in Spider ’s Tail Lane, Severus Snape was born, and I just saw Snape ’s wand, Alan who recently studied fate. I realized that Snape and Birch had a deep connection.

In Celtic culture, the birch tree is a goddess and is often called the mother tree. Many infertile women will pray under the birch tree in order to be pregnant or the child ’s growth will be better, just like being two When the opposite **** is found standing under mistletoe, they must kiss in general.

Birch is dedicated to the care of children, and is also the guardian of children, in charge of the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth of the earth-this is the relationship between Snape and Harry.

In European folk, whether it is the wizarding world or the Muggle, there has always been a custom to peel off the birch bark carefully for writing love letters and sending it to lovers who miss in the distance, so the birch tree symbolizes consistent love for a lifetime. Dedication to love-this is the relationship between Snape and Harry's mother Lily, even if the man is unilateral.

The children born in Bai Huayue often pay attention to rules, but also have the ability to create, and the characters of this group of people are relatively hard-working and struggling to move forward-this confirms that Snape is learning and creating in the potion class Those personal skills and the ability of black magic such as the invention of Shenfeng Wuying.

Alan, who was in deep thought, although he could not determine the material of its rod core before the inspection, but now with his increasingly understanding of the room in the Department of Mystery Affairs, especially the current special research on prophecy, he is conducting a short-term divination Later, although he could not guarantee 100% accuracy, he judged that Snape's rod core should be the nerve of the snake-because the prophecy is likely to be presented in a completely different way of interpretation by the fortune-teller.

The snake is one of the important Celtic totems of the British Celtic. Due to the habits of snake hibernation, molting, and tailing, the primitive ancestors in many cultures believed that the snake was a symbol of regeneration and healing. Some therapeutic effects, even the mysterious man, rely on the venom of Nagini to maintain a simple physical body before being fully resurrected. Whether it is the wizard of ancient Egypt or the wizard of Kate, or the legendary medical **** Asclepius in ancient Greece, in these cultures, snakes have a close relationship with medicine, and in the Muggle world. Affected by this, the snake around the wand became a medical mark and spread all over the world, and the most common conspicuous mark in European pharmacies is also a snake wrapped around a stemware-and birch sap can also cure diseases, Their holder Snape's hobbies and occupations were potions before this semester.

From the simplest information such as name, birthday, and magic wand, Alan began to see the fate. Alan was absent-minded in the greenhouse. He collected the cut herbs, and after thinking back, he found that he was here. Luna, the little accomplished above, judges the correctness.

After stealing some European windbreaks that should be planted by students, Alan completed the goal of the trip and left the first greenhouse. He found that there was some movement in the third greenhouse next door.

As he walked by, he saw a window in the middle of the right side of the third greenhouse open to the outside and upwards. A very fat-looking person's lower body remained outside the window, and his upper body remained in the room. The half-squat legs are very thick, and from the figure of the upper part of the upper part of the moon, looking at the man in the heart of Allen.

Allen strode over to his side, and stretched out his hand and cut a piece of Slughorn who was twisting the leaves on the branches. The body saw Alan, sweat beads oozing from his forehead. He took out a handkerchief and wiped it, smirking, "Ah, it's you, Professor Harris."

"I'm sorry to scare you. I might have cleared my throat and coughed in advance to remind you? Professor Slughorn." Allen could not hear any regret in his tone. "Don't worry, I'll come and pick some The herbs are preparing for a small banquet, and there are just a few things that you do n’t want to trouble going to Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. "

"Aha, it's a coincidence that I came to pick some leaves of the mustard grass too. The potion I'm going to brew needs this kind of medicinal herbs." Slughorn explained while taking advantage of the situation, he said his intentions lightly.

Allen squinted and looked at Horace with a funny look, making a joke half-truth. "But I didn't find Professor Sprout and just secretly picked these herbs for spice."

Slughorn laughed twice, trying to hide the embarrassment on his face, "I didn't see it when I came ..."

"The leaves of Potentilla sibiricum are very precious. If you find the right buyer, a small leaf can sell 10 gallons-of course, this is our little secret." Allen's finger pointed to Slug In the small box in Professor Horn's hands, several leaves have been stacked.

Seeing Allen so clear about the transaction prices of these magical herbs on the black market ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He wanted to pervert Allen and make him ignore the leaves of the poison mustard. Professor Slughorn, who knew the preciousness of these herbs, was blushing for his petty and cheap behavior, and some were unable to speak.

"I'm here to eat, and I want to teach you that your interest in this is purely academic?" Allen waved his hand indifferently, thinking that Harry had taken the task done by the potion agent. The influence of luck paused and said to Slughorn, "Higer's hut was holding this small banquet because one of his pets died. Hagrid is going to hold a funeral and banquet for it. You know Hagrid's Personality, I think he will want more people, Professor Slughorn, shall we go together? "

Slughorn had just picked up the leaves of the poisonous beard grass by Allen. He was not good at refusing Allen ’s invitation, so Slughorn decisively agreed that "people and animals are so harmonious, It ’s moving, and of course I ’m willing to participate. ”

Allen smiled and made an invitation gesture to the potion class professor, and the two began to move toward Hagrid ’s hut-Allen was more interested in the principle of the magical agent, because Harry directly through this potion I went to Hagrid's cabin, and I invited Horace, so what kind of power is this, or what kind of power is destiny in effect?

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