Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 893: ? Almost seen by herself

Arriving at Hagrid Lodge, Allen found that he and Slughorn were the last to arrive at Hagrid Lodge.

In Hagrid's hut, Penello held a sharp meat cleaver and cut the seven or eight mature lamb into pieces. In the open space in front of the hut there was still the big pot, and the pot was bubbling, the bones of the sheep were rolling inside, and the soup had boiled to a milky white color, with a slightly sheepish aroma.

Seeing Professor Slughorn as Allen walked in, Hermione looked at Harry in surprise-Slughorn actually came to Hagrid.

"Fouling agents can't go wrong." Harry whispered to himself. He looked at Professor Slughorn and clenched his fists. Tonight, Dumbledore's homework would be completed.

Slughorn seemed to feel Harry's inevitable gaze, and his inattentive gaze froze when he saw the messy black hair and the large round glasses. He frowned and looked away, he had been avoiding Harry Potter, but he didn't expect to meet here. It's just that so many people were present this time, and he who promised Allen was not good to leave directly.

"Professor." Harry greeted Slughorn enthusiastically, but didn't walk over.

Slughorn nodded to Harry with a smile, and turned his attention to Hagrid.

"Hagrid," Slughorn said in a low, solemn tone, "I heard Professor Harris say something about you, I'm sorry, please mourn."

"Srugg ... Holas! Just come if you want!" Hagrid's big hand wiped the corner of his eyes. "You are so good."

Penello looked at the scene here with some taste, and some annoyed half-blood giants finally stopped Harry from crying when he came over and described the incident, which was now triggered again by Slughorn.

The black-haired witch and Alan greeted each other with their eyes, looking at the pot of mutton soup in front of them, annoyingly stirring the lamb in the pot with a long spoon-more and more people came to the funeral, she lowered Head, concentrate on cooking her own soup, she is neither the owner of the cottage nor a student of Slughorn, so she does not intend to ignore him.

This boiling mutton soup alone has made the whole log cabin surrounded by this strong aroma.

"Boil the soup in this color ..." Slughorn couldn't help but admire "Miss Krivat, you must have spent a long time ..."

"It took me two hours to soak the cold water to remove its odor and blood water, and then kept on the fire for three hours and continued to beat the foam, only to have such a soup." Penello wiped with his sleeve After wiping the sweat on his forehead, it's not surprising that Slughorn could know her, and she had a good face for this praise, "Alan, have you found everything?"

Allen handed the picked plants and several burlap pockets to Penello, especially explaining the package of spices that Snape gave, and the witch picked the different portions from it and put them in the soup. "Professor Snape gave you Try it less, if the taste becomes as bad as his potion, do n’t blame me, Ellen ... "

"It was really hard. The wonderful Quidditch match just now was not regarded as ..." Slughorn looked at the female Auror, who was in front of him, and it was still useful for his compliment, so he decided to pursue it, "but Just smelling it, I know that it ’s all worthwhile. Cooking is similar to potions. I do n’t expect everyone to really appreciate the beauty of the slow-simmering cauldron with white smoke and fragrance. They do n’t really understand the fluid that flows into people ’s blood vessels, the kind of magical power that makes people feel excited and confused ... "

Harry was very impressed by the lines of the sentence. Snape made the opening remarks with similar lines before the first class made it difficult for him. It is only now that the old bat is stealing the lines of his teacher Slughorn.

"But didn't Penello leave after the game?" Hermione was a little puzzled.

Luna raised her eyes and pulled out the butter beer race around her neck and shook it in front of Hermione's eyes. "When she returned to the hut, she was almost seen by herself."

"Ah, Miss Lovegood, you are also good afternoon ~" Slughorn was accustomed to talking to the famous Ravenclaw student in front of him. He did not explore the deep meaning of it.

Hermione glanced at Alan with some uncertainty, but he stunned and realized that these Eagle Academy students were actually using the power of such dangerous and deep magical objects for such small things. Looks like "Oh my god, this is not all the elective courses, you ..."

Harry, who had been stunned by the crazy girl's words, was aware of it. He now felt that some of Dumbledore's worries were correct. In a sense, these Ravenclaw Bislett Lin is also dangerous. The purpose of the poisonous snakes to learn dangerous knowledge is that at least others can know that it is for ambitions such as power. These eagle yard students are completely unsure of their purpose. time…

Hagrid moved out the huge wooden table in the room, and Harry helped him hold the other side of the table. After all this, Harry, like Allen, came to the hut and waited. Jumping firelight, steaming heat, diffuse fragrance ... The sunlight at dusk projected on Hagrid's cheeks, the giant's huge shadow projected on the ground, and it was like a spider with other people. The mottled light and shadow made him The look is a little hazy.

Hagrid clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then said loudly and boldly, "I am grateful that everyone can come ... While the sky is still bright, it is not completely dark, and it is Aragok's favorite dusk. , Let ’s go to the funeral first. "

"Where do you want to be buried, Hagrid?" Allen asked.

"Behind the pumpkin field, I think." Hagrid's voice choked. He put a black sleeve on his arm, as if it was made of rags dipped in shoe polish. "I didn't dig when you didn't come back." --grave."

Penello untied his small pocket and put it in Allen's arms. "Allen, I won't pass, I have to look at the pot."

Allen nodded, knowing that the dark-haired witch was a little sullen, it was supposed that she and herself came to send a spider into so many people involved.

Hagrid's hand scratched his disheveled hair. He actually hoped that Aragok's funeral would involve as many people as possible, so that Aragok would receive more blessings, but he and Penello Krivat The lady had no relationship, and as an Auror, it would be good enough to keep Aragog unchecked. What's more, he also heard about the name of the young woman Auror in front of him. The mixed-race giant closed his mouth cautiously this time without being reckless.

Hagrid led Allen and his party into the back garden. The dim sky glowed dimly, illuminating a huge earthen pit, beside which was a pile of new soil ten feet high.

Allen opened Penello's waist bag and released Aragok's body. Aragok was facing upwards, all sharp articulations were bent towards the sky, the two curved giants were motionless, and eight milky eyes on their heads stared blankly at the sky.

"Mellin's beard, such an eight-eyed giant spider?" Slughorn looked at this extraordinarily huge eight-eyed giant spider incredulously.

"I think it's ..." Hermione started her head and glanced at Hagrid. "I think it's him, professor."

Alan didn't say much. He kept staring at Harry, trying to identify the magical composition of his body after he took the potion. He could not see anything in a short time, but roughly judged that there was indeed a divination prophecy. At least some.

"Good guy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ how did it kill it?" Slughorn frowned and spread his hands incomprehensible. He opened his eyes to observe the spider in front of him, his eyes could not be removed from the giant spider.

"Kill him? He is my old friend!" Hagrid was not happy. "Aren't we holding a funeral for him?"

"Sorry, I don't know ..." Professor Slughorn reflected and quickly explained, "Sorry Hagrid, I don't know it ... he is a spider."

"Forget it, don't worry, you are not the only one who doesn't like the eight-eye spider. Spiders are often misunderstood, probably because of the eyes, which will make some people afraid." Hagrid's eyes narrowed slightly, and he himself often Misunderstood and frightening, but recalling the work of the descendants of Aragog, some people who have been protected by umbrellas are more and more concerned about Hagrid. "But if you accidentally encounter it, it ’s better to turn around and run, they Has a bad temper ... "

"His proboscis are not very good ..." Harry said, grinning his teeth behind Hagrid, and extended **** to his mouth, sliding up and down to mimic the spider's proboscis.

"Well, probably that's why." Hagrid gave Harry an uncomfortable glance.

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