Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 909: ? Raw pork minced hedgehog

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In the tower, Allen and Luna smelled a strong aroma of cooking beef as soon as they returned, and the two of them walked to the kitchen with this aroma.

The dining room and the kitchen are brightly lit, and the Gubulai fairy fire and the immortal flame exude bright and dazzling light. The steaming semi-finished dishes in the kitchen are already attractive in color, and the silver and glassware that contain the food sparkle and the lights above each other echo each other.

"The beef is almost fried. Take it out and put it aside first." Compared with the past, Morgan Le Fay's voice was a little excited.

"Without washing the pot, pour the beef loin into it and stir fry for a while, then add the onion and cook for three minutes." Hurga's voice also sounded.

Alan walked past curiously. Penello ’s short hair, which was not going to work on vacation, was pinned to the ear by a shiny diamond hairpin. She was wearing an apron painted with tender yellow ducklings, which was very different from her own style. , Using the magic wand to direct the sirloin to turn over and stir in the pan, and the thick gravy stewed in the other pot bubbled, and the rising heat smoked Penello.

Morgan Le Fay and Helgabi, who came out of the tavern in the portrait, lined up to guide the female apprentice in cooking, Maggie and Shining also squatted on the cabinet in the corner. A small book remembers things-they need to know their tastes and preferences without the owner's hands.

"Master, Miss Lovegood!" With a snap, the house elf Kreacher appeared in front of Alan. He bowed and greeted Alan and Luna deeply, explaining with shame, "Klice will also For the beef loin pie, the hostess said that they would have to do it themselves, and they do n’t need old Kleece to cook. Kleece is not a qualified house elf! "

At this time, Kreacher who came to Harris' house for a few days was completely different from what he had seen in Sirius's house. He was forced to take a bath every day under orders. He was no longer dirty and had two big bat-like ears. The fluff in it is fluffy and snowy, and the dress is no longer just a dirty rag around the waist, and the whole body is almost naked.

In order to circumvent the rule that the owner gave clothes to the house elves, Morgan Le Fay ordered himself to put on a little dress actually made for him, which made him look a bit like a housekeeper.

After questioning, Kreacher glanced dissatisfiedly at Maggie and Glitter, who was still watching Penello cooking, and gave a small report to Alan with a voice that no one thought he could hear: "It's really unruly, Lack of upbringing, as a house-elf, not only appeared in front of so many people, but now I do n’t come to see the owner and say hello, it ’s so ridiculous! "

Kreacher's whisper was so noisy that Maggie and Shining quickly hurried over to say hello, then Maggie grabbed Kreacher with a gloved prosthesis and bowed and apologized: "Sorry, Master, Maggie has not yet taught Kreacher Adapting to the rules of the Harris family, his former family concept had a profound influence on his cognition. "

"It's okay, Kreacher has been in Black's house for too long." Allen rubbed Maggie's head, then looked at Kreacher and pretended to threaten. "Remember to give your elixir to drink on time, don't keep thinking about hanging your head on the wall. Something happened. "

Luna threw the empty Coke bottle to Maggie, and took it first, and they bowed again, and the house elves returned to the previous cabinet.

"You just came back, and today you have done a lot of cooking ... Daisy, Emily, and Furong have no talent and interest in cooking, and there is no way to inherit the craftsmanship of me and Helga. Penello made it for us before. A pot of mutton soup, I only found her talent is very high, and the fire of this beef loin pie is also well controlled. "Morgan Le Fay has turned her attention to this, she waited for Allen to communicate with the house elf It was only after she made a noise—although Luna and Hermione also had no talent for cooking, just out of position, Morgan Le Fay was not convenient to speak out.

Luna stood on tiptoe and looked at the cupboard, sniffing hard. "Penello cooks better than me."

It was a bit unpleasant to see Luna and the Coke bottle in Shine, but Penello snorted in his heart, but when he heard the words of Allen ’s mother, he felt that he was stronger than several other girls in cooking. She flicked her hair and smiled, and was recognized by Morgan Le Fay. This made Penello's emotions high. She raised her head and smiled at Allen, and then raised her chin again. Her cooking skills were comparable to this crazy. The girl was much stronger, and Morgan Le Fay chose to inherit her cooking skills-thinking of this, Penello smiled at Allen again, then lowered his head and focused on the meringue in front of him.

Morgan Le Fay waved his wand and directed some ingredients to the chopping board. The knife flew over and chopped vegetables quickly. "Since you come back for dinner, don't go back to school and wait for Hermione to take Emily. Bring it back with Helena, and make more of what you like to eat ... Emily has the same taste as you. I have n’t liked raw pork minced hedgehogs since I was a child, so do n’t touch it later. When you two are at home on weekdays, I basically I have n’t done it yet. I do n’t know if you will be back today, so I taught Penello. Irving and Albert love to eat it for breakfast ... "

"Thank you mom ..." Allen felt very warm about the family's efforts in these little things. He had never paid attention to these small details before.

Hearing the words, Luna focused her attention on the plate of raw pork minced hedgehog, and there was bloodshot between the raw minced pork. Penello had already pinched out the shape of a little hedgehog. She cut the onion into strips to make a hedgehog The thorn on the back: "Helga, you seem to have done something similar for me? I remember sprinkling black pepper and salt on buttered bread ..."

"Royna, just tell me what you want to eat ..." Helga glanced at Luna with a smile, knowing she was greedy. "Although I can't eat it myself, Morgan Le Fay Both Penello and I can do it. Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with the sorting hat, but I did n’t assign them to our Hufflepuff ... "

"Hurga, in fact, when I was in the branch, the branch hat did think so ..." Morgan Le Fay finished smiling and looked at Luna, "What do you want to eat, Luna? I can take the opportunity to learn from Hurga New recipes. "

"The jaws of the big-mouthed colored ball fish ~" Luna recalled the memories of thousands of years ago and opened her eyes with staring eyes.

"Don't say anything crazy! The big-mouthed ballfish is almost extinct in our time!" Helga said angrily in the portrait.

"Then the chin meat of the colorful ball fish" Luna changed her menu when she seemed obedient and obedient.

It's inconvenient to find Penello who was attacking at this time. It was very comfortable to find that Ms. Hufflepuff said what she wanted to call out. She raised an eyebrow at Luna and then faced Alan: "Alan, you What do you want to eat at night? "

"The kind of broth made by Helga ~ Penelo worked hard for you ~" Allen smiled at the fat witch Helga who reported the dish name and portrait. "But I have to go downstairs first Get something ... "

"Master, what do you want! Order Kreacher to get it! Kreacher is willing to serve the young master." A bullfrog-like voice sounded, Kreacher expressed his loyalty, and Maggie had some pain in her head that wanted to hold him back.

"Kliche, stay here and learn to cook. You can't get in where to put things." Allen waved and Luna turned and walked up the stairs.

Everyone did not continue to ask after hearing Allen ’s words. Penelope ’s hand rolled out of the meringue. She lowered her head. The joyful heart that had been approved by Allen ’s mother had a sense of frustration ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ She is less and less able to participate in this kind of business, and the reading of the Nether Scroll is as slow as other Harris family members. If you want to turn the obscure knowledge into something It takes a lot of time for your own strength.

Klee, who had come to the tower before and was introduced by Maggie, silently stepped aside. His heart was still very shocking-in his original mind, Blake was the most noble, longest and most profound family in the magic world. But when he came to the Harris family, the elf's cognition was refreshed. His new owner family is not only powerful in the magic world, but also not an upstart family. The things looted from the Black family collection only account for this A small part of the mage tower ...

Allen stepped down the stairs and pressed his hand to the mark of perception. After notifying Hermione, he contacted his father, Owen: "Father, I just got a message from Lucius, and Tom sent it again. The Death Eater returned to the UK. He planned to carry out a terrorist attack in Muggle society, and unlike last time they planned to fight a guerrilla war with our Ministry of Magic. "

A few minutes after the message passed, Owen ’s voice rang in Allen ’s mind. “The Bulgarian Ministry of Magic has caused some troubles. I will deal with it later and I will go home with Lenn and talk about it in detail.” — Hearing the attack It's Muggle society, and Irving isn't too worried.

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