Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 912: ? If there are 3 Tom Riddle in the world at the same time

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The two addicted to the animals forgot the time, and did not return to the upstairs living room until Irving, who had returned, called them.

Irving didn't refresh himself when he came back, so that he looked a bit servant, he greeted them to sit down on the sofa, and asked carefully about the content of the conversation between Alan and Lucius. Hearing that Voldemort had sent Death Eaters to the Muggle society to make trouble, Owen's fingers flicked rhythmically on the sofa.

"There is really no way to solve this." Owen frowned and said for a long while, "Albert's armed Aurors are all well-trained players. If they really face the battle, they are no problem, but the number of people is so large for the entire UK. There is little pity inside ... and even if Scrimgeour ’s patrol Auror does not do anything, and the armed forces of the red umbrella department protecting the umbrella cannot protect everything from accidents. "

"If they really plan to run a fire without looking at the result, for example, it is more difficult to deal with." Renn sat beside Irving trying to pour himself a cup of black tea while holding a tea cup, but did not expect a Little Bird Snake, he skillfully used gentle movements to take out this little boy who was still unprepared and put it in his breast pocket before continuing, "As long as we can protect it firmly If there is no safety problem in the magic world, the trouble is not too big. It is nothing more than to encounter similar countries that have been warned by Allen through the membership of the International Wizarding Association before, and may take the opportunity to return to warn in retaliation ... but this is from In the long run, it is actually very beneficial to the changes that Allen wants to carry out. Once someone realizes that it is very difficult to fully comply with the secrecy law, and all the Ministry of Magic has been overwhelmed by these broken things, it is not only necessary to pray for change. It's us. "

"But such things cannot hide ordinary people, we have to prepare in advance, instruct the media we control, do not avoid taboos when reporting problems, take the initiative to explain these things and the necessary guidance to emphasize that only Muggles are affected, so that the wizards are in the heart There are a few. As long as the magic world is not damaged, as long as their own interests are not harmed, it does not matter to them. The wizards will not respond too much to the damage of Muggles. "Irving said along Renn's words," Those native pure Blood will definitely report this and attack us. It would be a big problem if we try to hide like Fudge. "

Ren took out a similar book that Allen sent to his students and used it as a notepad to write down his father ’s request. Then he straightened his body: "If Lucius is really tempted Some pure-blood families fall to mysterious people, how do we deal with them? "

"They really dare to fall back to the mysterious person is a good thing." Owen took a drink of tea, said calmly, "The more they do this kind of thing, the more handle falls on our hands, until liquidation When we were with them, we were more confident. What I was afraid of was that they were too law-abiding and just accused us of controlling the Ministry of Magic from a proper standpoint, especially Alan, what you are about to show on Hogwarts. After overbearing ... they will definitely let the children of their family create trouble for you. "

Lenn persuaded his father: "Do n’t worry, father, as we discussed before, those pure blood and Dumbledore will definitely use the identity of school manager and principal to try to get Allen out of school. Qualified into the internal management affairs of the school to try to bypass our Ministry of Magic, so that we are not easy to intervene. After the Umbridge incident, many people and students also just hated the Ministry of Magic's educational troubles, but this is just like Is n’t our intention? What our Ministry of Magic hopes is not to intervene at all ... "

"You're right." Irving nodded to the second son, "I'm just worried. After that, everyone can be torn apart ..."

"Those native pure blood still think that they can control the magic world behind the scenes by relying on wealth and power as usual. I will let them clearly realize that their means are nothing in front of power, not to mention It seems a bit overbearing, but the truth and the law on my side are my side ... "Allen said, turning his head and asking," Why hasn't Albert returned yet? Tom has found our Harris family several times Trouble, we can't just let him stay in the Albanian forest in this way. We have to pay the debts, I have to pay him back ... "

"Albert has been fighting Scrimgeour recently. The two of them now rarely hint at get off work, what are you doing with him?" Owen asked curiously.

"Remember what I said before? I need two criminals who committed the death penalty, and two wizard criminals." Allen replied.

"My Magic Law Enforcement Division is more suitable for this matter." Ron put the teacup in his hand aside, thinking of Allen's words, and asked with some expectation in his heart, "How do you want to trouble the mysterious person?"

"When I was in the second grade, Tom's first Horcrux was the soul fragment of Tom in the diary book. He almost resurrected himself by confusing Ginny, so that two mysterious people existed in the world at the same time ..." Allen Leaned forward slightly, put his hands together on his knees, and glanced at his father and brother with a mischievous smile: "And I have two Tom Horcruxes on my hands now, Father, Renn, you imagine Now, if there are three Tom Riddles in the world at the same time, the Death Eaters find that they have three masters. Tom meets Tom, Voldemort meets Voldemort, and the mysterious person meets the mysterious person. The oldest and the most crazy What kind of expression would Tom be? "

All of a sudden, Alan's whimsical idea stunned Irving and Lenn.

"Alan, wouldn't it be too risky to do this? You have to think carefully." Irving, who experienced Voldemort's heyday, thinks that Alan is too dangerous to do this. "Now a Dark Lord uses guerrilla tactics to make us anxious. Now! "

"And will a few of them unite to cause greater harm?" Renn was worried, a mysterious person had caused a panic of an era, if three mysterious people united together ...

"The wizarding world is estimated to be messy, but we are not in great danger, like Manson." Luna's light voice sounded from the other side of the sofa to remind others of her existence.

Owen's expression was stunned. He understood Luna's first sentence, but what was Manson?

"Father, Manson is the leader of the Santarin Society of medieval black wizards. He is a model of evil talkers, sinister and depraved evil black wizards who made a fortune by controlling Muggle trade routes in the desert. People are similar, they also made multiple Horcruxes for themselves, in order to achieve the purpose of immortality. After his body was hit by an Awada Suo mantra, there was an accident. These were made by him. The soul fragments in the Horcrux have been resurrected one after another, and each of them believes that they are the "real" Manson, and they want to kill other Mansons with perseverance that ordinary people can't explain. "Renn briefly introduced a few sentences , "It's not part of Hogwarts' history of magic history that needs to be studied and tested, so not many people know it."

"No matter what age Tom was, no matter how mad they were at that time, his inherent pride, suspiciousness, and unwillingness to succumb to his disposition never changed. People like him would not be willing to accept the leadership of others. Even if that person is himself. ”Then, as Renn said, Allen judged,“ And they know each other ’s character and understand that once they know each other ’s existence, they will think of solving each other. So they cannot unite together. "

Irving nodded his head to agree with Allen ’s speculation, but then he seemed to be embarrassed to turn his head and looked at Luna ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After he found that the other party was staring at the kitchen again, he quickly changed a sitting position and approached Allen. Whispered: "Allen, you can't let Hermione know about this plan."

Allen, who was taking a sip of hot tea from the tea cup, understood the meaning of his father ’s words. He smiled and shook his head and explained: “Father, you ’re so worried. Tom was n’t as crazy when he made these two Horcruxes. When he made the crown into a Horcrux, he was only around 20 years old, and although the age of the Slytherin pendant box into a Horcrux was uncertain, but it was only between 19 and 54 years old. In this period, he will not do meaningless killing, without sufficient benefits, and will not blindly attract Muggles on a large scale like the current Tom. The young Tom is in a sense more Like us, at this stage, I prefer to cultivate my own power and accumulate strength. "

"But in this case, compared to the Muggle world, the wizarding world is estimated to be more uneven ..." Irving understood, and his eyes turned to Allen. "But our British Ministry of Magic is certainly enough to protect the safety of the British magic world, Allen. Remember to cast one of them to the Bulgarian wizarding world ... their Minister of Magic has been bothering me recently on the issue of the Temple of You and Ravenclaw, hoping that the young and mysterious people will stay where they were cast and help me find Back to the scene ... "


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