Genius remembers the permanent address of this site for one second:

"I quit Hogwarts and join your school!" In a silence, the blood-filled Frieger's voice was particularly loud but a little uncomfortable. Since entering Hogwarts, he has never been like this. Zhongrao focus, he did not like this feeling, his posture walked a bit awkwardly.

"I also joined, Professor Harris." Susan tried to separate the Hufflepuffs in front of her. Her eyes that were crying because of guilt were very firm at this time, so that Hannah Abbott was not there. Persuade her.

"I join." Draco Malfoy looked back at Pansy, but found that Emily had grabbed his girlfriend, and Draco looked at them with some doubt.

Emily whispered: "Draco, I'm not yet 17 years old. I want Dad to sign and agree to leave Hogwarts. Pansy will stay with me first. She can go with me when the time comes."

Draco, who heard Emily's words, straightened his collar without looking at his father, and walked out, striding out with a high chin.

Ben Bursted looked at the wizards who had walked out of the sidelines. His bright brains were sweating impatiently, and his voice was hoarse to the pure-blood schoolmasters around him: "Come up with a way, do n’t let him Take the students away. "

"It's not just about controlling the Ministry of Magic ... They're not just trying to open up the magical knowledge among adult wizards." Paul Greengrass's deep voice implied in horror, "Do they even want to let the most basic education go? ?! This world is blocking us at the source! "

"Quickly stop, you calm down, don't be fooled."

"Hogwarts is the best magic school in the world, do you think about it?"

These pure-blood school directors hurried out to discourage these wizards from going to Allen, but their retention was useless for these wizards who had made up their minds.

Pansy felt a little fortunate, and she only withdrew her subconscious feet after seeing Malfoy's eyes. She looked at Malfoy's back, and the magic robe was twisted by her fingers. Fortunately, Ai Mirila stopped herself, otherwise the Dark Lord knew her behavior would be bad.

Emily looked at Pansy with a sad face on her face, and leaned in and whispered in Pansy's ear: "We don't have to go there anymore. Alan is teasing Dumbledore to play with them."

This made Pansy's eyes widen—and among the group of Slytherins beside her, Blaise Zabini's narrow, slightly slanted brown eyes looked at the wizards who were still hesitating.

"Will you learn the magic of ancient magic classes here? I think clearly, I have to rely on myself." Blaise, who thought that she couldn't rely on her mother, made the decision and went out.

One after another, wizards came out of the microscopic crowd and gathered behind Allen. Whether it was out of friendship and blood guilt or the pursuit of strength, seeing that so many people supported Allen, they chose to leave Hogwarts. The faces of those pure-blood school directors are very ugly.

"Unexpectedly, he even came up with such a method, which can still teach his ancient magic to the wizards. But from a legal point of view, there is no problem with his behavior, and we have no right to stop it." Amelia Burns Her heart seemed to be crushed by an invisible boulder. As a member of the Law Enforcement Division of Wisengama, she who was familiar with the law raised her brows worriedly. She had realized the nominal legality of the other party ’s intention, These pure-blood families, who are school managers, have no chance to prevent it from happening in the face of the construction of a new school by Harris, who controls the Ministry of Magic, and Harris, a money-making machine with an umbrella, also There is total capital to quickly build a new magic school.

"Too much, he not only doesn't care about tradition, but even worse Hogwarts wants to ruin! He doesn't care what kind of damage this kind of action will cause to Hogwarts ... Neville, what are you doing, fast Come back! "Alji ​​Longbottom raised his eyebrows angrily, but his mouth was grinning downwards, and stared at Neville with his eyes. The look of the eyes was about to shoot out a petrified curse." Your grandma is old and her body Not very good lately, do n’t make her angry! Amelia, do n’t be distracted, be optimistic about your niece! ”

Amelia looked up and saw Susan who had drilled out of Hufflepuff. The original deep voice was a little sharp because of impatience. "Susan, you come back to me and stay in Hogwarts! Harris! His new school just decided to build a teacher without it! You are all in sixth grade! "

Amelia's reminder made the senior students around him hesitate. A sharp voice stood out in the clamor of support or curse: "Allen, if you don't dislike, I will come to your school to teach you Right. "

Professor McGonagall was even more dumbfounded by the sudden turn of the scene: "Felius! How can you make such a decision at this time!"

Allen followed his voice and then looked down to find that it had been the silent Hogwarts Curse Professor Filius Flivi. He raised his head and glanced gently at his favorite disciple.

"I will be with you to witness the rise of an excellent school of magic." Professor Flitwick said seriously, and then he bowed slightly to Hogwarts' principal Dumbledore. "Sorry, Albus, thank you for so many years. The trust and importance of it, but Allen now needs me more. You know that I used to be a duel champion. I supported the establishment of his training class and the duel club that year. The fighting level of the students after graduation in recent years has been I was very disappointed and worried. I was able to look at him in the past, and this kid did n’t have much teaching experience. It might be unexpected for Meida to step ... "

"Professor Flitwick! Thank you for your support, which is of great significance to me." Allen squatted down halfway, holding his hands with his beloved dean with his hands bent.

"Felius, please calm down first. Besides, Mr. Harris, Hogwarts has maintained a good teaching tradition as a British magic school for ten centuries. You do not need to have a perfect teaching system. Open another school under the circumstances. "Dumbledore's old voice was slow and solemn, and his expression can now be the harshest one after Allen enrolled," These wizards regard you as a persecuted hero. , And you think that the new magic school that is about to be established can realize your overly radical educational reform ideas ... I have to admit, to our children who are not involved in the world ... No, to many adult wizards, Harris Sir, your message is very attractive.

This is how you told Lupin that the winning ticket was in hand? Yes, it is so powerful that it caught me off guard. Your decision is legally, I have no way to blame you ~ ~ But it will damage the interests of our UK, ruin the long-term unity and unity, and lead to The division of the magic world.

In particular, the form of our magic world is not optimistic. Although Voldemort has not been in the country, from the recent movements of the Death Eaters, he is always preparing for a comeback. And if the magic world splits due to this event and we even have a longer battle, which will allow the mysterious person to find an opportunity to invade, then the war will continue to spread in the magic world and the non-magic world.

What the magic world is really afraid of is internal disintegration, our internal fighting and internal friction, so Tom can easily let some speculators join his camp, and even let us break through each, and these innocent wizards will live In the juice of war and fear you should immediately give up your bewitches and plans. "

"Principal Dumbledore, do you think I don't know your ideal plans after you drove me out of school just now? Well, I admit that your mandarin makes sense ... Hahehe ..." Alan came to the back and looked at Deng Brido changed his formerly kind-faced, stern face and couldn't help but laughed directly. He raised his fist to cover his lips for a few seconds before letting his expression stabilize and serious, "Sorry, but I think you can Summarize your views and publish them in those pure-blooded newspapers and magazines. Let me have breakfast at my new teaching location and see what else you have to say ... "

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