Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 942: ? As you wish, Dumbledore (sincerely thank old man fool ...

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"The unilateral scene is more ugly?" Alji Lombard, who had just climbed from the ground, was still trembling. Hearing Alan's answer was repeated, he thought it was ridiculous, and his tone clearly revealed his Ideas.

Raising his eyes, Alan looked straight at Dumbledore with unbiased eyes. "I gave you a lot of opportunities, Dumbledore. I have just tried to convince you from reason and responsibility, but you finally decided not to agree. I ’m reasoning and responsible, and after Sirius appeared, he tried to use the so-called “internal method” of the Hogwarts board to convince you, but you were still unimpressed, but in this case, I also decided to give you another chance , So I took the initiative to withdraw and legally wanted to establish a magic school to complete my educational philosophy, but you still rejected my final good intentions, you rejected what your students wanted ... so Hogwarts Mr. Albus Percival Woolflick Bryan Dumbledore, the current principal of the Ic School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, now you will be officially expelled from me. "Allen's facial expression was unmoved and his eyes swept. To those pure-blood school directors with doubts on their faces or mocking disdain, continue to say, "There are also members of the board of pure-blood families. You have illegally occupied Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for many years. Will be evicted from this school. "

"Damn let me go, he wants to use force!" Mad Eyed Moody shouted loudly at Lupin and Tonks beside him, his long gray hair was missing a large piece of meat under his nose At this moment, squinting two asymmetrical eyes staring at Alan alertly.

Hearing Moody's cry, the pure-blood school managers stepped back a few steps unconsciously, and the wands confronting the students were aimed at Allen in the middle. They gathered together, their backs were rounded relative to the siege, and there were some wary and experienced school directors who pointed their wands at the armed Aurors on the sidelines-although after doing this, they only found that they stayed The other party on the ground seems to have no intention of participating.

"If I understand correctly, Mr. Harris, do you mean to expel me and all the Hogwarts school directors?" Dumbledore asked, raising his eyebrows, raising his eyebrows. At this point, Alan Harris has always been like Lu Ping revealed that his intentions are generally not real hands without hands, but his hands still touch his wand, "Can you please explain yours in more detail …Claim?"

Suddenly, as if responding to Dumbledore ’s question, Ms. Gray, the ghost of Ravenclaw ’s college, appeared in the middle of the field out of thin air. “That ’s not a requirement.”

This attracted the full attention of the wizards who held various positions. I saw Ms. Gray holding her delicate chin high, and drifting towards Alan dignifiedly, her back straight, so that she was taller and taller.

"Ms. Gray, she came out at this time ..." Kingsley Shackle questioned his unique thick voice, but the peace-loving voice usually did not play a role in the surrounding people at this time. effect.

"I have communicated with Allen before. He personally admitted that he will not rely on violence to force others to succumb. He looks very confident and does not worry about the union of Dumbledore and the school managers ..." Lu Ping looked in amazement. With the female ghost, "I just thought Allen's plan to build a new school was his ultimate means, but now Ms. Gray has appeared ... he also stated that he will expel the principal and director of Hogwarts ..."

Tonks's pale heart-shaped face seemed dull. She remembered the kind of casualness and intimacy that the girl had called Ms. Gray, but she didn't know the whole story. She didn't know what to say at this time.

Dumbledore ’s eyebrows were slightly frowned when Alan put her on the female ghost. Ms. Gray was different from the ghost when she was a young wizard from Alan Harris and refused to provide herself. The intelligence of the other party, as the oldest and most special member of Hogwarts College, as the daughter of one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, at this time, Dumbledore ’s heart The sense of anxiety grows stronger.

Watching Ms. Gray approaching them continuously, Dumbledore took two steps forward and stared at Ms. Gray intently. The old voice rang: "Dear Ms. Gray, if you do n’t suggest, can you tell me The purpose here ... I mean, is there anything we can do for you? "

"Thank you Dumbledore 'Mr.' I'm just here to welcome the return of Hogwarts' true master." Helena lifted her skirt expressionlessly and thanked Dumbledore politely.

Helena bit the pronunciation of "Mr." very hard, which caused the noise below, and the wizards exchanged glances and discoveries--Ms. Grey no longer called Dumbledore the principal.

"It is undeniable that Harris is a very attractive wizard, and with his ability to talk and have the ability to confuse people, will Ms. Gray be charmed by Harris?" Ms. Amelia Ens said, Her two thick eyebrows were raised high, and she raised her hand and held the monocle that seemed to be about to fall.

"Ms. Gray, you must have been deceived by Harris." Alji Longbottom extended his finger to Allen, and the facial features on the black face were a little untidy and said anxiously. The other pure-blood school directors echoed one after another, eloquently persuading Mrs. Gray to keep her eyes open so as not to be fooled by Alan Harris.

Dumbledore's eyes flickered, and he remembered the fact that Ms. Gray had been deceived by Tom and lost Ravenclaw's crown. Compared with the original Tom, Harris is undoubtedly better now, more charismatic and more accustomed to using this advantage to win the favor of women. Ms. Gray has a very close relationship with Harris in recent years, and even the castle is very rare. She is willing to leave Hogwarts to go home with him during the holiday. These are no doubt that Ms. Gray may have been taken by Harris. Bewitched, Harris is willing to fund the construction of a temple for her mother Ravenclaw, on the one hand, to facilitate his radical reforms in education, and on the other hand, it is likely to please Ms. Gray-in previous contacts In the observation, Dumbledore also observed that although Ms. Gray is a Ravenclaw, her character is very easy to fall into manipulation by others.

"Not just me, but the entire Hogwarts." Helena said calmly, the expression on her face as usual, without any change.

As her words fell, suddenly, a large group of pearly white, translucent ghosts appeared behind Helena, and they appeared in the middle of the venue out of thin air, instantly filling the middle of the venue-many ghosts are not counted Active, except for appearing at the opening of the school branch, few people can see them, and now including the crying Myrtle is not screaming and crying, not a real ghostly mischievous ghost Pipipigui also obediently stay In the team, the gathering of Hogwarts ghosts and ghosts caused the temperature of the venue to drop a lot, and the strangeness of its actions caused many people to tremble, and the timid already started to scream.

Professor McGonagall found Nick who was almost headless in the ghost. As a ghost of the Gryffindor Academy, he was not terrible, and his character was very kind and funny. McGonagall whispered to him that he was usually good with him. Ask: "Sir Nicholas, what are you?"

Nick, who was almost headless, waved an elegant slender hand but accidentally left his skin with only a layer of skin on his neck. He looked at Professor McGonagall pensively, pressed it on his head with his hand, and shook everything. Did not say, just sighed heavily.

"Since Harris is proficient in undead spells, did he use any means to force the ghosts to be controlled?" Ben Burst was squeezed into a thin line of fat with suspicion. He found that his previous college ghost blood Barrow was also mixed in. This terrifying ghost had a thin face with empty eyes and silver stains of blood on his robe-but at this time it was a little flinching behind other ghosts and seemed to be afraid of being noticed by Alan Harris To.

"Oh my god, sir your thoughts are terrible! Not so, this is just Hogwarts' will." The monk dressed in Hufflepuff, the short, fat college ghost fat monk heard his question. , And he amicably puzzled the school manager and said what he could say-the fat monk has the typical friendship and compassion of the Hufflepuffs. No one else in Hogwarts would accept Pippi ghosts, only He is willing, he is the only one who sees the potential advantages of Pippi. When Hogwarts starts school every year, fat monks try to persuade other ghosts to let Pippi ghosts attend the banquet, UU reading www.uukanshu. Comm has never succeeded.

After answering the question, the stunned school manager, the fat monk speeded up and caught up, and all the ghosts of Hogwarts came to Alan under the guidance of Ms. Gray, and Helena picked up her skirt. , Bent his knees slightly, and performed an elegant court etiquette, and the other ghosts bowed to Allen too-the ghosts wrapped up in Pippi took away their hippie smiles, and took off their hats, as seriously as the Weasley twins Bowed.

Then the ghosts separated the sides like a surging tide and gave way to the Hogwarts Auditorium.

Dumbledore discovered that he had lost control of the Hogwarts ghosts, not only Ms. Gray, but all the ghosts. He pressed his uneasy and angry eyes into seriousness and let it return from Helena Allen said, "So, Mr. Allen Harris, what's your next move, let's go straight."

"As you wish, Dumbledore." Allen finished, raising his hand in full view, and snapped his fingers-Dumbledore suddenly felt that something had become very wrong, and once he was conscious Not at all, just felt the blood rushing upwards, the sudden unprecedented emptiness made him lose sight, and faltered to take a step forward.

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