Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 944: ?? Hogwarts school motto: do not disturb the sleeping dragon (sincerely thank you fool

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"He didn't cast the" Stone Piers Out "spell to allow the Stone Piers to come alive. It seemed that he really gained full control of Hogwarts." McGonagall's eyes were stuck to these stones in surprise Some of Dun's body couldn't be moved. After becoming the dean of the Gryffindor College at Hogwarts, she has always wanted to use the curse for a long time. She is very familiar with this spell, but no one has dared to invade Hog for so many years. Watts, there is no opportunity to use these pier.

Under the cold gaze of these stone pier warriors, the intrusive pure-blood school directors were shocked and frightened, and their legs did not listen, trembling like sieve chaff. Afraid of fear, Alji Longbottom only felt that cold sweat permeated his palm. Hogwarts actually refused to enter Dumbledore and wanted to enter Hogwarts to drive away Allen. The thought of the final result was that he was banned from entering and expelled.

Alji Longbottom was as if struck by thunder, poked there in a daze, thinking of the family records in the future that would indicate that the identity of the Hogwarts school director who has continued for hundreds of years in the Longbottom family is in his own hands. At the funeral, his heart sank into the cold water as if a stone was tied, and it was cold.

Despair spread to his heart little by little. He didn't want to sit still, and some broken Arji Longbottom gritted his teeth. He didn't give up and stubbornly turned back and shouted again: "Harris, how can you have a way to control Hogwarts?"

"What means did you use to steal the secrets that control Hogwarts?" Sirius asked to return the favor of Allen, who was willing to support Alan. In such a situation where his identity may be deprived, he can't take care of manners. "I was just helping you, you can't do this to me!"

"I suspect that he used some kind of black magic to illegally occupy Hogwarts." Paul Greengrass also clenched his fists, he intends to illegalize Allen's behavior, want to borrow this time he The only way to think of it was to restore the decline and dying before things were completely settled.

"Gentlemen and ladies, let us recall what happened just now, in a respect for Dumbledore. I have been giving you a few opportunities so that you and Dumbledore can exit more decently, but you do it every time. The opposite choice was made, step by step, to push myself to the present desperate situation, "Alan sneered, shook his head, and said jokingly," At this point, he still deliberately distorts and distorts the facts, framing Hogwarts. The real master is a very stupid act. Your blindness makes you look at the truth around you, just like when you did n’t want to see Tom coming back, you tried to hypnotize yourself and make yourself believe that he does not exist. Now, let Hogwarts The most qualified presence proves the legality of my actions. "

On the side of the venue, Horace Slughorn, who had not been involved in the struggle between the two sides, noticed Allen ’s expression and began to murmur in a loss: "Albush is over, these members of my slug The school managers are also finished "

In the gathering area of ​​Slytherin wizards, Slytherin Dean Severus Snape still didn't mean to speak. His usual indifferent eyes were on his eagle nose, and at this time he looked with pity and irony. Stare at Dumbledore who is too weak on the field and Alan Harris who is full of spirits.

Dumbledore recalled Allen ’s remarks on the acquisition of ownership and the Ravenclaw Temple. Dumbledore, who had eased after losing authority over Hogwarts, still refused to accept his own speculations. He gasped and asked the temptation with a glimmer of hope: "Mr. Harris, the balance of victory has been inclined towards you. As the principal of Hogwarts, although I have not been arrogant enough to think that I am the best principal, but Since I took office, I have been doing my best to educate the wizards in the magic world. Why did the lady choose to support your idea and expel me? "

"Mr. Dumbledore, we didn't have to be where we are today. I once asked Remus to warn you." Allen raised his lips and looked at Dumbledore and shook his head regretfully. "Mr. Dumbledore, Although I have to expel you from school because my educational philosophy is different now, it is not me who essentially wants to expel you from school, but Hogwarts itself. I have been appeasing Hogwarts Your decision to punish is that Hogwarts itself is also against you. "

Dumbledore raised his head, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he took cold hands and examined Allen from his half-moon-shaped glasses. Unlike other pure-blood managers, he Understand that in this situation, no matter whether Allen ’s description is true or not, he and those pure-blood school managers have already lost. It is meaningless to argue with Allen again: "Mr. Harris, if you can you If you can, please show me the respectable lady, if she really still exists, since I must ask me to leave Hogwarts, I hope that she, who is full of wisdom, can tell me the reason in person, so that I can understand. "

"Since you insist on that, as you wish, Mr. Dumbledore Hogwarts will explain it to you yourself and you will understand immediately." Alan looked at Dumbledore with pity, "I miss you." As the former principal of Hogwarts, I must be very clear about the engraving on the ribbon under our school badge? Dumbledore, remember what it is? "

Dumbledore hadn't spoken for a while. He was considering Allen's intentions for some unrelated issues. In the end, he held his hands together and his eyes fell on Allen's face: "Do not disturb the sleeping dragon." : Hogwarts school motto is dradoriensnunatitilnd, meaning "never tease a sleeping dragon")

Dumbledore's answer seemed to be like touching a switch. As soon as his answer to Allen's question fell, he frowned sharply, his face turned sharply with tension, and his face looked very solemn, through The corridor of the corridor looks out to the Black Lake beyond Hogwarts' cliff.

Under the sunlight, the lake surface of the Black Lake sparkles in a microwave, and the silk-like lake water stretches out into the distant mountains. The Black Lake is like a mirror gently dipped in water, and the reflection of Hogwarts Castle on the cliff is quietly reflected. In the water, everything seemed so quiet and beautiful.

The wizards in the square who were being stimulated by the immediate reversal of the situation felt their hearts and looked up. They seemed to feel something terrifying, and the depressed atmosphere made them feel out of breath. All the professors looked solemn and solemn.

Ben Birdstead approached Paul Greengrass, swallowing and asked, "Did you feel it?"

"There is indeed something there" Greengrass squeezed his wand tightly, his eyes full of horror, such a suffocating coercion that he experienced for the first time in his life.

Fear spreads in the crowd, and the wizards slowly gather together involuntarily, as if they can accumulate strength and give courage to face what is about to happen.

At this time, the calm black lake water set off a huge wave, and the sudden strong wind blew everyone's eyes. They raised their arms and wanted to block the oncoming strong wind. The eyes narrowed in a line under the cover of the raised arm. Look at the direction of Black Lake.

A sound like a thunderous dragon sound sounded like a thunder, and the sound was earth-shattering, as if the ground of the entire Hogwarts Castle shook with it. The sun against them made them unable to see the mammoth flying towards them for a moment. When they saw it clearly, a scream of high decibels sounded among the wizards, and many wizards even fell to the ground in fear, throwing their hands and feet backwards Remove.

A giant dragon with five dragon heads and a traditional fire dragon-like bipedal dragon-like tail rushed out of the water from the bottom of the Black Lake and raised up. This dragon has a different color on each head and a huge torso. Many colors are scattered with beautiful stripes composed of these colors, and unlike the biped fire dragons familiar to wizards, it is a four-footed fire dragon, and this evil dragon is compared with the ordinary fire dragon shape they have seen. The body shape is much larger.

However, as the opponent approached, the wizards felt that the strong dragon power peculiar to the four-legged dragon became more and more heavy, such as a turbulent tide hitting the wizards. Under the shock of this unnatural coercion, the wizards were so frightened that they could not move their footsteps. They stared blankly at it passing through the heights of the Black Lake ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and could not accommodate other things.

At this time, the dragon's wings were fully extended and flew towards Hogwarts. When flying over the wizards, as if covering the sky and the sun, it could only see the gold edge of its body coated with the sun in the backlight. A huge shadow enveloped the wizards.

Even Hogsmead not far away, whether it is people shopping on the street or wizards looking out through the window in the store, are attracted by the dragon hovering over Hogwarts Castle, even At such a long distance, the dragon's roars were clearly audible, and it sounded very shocking.

The dragon surrounded the castle, flying higher and higher, hovering in the sky, roaring loudly and deafeningly. It seems that the spires of almost all the towers of Hogwarts are covered by its huge wings. The dragon swooped down from high altitude, and the wings on its side were extremely large. With a terrifying momentum covering the sky and the sun, the whole body was swept down. With a loud bang, the dragon roared with its head raised, the dragon's claws waved and fell firmly on the roof of the castle, its dragon's tail swayed gently, and the castle wall where it was beaten suddenly burst open.

The unpleasant and pungent smell of sulfur, together with the evil breath from hell, enveloped Hogwarts, the dragon standing high, and huge eyes overlooking the wizard on the square.

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