Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 958: ? Then I shout louder

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Returning to the room, Lucius closed the door and put on a closed ear plug spell again. When facing Rudolphs, he seemed to have lost the ability to organize language for a time. He walked to the table in silence and repression. The replica of Kna's hand and the jug of spirits were placed on the table.

Rudolph's deep eyes swept over Lucius' cheek and walked over to the table. He seemed to have stepped on Lucius's heart step by step. He fell into a silent and depressed stone chamber, so that Lucius couldn't wait to cast magic. Curse, knock everything into a sparse rotten.

"Crabbe brought us a bottle of spirits without knowing his master's intention? It was as stupid as when he was a kid ..." Rudolph picked up the magical prosthesis, and his eyes fell on the interface of his arm, pausing for a long while. He turned around and his tone was unexpectedly calm: "Lucius, I need your help."

Lucius twisted his eyebrows, his lips pressed together tightly, raised his head several times and hung down, hesitant to speak, and wanted to say, but he didn't know how to speak. The Dark Lord installed Rudolphs' hands like Bella, but he didn't expect good intentions to do something bad.

Looking at Lucius's indecision, Rudolph stretched out the half of his arm that he had left, and firmly said: "Lucius, nothing will happen, come and help me."

"Rudolphs," Lucius said heavily, "you have to cut off your arm before you can put it on ... and connect the heart-draining curse ..." Lucius couldn't say anything, he couldn't imagine Rudolph Pain is about to suffer.

"Isn't it something you found for me? You and my brother Rabastan are so stupid ..." Rudolph finished his sarcasm and sighed softly, "We can't refuse ... Lucius, and it really makes me stronger. . "

Rudolph's voice made Lucius feel worried. From the current situation, he really has no room for rejection. This arm is made by the Dark Lord, and the drill heart curse is obviously the Dark Lord deliberately left Rudolph as him. 'S trial ...

After a moment of silence, Lucius's pale, pointed face turned aside, and he summoned his courage but spoke out his inner thoughts very quietly: "Rudolphs, wait for me to call Sissy, let's run ... let's go to surrender Harris, he told me that if you are in danger, you can stop lurking ... "

"What? Are you going to take me out now? Like the liar did?" Rudolph raised his eyebrows in surprise, then laughed full of irony, "Hah! If the master knows you are Spy, are n’t you afraid of being retaliated by the owner? "

"Rudolphs, you listen to me. Alan Harris has a different personality from his master, and he is also very successful in alchemy. I go to him and he will guarantee our safety! I will definitely do it for you. A better prosthesis ... "Lucius said eagerly," I surrendered to him not only for Sissi's safety ... you know they have controlled the Ministry of Magic, and drove away the master and Dumbledore, even if Used intrigue but his personal strength is so powerful at a young age ... he has unlimited personal potential ... not to mention the gods standing behind Allen ... Ms Ravenclaw behind Harris is a backer. His current strength should be better than I grew so much during the Ministry of Magic last year ... you know how smart my father is! Before he died, I was keeping pace with Harris. My father said they would be the last winners ... "

"Are you sure he can guarantee your safety after you lose the use value?" Rudolph dismissed Lucius's words a bit. "You know who their old boss is, and the first style is unclear. ? Lucius, you are too naive, you have to guarantee your value before he has the value to please him ... "

"At least he behaves completely differently now! Rudolphs! Alan Harris has repeatedly reminded and suggested that I can give up the task here at any time. He will guarantee the safety of my family!" Lucius maintained an elegant and decent posture The emotions of Xia also began to be eagerly exposed, "If we ask him ..."

"Beg him? Lucius! What about your self-esteem ?! What qualifications do these outsiders have to lead Lesterrange ?!" Rudolph's eyes were bright, his head slightly raised, and his mouth seemed to smile even more. Like mocking, he sneered, "Lestrange and Ravenclaw are still distant relatives, our family's emblem is the raven, and Ravenclaw ... but the claws of the raven."

"Rudolphs, the owner is not a mixed man now ..." Lucius realized that he was a bit reluctant to speak in anxiety. With the years of fear caused by the Dark Lord, he did not dare to finish his words, but it also made him right. I am a little bit angry, "As long as I can live, the living people will not care what the dead think! Since you are proud of your family, you should understand that what is important is not your personal glory! It is the continuation of the family! Do you understand? ?! "

"Fool! I'm never the one I'm loyal to! Lucius, it's Bellatrix Black Lestrange! Don't inculcate the set of things your father instilled in you!" Rudolphs He also roared angrily, and then realized that he was in a state of gait, he adjusted his collar with one hand, "When you love someone, you must believe her, there is no other way, you have to hand over the key that controls everything in life. For her, what's the point? "

"But her key wasn't given to you ..." Lucius said no more to see Rudolph's arm outstretched. He had to pull out his wand and tremble toward his amputated arm: "Snape used to Teach me a spell, and soon, you bear with it. "

Rudolph nodded and gestured the replica of Vicna's hand on his arm so that Lucius could find the right position-and then suddenly stopped, swiping his wand to dispel the closed earplugs and sit again Came back.

"Master will not be happy to hear my voice ..."

Lucius's voice seemed to squeeze out of his lips, his eyes stared at Rudolph: "It will hurt a lot."

Rudolph's pursed lips lightened, his gaze firm, and his tone did not fluctuate: "Then I will shout."

Lucius ’s indifferent and proud gray-blue eyes were full of worries in his eyes. His eyebrows were wrinkled into a Sichuan shape, and his position was darkly measured. He looked at the strong black magic breath at the excuse of the prosthesis: It hurts so much when I touch the wound on my amputated arm ... "

"Then I will shout louder!" Rudolph insisted. His eyes were as deep as Hogwarts' black lake, and his head resolutely looked at him with tears and nodded.

"Shenfeng Wuying ..."

"Uh ah !!!"

On the other side of the underground base, Bellatrix has received a sudden and distorted scream of distress and pain from the door in the more independent and luxurious room obtained since pregnancy. The two sisters stopped talking.

"Who is screaming again ?!" Narcissa frowned, her pale cheeks without a trace of blood. After living here for so long, she still had difficulty adapting to this atmosphere full of pain and depression.

"Rudolphs." Bellatrix picked up a grape in the fruit bowl and threw it in the mouth. The facial muscles twitched a few times, raising his eyebrows and laughing at him, "Hah, I have never heard of him. It's so miserable. "

"How did he call it so loudly ..." Narcissa asked anxiously, only to hear Rudolph's screaming louder than loudly.

"I suggest that the master will make the prosthesis he made longer." Bellatrix laughed and tilted his toes proudly. "He needs to cut off some extra parts before he can put it on ~"

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