Cassius was taken aback, Graham quickly retracted his head, and Sean calmly watched the little snake swim from the side of the table to Cassius's table.

The little snake opened its mouth and swallowed the green frog. Professor McGonagall walked quickly from the back row, cast a spell on the little snake and turned it back into a crystal cup, and the frog turned back into a cup and Sean cups standing together.

"Sean, next time you can change into some cuter animals." Professor McGonagall said.

"Professor McGonagall, this is just the Transfiguration Curse, you know, it's not dangerous." Sean spread his hands.

Professor McGonagall's expression suddenly sank, he looked at Sean, and said loudly to the students in the classroom.

"Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous spell you have in your Hogwarts class. Anyone who tries to misbehave in my class, I ask him out and never come back. I warned you .”

Obviously, she is very dissatisfied with Sean's attitude. Sean is very talented and proficient in magic, but other students still have to learn step by step. Sean's attitude is likely to affect other students.

And Xiao En saw that Professor McGonagall was a little angry, and realized his mistake. He was a little too casual. If other students were influenced by him, they would feel that the Transfiguration Curse was not dangerous. When something happened during the casting process, he would There are also certain responsibilities.

"I'm sorry Professor McGonagall, I apologize for my unreasonable attitude." Sean said sincerely.

Seeing that Sean realized his mistake, Professor McGonagall softened her tone, and she looked at Sean and said.

"Sean, this is just a basic transformation spell. You may think it is simple, but if you study this advanced subject with such an attitude, you will be injured. Advanced Animagus transformation is extremely complicated and dangerous."

"Understood Professor McGonagall." Sean nodded.

Animagus, who can transform himself into some kind of animal, is accompanied by pain and life-threatening in the process of practice. At present, there are only a handful of wizards who have become Animagus.

Cedric stopped Sean after Transfiguration class.

"Professor Sprout's greenhouse will grow a new herb this afternoon, do you want to go and see it?"

"I really want to go, but unfortunately I was detained by Professor Jovic." Sean said helplessly.

"I heard from Professor Sprout that it's a kind of herb used to make mana recovery potions," Cedric said.

Yesterday Sean half-jokingly talked about the mana recovery potion with Cedric. He didn't expect any follow-up. He originally planned to go to Snape to get some by himself.

"From this point of view, Professor Sprout must have the formula for the magic power recovery potion. In the future, you may be able to get the raw materials from her to make it yourself." Sean secretly thought.

In the afternoon, it was an astronomy class. Professor Sinista was a black woman, and the class was held in the tallest building in Hogwarts, the Astronomy Tower.

Sean was very serious in this class and looked at the textbook without saying a word. Seeing that Sean was so serious, Cassius looked over at him and realized what Sean was doing.

Sean's quill is automatically copying the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook "Dark Arts: A Guide to Self-Defense" in his notebook.

"What kind of spell is this?" Cassius asked curiously.

"Speed ​​recording, a very practical magic for students who often have to be detained," Sean said.

"There is such a convenient magic, which is much more cost-effective than a shorthand pen." Cassius seemed to have discovered a new world.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you next time." Sean said.

After class, the students all returned to the lounge, and Sean went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor on the third floor after eating. Professor Jovic was sitting at the podium and waiting for Sean.

"Sean Grylls, don't think that you can be lawless in Hogwarts just because you are famous. As long as I am a professor at Hogwarts, I won't let you be arrogant." brooding.

"Don't worry, you won't be here soon." Sean muttered.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I mean I will learn from you." Sean said.

Sean sat in the first row, took out his notebook and began to copy. He had already copied 70 times with "quick notes", and he needed to copy 30 times by hand.

At the beginning, Jovic just watched Sean's copying, but later on he also felt bored and dozed off while sitting by the podium.

Until an hour later, Jovic was woken up by his own snoring. He squinted his eyes and saw that Sean was still copying, so he asked.

"How much is left?"

"Three times left." Sean replied.

"So fast?" Jovic was a little surprised.

Sean performed "speed recording" on the quill pen while Jovic was asleep, and he lifted the magic just now when he was about to wake up, so he picked up the pen and pretended to copy it.

"Copy it and send it to my office." Jovic got up and left the professor. He was full of sleep and feeling hungry, and wanted to find something to eat.

Sean replied, "Okay, Professor."

As soon as Jovic left, Sean then copied the textbook with a quick note, and finished copying it a hundred times in a short while. Sean looked at the time, and it was almost nine o'clock.

He came here after seven o'clock after eating, and stayed here for nearly two hours, and there will be a curfew in another hour.

Sean held two thick notebooks, and he couldn't complete the normal manual copy a hundred times. Jovic deliberately made it difficult for Sean, but he didn't expect Sean to have such a hand.

He walked to the door of Jovic's office and knocked on the door, but no one responded, and Sean pushed in when he saw that the door was unlocked.

"Professor? Not here?"

Jovic was not in the office, Sean put the copied notebook on the desk and left the office.

"What a waste of time."

Sean stretched himself, there are so many interesting things waiting for him to do in such a magical place as Hogwarts, but time was wasted copying textbooks.

Sean walked around the corner on the second floor and was about to return to the Slytherin lounge in the cellar. At this moment, a shadow extended from the corner of the corridor. There was a sharp shape in the shadow. Sean knew that of course it couldn't be a sword.

Wands are more powerful than swords at Hogwarts.


"All petrified." Sean immediately cast a spell.

The two cast spells almost at the same time, and the two spells collided together to emit a white light. Seeing that the blow failed, the man turned and ran away immediately.

If Sean had been half a second earlier, the other party would have been petrified by him. Now that he has run away, he doesn't know who is trying to harm him.

There was an incident of attacking students in Hogwarts, which cannot be ignored, and Sean decided to report it to Dean Snape.

"Professor Snape." Sean knocked on Snape's door.

The hatch on the door opened to reveal a pair of deep, dark eyes, and Snape looked at him and asked.

"Grylls, what's wrong?"

"Professor, just now I was attacked by a black shadow on the way back to the lounge in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom." Sean said.

"Attacked by a black shadow? Did you see what that black shadow looked like?" Snape opened the door.

Sean shook his head, "He also has a hood on his head, so I can't see what he looks like."

The description of wearing a hood on his head was too vague, and Snape asked Sean to go into the room and explain what happened in detail.

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