Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 274 Harry and Draco’s Travel

【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

Death Eater Wilson's escape from prison was not a coincidence, but an order issued by Voldemort to his men in Azkaban.

Under the instructions of Bella, Dolohov and other key members, dozens of Death Eaters received the instructions and looked for opportunities to escape.

But the prison guards and dementors are not easy to take advantage of. Each prisoner lives in a single room, and there is no chance of joint riots. They can only look for opportunities on their own.

The Death Eaters who tried to escape were either discovered or had no chance at all. Only Wilson, who transformed into a crocodile, swam across Azkaban's monitored waters and apparated back to land.

Of course, his Animagus is also unregistered and illegal, otherwise the prison guards would take special care of him.

"Master, I have always believed that you will come back and lead us to rule the British magical world again." Wilson knelt on one knee and said respectfully to the deformed child on the sofa in front of him.

"Wilson, your life in Azkaban was very fulfilling." Voldemort's weak and hoarse voice revealed undisguised sarcasm.

He had been living in vain in Azkaban, and Voldemort was now in such a dead state that he was neither a human nor a ghost, and he was even a little twisted in his heart.

"Master, my loyalty to you has never changed." Wilson lowered his head and said nervously and tremblingly.

"Really? Then the opportunity to prove your loyalty has come. You and Barty Jr. go and bring Draco." Voldemort said.

Mad-Eye Ham almost became Draco's personal bodyguard, and Draco was not allowed to leave Malfoy Manor this summer.

Although Harry is also very important, Draco has two soul fragments of Voldemort in his body. The Malfoy family betrayed him again, and Voldemort decided to attack Draco first.

What was dramatic was that as soon as Dumbledore took Draco out of the manor, Barty Jr. and Wilson also touched the area.

Since Malfoy Manor was equipped with an anti-Apparition system and the fireplace was simply closed, Dumbledore could only take Draco out of the manor and then Apparate away.

This scene happened to be seen by little Barty, who stuck out his tongue and wished he had arrived earlier, while Wilson was thankful that he arrived late.

Dumbledore sent Draco to the Leaky Cauldron, and it was time for him to pick up Harry from Privet Drive.

"I heard you were kidnapped? Is it exciting?" Draco's first sentence when he saw Sean was to ask him if it was exciting.

"What do you think?" Sean asked with a smile.

Draco suddenly remembered what had happened before when Barty Jr. kidnapped him, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak.

"Do you know what Dumbledore is taking me for?" Draco changed the subject.

"I really know this. I will take you on a trip abroad later." Sean said.

Draco cleverly heard the personal pronouns, "You? Who else besides me?"

"Your enemy, Harry Potter."

As soon as Sean finished speaking, Dumbledore appeared in the lobby with Harry. Many of the guests knew Harry and greeted him warmly.

"No, if I were to be with this Potter, I would feel uncomfortable all over." Draco deliberately made a distressed expression.

"Malfoy, I can hear you." Harry said, coming up behind Draco.

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【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

Sean saw Harry again after more than a month. He had grown a lot taller all of a sudden. A child who develops rapidly during puberty can grow seven to eight centimeters in one summer vacation.

"Okay, kids, let's start our trip." Dumbledore waved to Draco and Sean.

There was actually no need for Sean on this trip, after all, Immorton had already agreed, but Dumbledore thought that Sean was the first person to come into contact with Immorton, so it would be easier to talk to him if he took him with him.

Harry and Draco really thought they were traveling abroad. This "travel" made Voldemort, who was frightened in the British wizarding world, suffer a heavy blow.

The four Canary Travelers in Diagon Alley completed the procedures and paid the fees, and then teleported to Cairo Ram.

"Wow, is this Egypt? This is my first time going abroad." Harry looked excitedly at the Egyptian-style buildings on Ram Street.

"Bumpkin," Draco mocked, putting on the face of a rich man.

"Is this your first time going abroad?" Sean said.

"Who said that my family is short of money? My dad takes me abroad every summer." Draco retorted guiltily.

The Malfoy family is not short of money, but Lucius is not that free, nor is he that kind.

"Follow me, and we'll go shopping later when we have time." Dumbledore looked at the time. It was around five o'clock in the afternoon, and Immorton should still be in his office in the HP Building.

The four of them came out of Ram, and Dumbledore used Apparition to drag three of them out, and appeared in the corridor on the top floor of the HP Building.

The two wizard bodyguards at the door of the office did not react excessively when they saw Sean and Dumbledore. Instead, they opened the door and said a few words inside, then opened the door.

"Where is this?" Harry asked quietly.

Draco looked around at the bustling streets under the floor-to-ceiling windows. This was obviously a Muggle society.

"I'm going to meet an important person later, and then I'll go traveling after meeting him." Sean said.

"Yes, there are quite a lot of fun things here in Egypt." Dumbledore continued what Sean said.

The four of them entered the office. Immorton was still sitting on the boss's chair and looking at the documents. Dumbledore said.

"I'm very sorry to bother you again, Mr. Immorton."

Immorton looked at Harry and Draco and said, "These are the two kids."

Although Immorton did not have magical eyes, he could tell with his seasoned sense that there were unclean souls hiding in Harry and Draco.

"Yes, these two children are being used by evil people and their lives are in danger at any time. Please ask Mr. Immorton to expel the souls in their bodies that do not belong to them," Dumbledore said.

Harry and Draco were confused and stunned for a while, but Dumbledore didn't seem to have any intention of explaining to them.

"Don't you need it?" Immorton asked, staring at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment. He did not have the soul of Voldemort in his body, but he had used the Pot of the Dead to summon back the soul of a female student, and his was also stained with black energy.

Sean could see it, but he didn't expect Immorton to be able to detect it, but he had a misunderstanding and mistakenly thought that Dumbledore also had other evil souls hidden in his body.

Dumbledore shook his head, "I don't have to, I only have one soul."

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【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

In this way, Immorton understood that Dumbledore was also a person who touched the taboo, used the power of death, and was contaminated with the aura of death or the aura of darkness.

Although Dumbledore is contaminated with black energy, do you think he is an evil soul? No, he is not evil at all.

But does the black energy have no effect on him at all? Yes, he even had a period of extreme panic. One of his magics failed. Since recalling the soul of the female student, Dumbledore found that he could no longer use the Patronus Charm.

Originally, his Patronus Charm had reached the top level in the wizarding world, and he even improved the Patronus Charm, allowing the Patronus to speak words and deliver messages.

But he couldn't do it now. Dumbledore realized that this was related to the Pot of the Dead. Fortunately, apart from being unable to use the Patronus Charm, he found no other abnormalities.

Immorton had just used the "Golden Sun Book" some time ago. He was very sure that if Dumbledore's own soul was contaminated with black energy, then if the black energy was expelled, his soul would also be expelled.

"It's not convenient here. Come with me somewhere." Immorton said.

The four Dumbledores followed Immorton and his bodyguards and flew to Imogen's private estate, which was where Envy's soul was exorcised.

"Potter, do you think this is really a trip?" Draco said with doubts in his mind.

Harry was much simpler, "I don't know, the professor won't harm us anyway."

After saying that, the two of them were put to sleep by Dumbledore's spell, and Sean walked in holding one with one hand.

The manor is extremely private. There are no other buildings within a radius of five kilometers. It is the only one here. Everyone entered the hall and Immorton asked his men to take out the "Golden Sutra of the Sun" from the space bag.

Sean curiously opened his magic eyes and looked at the "Golden Sun Book". When he saw it, there was a golden color that he had never seen before with his magic eyes. Before, there were only white representing magic power and black representing the aura of death.

He couldn't think of what this golden color meant for a moment, and an idea flashed in Sean's mind.

"Is it related to the Golden Adventure Group?"

But he saw that the golden sword of the elves did not appear golden.

The process of exorcising the soul was unexpectedly simple. It relied entirely on the "Golden Sutra of the Sun". The two bodyguards took turns holding the sutra and summoned the golden spear.

The golden spear was used to pierce the bodies of Harry and Draco, and the remnant soul of Voldemort was pierced out. The remnant soul in Draco was obviously stronger.

This is the fusion of the remnant soul of Voldemort's body and the remnant soul in Gaunt's ring. The remnant soul that was stabbed out of Draco's body finally woke up.

Voldemort's soul-shaking screams shook the crystal chandelier in the hall, but the resistance was only momentary. Under the power of the golden spear, the remaining soul was wiped out.

The remnant soul in Harry's body did the same thing, and Immorton nodded to Dumbledore, signaling that it was done.

Dumbledore witnessed this exorcism process with his own eyes and was quite shocked. Voldemort, who terrified British wizards so much, could be eliminated so easily.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Immorton." Dumbledore said sincerely.

Voldemort, who was far away in a rural area in England, let out a piercing scream, causing Barty Jr. and Wilson to panic.

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【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

"Dumbledore, damn, destroyed my Horcrux, unforgivable, unforgivable, never let him go." When the remnant soul in Harry's body was destroyed, Voldemort saw Dumbledore and Shaw through the remnant soul. kindness.

Sean was currently counting how many Horcruxes Voldemort had left. "Gaunt's ring was taken away by Voldemort, Hufflepuff's golden cup was snatched away from Gringotts by Voldemort, and Nagini was by Voldemort's side. , these should be the only three left.”

In fact, there is only one Horcrux left, Hufflepuff's Golden Cup.

Sean couldn't predict everything. He didn't know that the remnant soul in the ring had merged with the main body and had just been eliminated from Draco's body.

There was no remnant soul of the original body, so Voldemort naturally needed a soul that could move outside, so the remnant soul of Nagini was extracted, added with her father's bones, unicorn blood, and other formulas, and merged into the now deformed form. baby body.

When Draco and Harry woke up, they were already lying in the Ram Hotel, and Dumbledore had erased their memories.

"Why did we fall asleep?" Harry said vaguely, picking up his glasses.

"There is a two-hour time difference between Cairo and London. Maybe you just arrived and haven't adapted, so it's normal for you to feel sleepy." Sean explained seriously.

"I heard that jet lag seems to make you sleepy." The naive Harry really believed it. "My uncle often feels sleepy when he comes back from a business trip abroad."

After hearing this, Sean muttered to himself, "Those clothes of yours will make you sleepy all day long if you don't go on a business trip."

"Children, go out for a walk tonight and return to London at noon tomorrow." Dumbledore actually gave them one night and half a day to travel.

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