Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 2 Letters From Hogwarts

Letters from Hogwarts

One morning, Julian was practicing chakra when he heard a knock on the window. Julian opened his eyes and saw a gray owl outside the window pecking at his window with its beak.

Strangely, there seems to be something tied to the owl's foot, which looks like a letter. A letter, an owl actually brought him a letter, who raised Ninja Beast?

wrong! Julian's mind suddenly seems to have a reaction to this picture. It seems that he has seen an owl delivering a letter somewhere, but where is it?

Julian, who is used to this ordinary life, suddenly has a feeling that if he accepts this letter, a door to a new world will open. This feeling seems very strong, as if he knows something but can't remember it. , like amnesia.

Julian calmed down and opened the window to let the owl with the letter fly in. Looking at the owl standing on the table in front of him, Julian seemed to see a trace of humanity in its eyes.

The owl looked at Julian and lifted his foot with the letter tied on it.

After Julian reached out to take the letter, he looked at the envelope made of heavy parchment, the emerald green ink on it, and the coat of arms surrounded by lions, eagles, badgers and snakes. Julian felt like seeing this badge It's getting stronger.

Julian looked at the letter, besides the Hogwarts badge, there was his detailed address:

ying london surrey

77 Welsh Road

Woolies Orphanage 2nd Floor

Mr. Julian Wooless

Julian tore open the slit in the letter and took out the letter inside.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Principal: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizarding Association, first-class magician of the Merlin Sir Order)

Dear Mr. Wooless:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment. Semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will wait for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Vice-Chancellor.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


First-year students need:

1. Three sets of plain work gowns (black)

2. One plain peaked hat for day wear (black)

3. A pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black with silver buckle)


Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad

Parents are especially reminded that first-year freshmen are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks

Looking at the contents of the letter, Julian was stunned for a quarter of an hour before slowly recovering.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Then the energy in my body is magic power. It seems that I am going to visit this 'Hogwarts'. It seems that there is something attracting me there."

After several years of time, Julian certainly knew what magic was, but this knowledge and understanding only existed in Anne's storybook, and Julian thought these were really stories.

But I never thought that magic really existed, and I didn’t doubt the authenticity of the letter, because looking at the faint illusion, or magic, on the letter paper, Julian knew it was not a prank (it is said that Hogwarts will give Muggles A little magic was cast on the admission letter from the Muggle-born to convince the Muggle-born and his parents that the letter was genuine).

He took out a piece of letter paper, took out a quill pen and letter paper, and wrote a reply letter, expressing his willingness to study at Hogwarts, and asking where to buy the books and materials needed on the book list, and how to Go to Hogwarts.

After tying the reply letter to the owl's leg and feeding the owl some crumbs of bread, the owl was let out.

After a while, the owl flew back again, bringing back a letter from Hogwarts.

Dear Mr. Wooless:

I am very glad to hear from you. We will soon send someone to take you to purchase the books and materials you need in the college. Please wait patiently.

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Vice-Chancellor.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Putting away the reply, Julian tidied himself up neatly and took out all his savings (Julian worked as a part-time job delivering milk and newspapers while training gymnastics) for £4,000 (well, there were also some who robbed the rich and gave to the poor. came, robbed for five full years, and sent most of them anonymously to the orphanage).

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Julian got up and opened the door, and found Mr. Woolis, the head of the orphanage, and an old man with a long white beard.

"Julian, this is the Head of Hogwarts House, Professor Dumbledore, and he's here to pick you up at the house."

After saying that, Dean Wooless left the room, leaving space for Dumbledore and Julian.

"Hello, Mr. Wooless, Professor McGonagall must have explained to you in advance, I am here to pick you up and prepare the necessities you need for school."

Dumbledore said briskly.

"Oh, sorry sir, I want to say goodbye to my friend first, is that okay?"

"Of course, I guess friendship is very important to us, isn't it?"

With Dumbledore's permission, Julian came to Anne's door and told Anne that he was going to a boarding school.

The little girl had red eyes and hoarse voice, telling Julian over and over again that he must think about himself and communicate with her frequently.

Julian promised Anne over and over again, until Anne closed the door herself, and Julian turned his head bitterly to signal that Dumbledore could go.

"You have a very good relationship, right? It can be seen that she cares about you."

"Yes, sir, Anne is like a family member to me, she is my sister, just like Sasuke."

Julian added in his heart that after five years together, only Annie in the orphanage was regarded as his relative. Although he didn't say too much, in Julian's heart, there is no difference between Annie and Sasuke now.

As if seeing the reluctance in Julian's heart, Dumbledore comforted,

"Don't be so sad child, you can come back to see her at Christmas, and I don't think you will be away from her for long."

Dumbledore looked at Julian slyly, but stopped talking.

"Okay sir, do I need to prepare anything?" Julian asked, getting himself together.

"Oh, of course, you need to prepare your clothes. I don't think you need to come back here for the next time. I think you'd better pack everything up. However, I think I can help you, so that we can It could be faster."

After saying that, Dumbledore flicked his wand, and Julian's clothes flew into his trunk quickly, and they were all neatly placed inside.

"It's amazing, is this magic?" Julian sighed.

"Oh, yes, this is magic, it's very attractive, isn't it, I believe that magic will become a part of you in your future life, of course, we'd better not use magic indiscriminately, the abuse of magic will cause many unnecessary Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Woolless, it seems too early for you to say this now, and please excuse the nagging of an elderly man."

"Never mind, sir, some good advice, I'll keep it in mind."

"That's really great, let's go, it's time for us to chase the adventures of the goblin lady."

After saying that, Dumbledore led Julian out of the orphanage and walked towards Charles Cross Road.

In fact, the Welsh Street where Julian lives is very close to their destination, the Leaky Cauldron, only three streets away.

"Sir, how did you convince Head Wooless that Hogwarts exists?"

On the way, Julian asked Dumbledore.

"Oh, Mr. Wooless, you have to know that except for a very few Muggle leaders who know about us, we wizards are not known by Muggles, so many of our little wizards from the Muggle world are generally led by professors from the college. , to enter the gate of the wizarding world, it’s not just a simple matter of taking you to buy the items you need for the school, it’s also an extremely important part of convincing the little wizard’s family. , magic is so miraculous and charming, I think you will understand Mr Wooris in the future."

"Okay, professor, oh, and what should I use to buy it, professor, you know, I am an orphan, and the life in the orphanage is not very good, although it can solve our food and clothing, but I think Well, Dean Wooless doesn't have much spare money for my studies."

"Don't worry about your children. For situations like yours, we have a special subsidy. Although it is not much, if you buy some second-hand textbooks, the subsidy is still enough for you to spend for a year, but the money exists In Gringotts, we'll get it out for you in a moment, so you don't have to worry about it, ah, Mr Wooris, we're here."

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