Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 50 Confinement (2 More))

Everyone continued to walk towards the Gryffindor common room. On the way, Harry asked curiously, "You said, if we want to be locked up, how should we lock it?"

Hearing Harry's question, Ronald blurted out a little proudly, "Confinement, it's nothing more than that, cleaning the classroom, cleaning the hallway, cleaning the library, etc., like these confinement, Fred and George We've been through it all at our age."

"Why, my brother often made mistakes and was punished for confinement, why are you so proud." Julian slapped Ronald on the back of the head and said.

"Hey, no, no, Fred and George deserved to be punished, who told them to be so nasty." Ronald said with a smile.

While speaking, everyone returned to the Gryffindor tower.

By the time everyone returned to the Gryffindor lounge, it was almost six.

After answering the password, everyone walked into the Gryffindor common room. When they first entered the lounge, they heard two loud grunting sounds, which scared everyone and even took out their wands.

After everyone gathered their heads together, they discovered that it was Crabbe and Goyle who fell asleep on the sofa, and the snoring came from their mouths.

Looking at his subordinates sleeping on the sofa, Malfoy's face instantly turned red, while Harry and the others, who saw Crabbe and Goyle clearly, laughed like pigs.

As if awakened by the sound, Crabbe and Goyle woke up from their sleep one after another. They wiped their saliva with their hands and rubbed their eyes with their hands at the same time. The scene was very funny for a while.

Even Julian and Malfoy couldn't help laughing at this moment.

Malfoy walked up to the two of them, picked up the potions textbook on the table, and gave it to Crabbe and Goyle.

Looking at the two people covering their heads, Malfoy, out of breath, once again raised the textbook in his hand, and slammed it on the heads of the two.

Julian, who had had enough laughs, said, "Okay, Malfoy, that's it, you can't blame them, they might really be too sleepy, so, anyway, the two of them can't learn much from studying here, in the future Just don't let them come."

After hearing Julian's words, Malfoy raised the textbook in his hand, making a gesture to hit him, looking at the two people who raised their hands to protect their heads, Malfoy said, "Hurry up, you two shameless things

Looking at Malfoy who was still cocky, Julian frowned, but didn't say anything.

After Crabbe and Gore left, Julian started today's make-up class.

After the remedial classes were over, everyone went to the hall to have breakfast together. When they arrived at the entrance of the hall, a person stopped them, and it was Filch.

"What's the matter, Mr. Filch?" Julian asked politely.

"Well, your confinement decision has been made. I don't know the content, but I know the location of your confinement. Your confinement location is in the Forbidden Forest. I will wait for you in the lobby at eight o'clock tonight." After finishing speaking, Filch He left without looking back.

Seeing Filch leave, everyone was obviously taken aback, and then Malfoy's face turned pale in an instant, and he said in a trembling tone, "They can't do this, the Forbidden Forest is too dangerous for us, We will be killed by the beasts of the woods."

After hearing Malfoy's words, Julian frowned slightly, and then said, "Don't worry about Malfoy, since Professor Dumbledore arranged for us to go to the Forbidden Forest for confinement, he will definitely ensure our safety, so your worries are unnecessary Malfoy, But this confinement really surprised me. What can we young wizards in the first grade do in the Forbidden Forest.

After hearing Julian's words, Malfoy said to Julian with a slightly stable expression, "When Hagrid took care of Norbert at Hagrid's house, Hagrid once said that the Forbidden Forest is not very stable recently. It is said that there is a kind of monster attacking unicorns everywhere, Hagrid said A lot of unicorns have been attacked, and even some unicorns have been killed. I don’t know if our confinement has anything to do with this.”

"My God, what evil creatures would attack unicorns, unicorns are naturally favored, and anyone who harms unicorns out of personal desires will be cursed." Ronald exclaimed.

Hearing Malfoy and Ronald's words, Julian suddenly felt a throbbing feeling in his heart, as if a sad mood suddenly spread in Julian's heart

It made Julian's mood not very high.

Hermione, who noticed that Julian's mood was wrong, gently held Julian's hand and asked with concern, "Julian, what's wrong with you, your mood is not right.

Hermione's concerned voice was heard by everyone, and everyone stole concerned glances from Julian, even Malfoy.

"It's okay, I just heard from Malfoy that some unicorns were injured or even died, my heart suddenly hurts for some reason." Julian said with a sad face.

"Yeah, anyone would be sad to hear that a pure creature like a unicorn was attacked or even hurt." Ronald nodded in agreement.

After listening to Ronald's words, everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and then they all fell into silence.

After a while Julian broke the silence and said, "Okay, it's useless for us to discuss these things now, we'll figure it out in the evening, and Malfoy will come to see me after breakfast, and Harry, we have to discuss things for tonight." Prepare for confinement."

Malfoy nodded in agreement at Julian's words, as did Harry.

"Need our help?" Hermione asked.

"No, it's okay my good girl, you, Ronald and Neville have a more important thing to do, after dinner you three will go to Fred and George, those two guys often go to the Forbidden Forest, Go ask them if there's anything in there that needs attention," Julian arranged.

Hermione, Ronald and Neville nodded to show they understood.

Then everyone walked into the hall with a heavy heart, and then blew breakfast.

After breakfast, Julian walked over to Professor Snape's office with Harry and Malfoy, they needed to apply for a classroom to prepare.

As expected, Professor Snape granted the three people the right to use the underground laboratory, so the three came to the underground laboratory without stopping.

He handed over the prescription and refining method of the short-term magic enhancement potion to the two, and then Julian made a demonstration by himself to make sure that the two were familiar with the process, and then asked them to refine it by themselves.

And Julian himself took out the phantom potion he won in the Christmas game.

Julian first carefully observed the potion with Sharingan, then divided the potion into three parts, and after drinking one of them, Julian began to simulate the composition of the potion in his mind.

After feeling that he should distinguish all the ingredients of the illusion potion, Julian began to try to refine it by himself.

After a day of hard work, Julian finally simulated the effect of the illusion potion by seven or eight. Although the effect is not as good as that of Master Owen's illusion potion, it is still enough.

Master Owen's illusion potion was taken by Julian three times, each time the effect was the same as wearing Harry's invisibility cloak, as if it had completely disappeared, and it took about half an hour. An hour and a half.

And the phantom potion refined by Julian himself made Julian transparent. Although you can see the clues if you look closely, but considering that the confinement is in the Forbidden Forest and at night, this effect is enough. The time also reached about an hour.

In one day, Julian made a total of five bottles, while Harry and Malfoy were refining for the first time, so the success rate was not high. Julian's own stock is enough for everyone to use tonight.

Because he knew that he and others were going to be confined in the Forbidden Forest tonight, Snape came over at noon, called Julian out, and then gave Julian a note to 013

He left a sentence of 'Attention!' and then turned and left.

Julian opened the note in his hand, and there were only four words written on the note, "Shen Ying Wu Feng".

Looking at the note in his hand, Julian drew out his wand and pointed at the statue in front of him and read it again, and then an invisible slash flew towards the statue.

The statue that was hit was cut in half in an instant. Looking at the statue that was cut in half by the spell, Julian was amazed in his heart. Such a powerful spell was passed on to him by Snape.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, everyone gathered in the hall. While eating, the six of them listened to Ronald tell the information about the Forbidden Forest that he had heard from his twin brother. By the way, Malfoy was also at the Gryffindor's table.

After everyone finished their meal, Ronald also finished telling the information. The six of them rested in the hall for a while, then got up and came to the entrance hall of Hogwarts, waiting for Filch's arrival.

Before Filch came, Julian distributed the prepared two medicines to everyone, and then told about the efficacy and time of the medicines.

Then everyone fell into the waiting time. Julian Harry and Malfoy leaned against each other and dozed off for a while. After all, they had been refining the potion for a day, and the three of them were mentally fatigued.

When it was almost eight o'clock, Hermione woke up the three who were dozing off. The three stood up and stretched, feeling a little less tired from refining the potion all day.

Not long after the three of them had finished their grooming, Filch came.

Filch looked at the young wizards in front of him with a smirk and said, "Tonight, you and Hagrid will patrol the Forbidden Forest, this is your confinement."

After saying that, Filch led the six of them to Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

When everyone came to Hagrid's hut, Hagrid was already waiting for them.

At this moment, Hagrid was wearing a heavy coat, holding a one-meter-long crossbow in his hand, and carrying a quiver on his back, just like a forest hunter. .

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