Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 83 First Heard Of The Otherworld

Following Axilias to a wooden house, Axilias said to Julian, "Go in by yourself, Julian, the patriarch is inside, I'm going to arrange what I just said, thank you again, Julian, you will always be a friend of our centaurs."

Achilles bowed to Julian and turned to leave.

Watching Asilias leave, Julian turned to face the wooden house. The wooden house looked ordinary, and it was completely impossible to tell that it was the place where the head of the clan lived.

Julian stepped forward and knocked on the door, and after a while, an old voice came from inside the room, "Is this Julian, please come in, guest."

Hearing the permission of the old voice, Julian opened the door and walked into the wooden house. The decoration inside the wooden house is also very plain, the only thing worthy of praise is the head that looks like a lion on the wall.

Seeing that Julian's gaze was attracted by the lion head on the wall, an old voice said in a slightly proud voice, "This is the ancestor who cut off the head of a Gemera during the decisive battle and won With the help of sages, magic was performed to make it permanent.

When Julian heard the voice, he turned his head to the source of the voice. Just like his voice, the appearance of the centaur "607" also looked particularly old.

His body, which should have been strong, was now as thin as a stick, and the upper half of the human-shaped part was even older. The face that looked like dry skin, and the pale beard that was at least half a meter long all showed that the centaur patriarch was not young.

Seeing Julian staring at him, the centaur patriarch said with a dry smile, "I'm almost a hundred years old, and we centaurs don't live as long as unicorns."

Realizing his faux pas, Julian apologized, "Sorry."

"It doesn't matter. In fact, if you can give me face for the old man, I will be very happy, man of destiny." The patriarch of the horse said happily.

Julian looked at the old man in front of him in surprise, and said, "You know?"

The centaur patriarch chuckled, and then said, "Call me Chiron, the name of every centaur patriarch is Chiron, and most intelligent life and ethnic groups know about you, but they don't know you.

Julian nodded.

Chi Rong, the head of the Centaur clan, continued, "The Tiger Clan of the Twelve Clans was the best at prophecy. After the race was wiped out by humans, we horses became the most predictable race.

"When the Tiger Clan was wiped out, our Horsemen sent troops to help the Tiger Clan, but what we didn't expect was that human beings had such power that they wiped out the army we sent along with the Tiger Clan. Since then, the Horsemen have been Forged a great enmity with you humans.

"Because of the great war, our centaurs suffered extremely heavy losses, but humans hid their true strength. After destroying most of the magical creatures, humans turned their troops to us. We were severely injured and fought against humans. For nearly a hundred years, we fought and lost, and retreated when we were defeated, until our ancestors returned to the forest where we came.

Julian asked in surprise, "Wait, you mean coming?"

Glancing at the astonished Julian, Chiron, the centaur patriarch, nodded and gave the answer that surprised Julian all night. Chiron replied, "Yes, it is coming, because our centaurs are not like this. World race, we come from the place you call Otherworld. A long time ago, our world was mostly the same as yours, but our world has more intelligent life than yours, elves, dragons, Dwarves, halflings, and wicked goblins."

Every time Chiron mentioned a race, Julian quickly formed the appearance and characteristics of the race that Chiron mentioned in his mind, not because of the storybooks he saw in the Muggle world, but because of his own I have seen them before, so I know the feeling, this familiar feeling has become more and more frequent since entering the magic world, Julian shook his head, and continued to listen to Chiron's words.

"Our continent was originally peaceful, but since Sauron, a servant of the evil god Morgoth, entered our world, everything changed. Evil forces quickly enveloped our world, and wars broke out. Humans and elves formed alliances. The alliance, together resisting Sauron's army, a great war kicked off. Our patriarch at that time selected some warriors to join the coalition army, but they all died on the battlefield. The mercy of the gods, the gods sent messengers Mithrandil and Saruman to the gathering place of our centaurs, asking what kind of help we need, the ancestors at that time decided to leave our world after a heated discussion, we We told the two envoys of the gods about our request, and the two envoys agreed to our request, and together they opened a passage leading to the Otherworld, and that Otherworld is the place where your city descends, the Forbidden Forest.

"Emperor Sauron, the Supreme Lord of the Rings, the wandering wizard Gandalf, and the wise Saruman." Julian exclaimed after hearing Chiron's words.

Chiron glanced at Julian as if surprised by Julian's words.

Then Chiron nodded and asked, "That's right, it's Emperor Sauron. He was ambitious and created the Supreme Lord of the Rings in an attempt to control the entire world. The envoys sent by the gods are Saruman the Wise and Gandalf, but , Julian how do you know?"

Julian shook his head and said, "I don't know, when you just described, my mind automatically generated this information, and I don't know why I know this, Chiron, you continue."

Chiron looked at Julian with his cloudy eyes, then murmured with a long sigh, "O fate."

Chiron continued to preach, "The ancestors re-elected a new patriarch, the new Chiron, who will lead our centaurs to continue to develop in this new world. The new patriarch will lead the tribe out of the Forbidden Forest, across After crossing the straits, mountains and deserts, our ancestors finally went to the Hulun Beilar Grassland at that time. When they discovered that there were also humans and many magical creatures in this world, the new patriarch led the people to become mercenaries. With our horses' excellent physical advantages, the mercenary industry was quickly monopolized by our horses. We horses accumulated wealth and knowledge of this world at a fast speed. After that, we established a mere 50 years in this world. Raised a mighty nation, Rohan.

"Please know the following things, because of the conspiracy of the human king, our centaurs and all intelligent creatures experienced the catastrophe, and then faced with the encirclement and suppression of humans, our remaining centaurs returned. place until now 0

Julian said sympathetically, "You centaurs really have a bad fate."

Chiron nodded in agreement.

Then Julian asked in confusion, "You have said so much, so what can I do to help you, or help the writer tribe?"

Chiron was silent for a while and then said, "We centaurs have been out of the embrace of God for too long, we should go back, the human Muggles in this world are getting stronger and more greedy, sooner or later, the human Muggles will Reach out to the Forbidden Forest, we centaurs are not afraid of death, but we don't want our deaths to be meaningless, so I beg you, Julian, help us return to our world.

Having said this, Chiron lowered his head and bent over Julian.

After listening to Chiron's request, Julian felt a little numb, what the hell, you asked me to help you open the door to the Otherworld, what do you think I am, a god?

Julian said in a helpless tone, "You first raise your head, Patriarch Chiron, although I sympathize with you centaurs and want to help you, but I can't do things like open the door to another dimension. Ah, you begged me, but I didn't do it either."

Chiron raised his head, looked at Julian and said, "No, no, I think you misunderstood Julian, we don't need you to help us open the gate of Otherworld. We can do it ourselves."

Julian said in surprise, "What, you centaurs can open the gate to the Otherworld, so why are you looking for me?"

Chiron said bitterly, "Although we centaurs can open the gate of Otherworld, we can only open it for about a minute, and every time we open the gate of Otherworld, we need to consume a lot of rare materials. Accumulation can only be opened once, so we need you to help us go to our world to find the two envoys of the past, and help us open the real door there, so that the whole centaur family can go back."

"Since it can be opened once, why don't you send your own people, and instead find me a human being. Don't you be afraid, won't I help you when I reach Otherworld 3.7?" Julian asked curiously.

Chiron shook his head, and then said, "We are not afraid, because you are the man of destiny. After we gathered all the materials to open the door, we did divination for this matter. The divination showed that only the man of destiny can help us. Fulfill the long-cherished wish of going home.

After hearing Chiron's words, Julian was silent for a while, and then said, "Sorry, Chief Chiron, I can't promise you immediately, I need to think about it, please give me some time.

After Julian finished speaking, he thought Chiron patriarch would get angry or beg himself again, but Chiron patriarch didn't do that. Instead, he nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, of course, anyway, the preparation to open the door It takes two years to work, you have two years to think about it, we centaurs welcome you anytime, Julian

Julian nodded, and then said, "It's getting late, I should go back to the castle, you don't have to ask someone to see me off."

Chiron nodded and said, "You are welcome."

After Julian waved Chiron goodbye, he opened the door and left. As soon as he went out, Julian turned into a crow with an Animagus and flew towards the castle.

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