When the news about Yang Group was reported, the whole world was shocked.

EUV lithography machine?


How is it possible?

Basically, impossible is everyone's first reaction.

Because the manufacturing process of lithography machine involves too many links.

How many researchers are there in Yang Group?

I'm afraid that the researchers in all departments combined are only a few thousand people at most?

Now they say they have manufactured lithography machines?

How is it possible?

The first one who doesn't believe it is the United States.

In addition, there are several well-known lithography machine companies.

However, facts are facts.

Logically speaking, Yang Group really can't manufacture lithography machines.

So far, their core team for developing lithography machines has only more than 2,000 people.

The most core ones are naturally the dozens of people who were poached!

However, Yang Group is rich and powerful!

Taking advantage of the global economic crisis, they recruited a large number of relevant scientific researchers and also cooperated with several large R&D teams in China.

It's called cooperation!

In fact, it's almost like outsourcing!

That means that the core parts are the responsibility of Yang Group.

The rest are the responsibility of the cooperating teams.

In general, the number of people doing R&D, all added up, is already tens of thousands.

This is also the most expensive project of Yang Group so far.

In the early stage alone, billions of dollars were invested.

Even now, the daily consumption is tens of millions.

The most important thing is that Yang Group already has semi-finished lithography machines.

There are almost complete data!

This was brought here with that team.

Speaking of this issue, we have to mention one person.


During the economic crisis, he had no coins in his hands, so he sold all of these to Yang Group at a low price.

Just to cash out!

Yang Chen also asked Brian why he chose to trade with him?

His answer made Yang Chen feel amused.

"They pushed me too hard. As long as there is a chance, I will not let them feel comfortable!"

These were Brian's original words.

His face was full of hatred.

This means that it will be very difficult for Yang's Group to produce a second lithography machine.

However, Yang Chen didn't care at all.

Now, Yang's Group has a new round of plans.

That is, to acquire the large lithography machine teams in China.

The core links will be done by Yang's Group, and the downstream links will be done by them.

He has reason to believe that they will not refuse.

Or, refusing is meaningless.

Very simple!

Yang's Group is a private group in China!

Yang's Group has the most advanced lithography machine!

This means that China's lithography machine research and development pattern has been completely overturned.

After acquiring those domestic teams, they will be integrated.

Wouldn't all the troubles be solved?

Domestic lithography machine research and development has a history of several decades.

Yang Chen believes that if he successfully acquires those teams, it will be no problem to let them do the mid- and downstream completion.

Yang Group itself controls the core completion, which is enough.

China, the imperial capital.

Within the red wall, nine giants held an emergency meeting.

Now, each of them has a face full of shock and surprise.

Because what the Yang Group announced is really shocking.

Almost everyone looked at Old Yang.

This guy really has a good grandson!

Everyone muttered in their hearts.

Break the foreign blockade in one fell swoop?

And integrate the strength of several major lithography machine research and development teams in China?

Create a lithography machine that is the most advanced in China and even the world!

Seeing the eyes of the crowd, Old Yang also smiled.

And proud.

"Xiao Chen said that the first lithography machine will be provided to our troops!"

"Cost price!"

"Now, their Yang Group is recording the data of every link."

"Next, the production of the second one will be much simpler!"

"Of course!"

"The premise is that Yang Group can successfully acquire several domestic lithography machine research and development teams!"


Looking at everyone, Mr. Yang said slowly with a smile on his face.

Hearing his words, everyone was surprised again.

The importance of lithography machines is self-evident.

If Yang Group can mass-produce the most advanced lithography machines, then...

After Henry left, Yang Group became unprecedentedly busy.

To be more precise, it is the security department of the Yang Group.

The R&D base where the lithography machine team is located has now been completely blocked.

There are thousands of security personnel around and inside.

This is just the surface.

There are more security forces from the country around.

There is no way!

Such an important thing must be protected, right?

Who knows if there are shameless people who want to destroy it?

In fact, such people have already appeared.

Hundreds of commercial spies and internal traitors have been arrested.

These people were secretly taken away.

What kind of ending they will face is unknown.

After Henry announced this matter, within a day, the Yang Group arrested hundreds of commercial spies.

Similarly, these people were taken away directly.

It can be said without hesitation that the entire R&D base is under surveillance.

The capital of the United States.

The authorities held a meeting, and everyone looked at each other.

In addition, they were in disbelief and anger.

They found it hard to accept that Yang Group had actually created the most advanced lithography machine.

Why was this so?


"It must be a lie!"

"How many researchers are there in Yang Group?"

"How could they possibly create a lithography machine? Or the most advanced one? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

An old white man said excitedly.

Hearing his words, many people nodded in agreement.

"But what if they have mastered the core technology, and they may even have semi-finished products?"

"If they cooperate with other Chinese teams, it is not impossible!"

At this time, a bald white middle-aged man frowned and said.

Hearing his words, everyone was silent.

If this is the case, then there is really such a possibility!


Unconsciously, they all thought of one person.

They thought of this abominable bastard!

He actually took away everything and ran away right under their noses.

What's even more infuriating is that all those who monitored him were bought off.


If not, how could the Yang Group achieve this level?

Make them feel so passive!

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