"Giving birth is a subject, don't think it is a simple matter."

Hearing this, Han Wanxiang, Su Baijie, and even Xiao Qingli, who was putting on makeup, couldn't help but look over.

There were some doubts in the eyes of the women.

What kind of knowledge is this about giving birth to a child?

Isn't it just a man and a woman who have intercourse with each other and finally give birth to a child?

What kind of knowledge is this?

As long as you are an individual, you will become self-taught after reading some books.

No need to teach.

But it seems that if you want to teach this kind of thing, there is no way to teach it.

It’s hard to talk about it, so someone has to say it.

So we can only rely on our own understanding.

At this moment, Dongfang Yuan also looked at the eyes of the women and found that their eyes were a little confused.

At this time, Han Wanxiang couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, if you want to do it, just say that you want to do it, and you also talk about knowledge. This is too false."

"There is no knowledge about giving birth to a child. The steps are all fixed. They have been like this since ancient times."

"We have never heard that there is any secret in giving birth to a child. Your Majesty, please stop fooling our sisters."

ps: A reader shared some of his experiences with the author. Please tell me, what should he do?

This reader is from 2001. He met a girl from the same place as him two years ago.

The two of them got along very well at first, and within a few months they were together.

But they broke up after two months together, and the woman dumped him.

But he couldn't forget it, and he kept thinking about this girl in his heart.

But during the time they were together, they kept quarreling. The reason was that the woman wouldn't let him see the chat history, and wouldn't disclose herself. When she met an acquaintance while shopping, she wouldn't let him hold hands immediately. These became the main reasons for their quarrel.

This reader feels that the woman's behavior makes him feel insecure.

In the end, the woman's reason for breaking up was that he was too possessive and wouldn't give her space.

Now almost a year has passed, and the woman wants to get back together with him.

This reader came to ask me whether he should agree? After all, he also likes this girl and if he says he doesn't want to be together, it must be a lie.

And this girl didn't do anything to feel sorry for him.

My answer to you is: "If you think about Qingqing Grassland in the future, feel free to agree. I won't say 100%, but 90% of the time it will definitely happen.

As for the reason, I hope the brothers in the comment area can tell him properly so that his love mind can be clear.

Chapter 151 Unifying the Deep Sea, Blood Spirit Pearl

Listening to Han Wanxiang's words, Dongfang Yuan smiled helplessly.

"No, no."

"It seems that you have all misunderstood me."

Dongfang Yuan also opened his mouth to explain at this moment: "What I mean is that after the emperor and his beloved concubines give birth to children, the children born will inevitably inherit the talents of my emperor and his beloved concubines."

"How will the talent of a child born with good genes be any worse?"

"So I also plan that after giving birth to some children with my beloved concubines, I can take a good rest and train those little ones so that my children can experience and practice."

"And I can also stay in the palace and spend time with my beloved concubines. Don't you think such a life is happy?"

Dongfang Yuan's words also made the women think deeply.

After they thought about it carefully, they seemed to find that what Dongfang Yuan said seemed to be quite good.

In this way, not only can the children be nurtured, but the territory of the Tianyan Dynasty will also gradually expand.

And they women can also enjoy the fun of life.

Until there is a problem that the children cannot solve, it is not too late for them to take action to solve it.


【stare! 】

[Congratulations to the host, Zuo Xuanqi, Feipeng, Chonglou and others for successfully uniting the Murong Ancient Clan, the Yunhai Holy Sect, and the Golden Dragon Clan to unify the deep sea, and their prestige value has increased by 30,000! 】

[System: The prestige value of Tianyan Dynasty now reaches 105320! 】

[System: Obtain a prestige value super gift package, a prestige value achievement reward mixed gift package, which has been sent to the warehouse, please pay attention to check it! 】

Suddenly, the system voice came.

It also directly made Dongfang Yuan's figure pause.

It's better to come early than to come late.

"This system is really good at timing." Dongfang Yuan complained in his heart.

"That's all."

"My beloved concubines, I have something to deal with now, so let's do this first."

After Dongfang Yuan left these words, he disappeared without a trace.

"Running away again?!"

"Your Majesty was like this before. Sometimes he suddenly stopped and didn't know what was going on. Then he said he had something to deal with. It was strange not to see anyone for a long time." Su Baijie looked at the direction in which Dongfang Yuan disappeared and couldn't help but wonder.


"Sister Su, do you still hope that His Majesty will come back again?"

"My hand still hurts now."

"What? Do you still hope that His Majesty will come back?"

Han Wanxiang was lying aside, with an expression on his face that showed he was not too worried about the excitement, and said with a smile.

Su Baijie was told this by her.

I can't help but have wild thoughts in my mind.

To be honest, she was a little curious.

But when she heard Han Wanxiang's voice, she still didn't dare.

"Forget it, forget it."

"Let's go see Xinrou."

Su Baijie shook her head and immediately changed the subject.


Inner Sea, Blood King Sect.

In the Blood King Sect, Tianyu Wang, who had successfully infiltrated the Blood King Sect, was standing outside a wall and eavesdropping on the conversation in the hall.

At this time, in the Blood King Sect's hall.

The Blood King was sitting on the hall, while the Blood King Sect's Great Elder Xue Lizhen and Great Protector Xue Han were sitting on the side, reporting to him.

"Sect Master, the blood and flesh that the Emperor's daughter asked us to prepare for the Blood King Sect have been collected."

"Recently, because of the Tianyan Dynasty's move to unify the sea area, many scattered cultivators have nowhere to go. Our Blood King Sect has reached out to help and successfully recruited more than 300,000 scattered cultivators."

"These people have now all turned into blood and flesh essence and are stored in the Blood Spirit Pearl."

"Please take a look, Sect Master."

At this moment, Blood King Sect's Great Elder Xue Lizhen stood up and took out a blood-colored spirit pearl from his arms.

This spiritual bead is half the size of a palm.

The blood color inside it is like a blood-colored cloud layer.

But in fact, this blood spiritual bead was originally white and transparent.

The reason why it turned blood red is that it is filled with the blood and flesh essence of at least 500,000 warriors or monsters.

Only then can the color of the blood spiritual bead become so bright and beautiful.

And the blood spiritual bead is not uncommon, and there are many places.

Its function is generally used to clean up the battlefield, because it can absorb the essence of blood and flesh and absorb anything related to blood.

And it also has a function, that is, after breaking the blood spiritual bead, the blood and flesh essence sealed in it can be released at once.

Presumably, this is the real purpose of the Blood King Sect.

This is also the reason why Shura Yanran ordered them to do this.

Relying on a few blood spiritual beads filled with rich blood and flesh essence to break the seal of the demon world.

Of course, if you want to break the seal of the demon world, relying on such a blood spiritual bead alone is definitely not enough.

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