What puzzled her was the tone of Murong Xue's voice.

Why did she sound as if she had known her for a long time and was very familiar with her?

"Who are you?" Shura Yanran asked.

"I am Murong Xue."

"In the past, I had a name in the Imperial State, called the Ice and Snow Empress." Murong Xue calmly introduced herself.

"Ice and Snow Empress!!"

"It's you!!"

"You... you didn't fall... could it be..."


Shura Yanran was extremely shocked, and her face was full of surprise at the moment.

She never thought that Murong Xue of the Murong Ancient Clan was actually the former Ice and Snow Empress!

You know, even though she is from the Demon Realm, she has heard of the Ice and Snow Empress!

She is the Palace Master of the Ice and Snow Palace, and has an innate talent for practicing the way of ice and snow.

After practicing for more than 100,000 years, she finally passed the test of the Emperor Road and successfully proved the way of the Emperor.

And she is also one of the few female emperors in the entire Tianji Realm!

It's a pity that during the catastrophe that Dizhou experienced before, more than a dozen emperors of Tianji Realm died, and their vitality was greatly damaged!

After that, they were completely unable to recover!

And the Ice and Snow Empress was also one of those fallen emperors!

Seeing that Shura Yanran guessed that she was a reincarnated body, Murong Xue did not deny it and nodded.

"I didn't expect that Sister Murong was the former Ice and Snow Empress. Yanran was disrespectful before."

After confirming it, Shura Yanran also came back to her senses and showed a little respect to Murong Xue.

No matter whether it was a rival force or racial hostility.

Murong Xue was once a strong man at the level of an emperor, an existence of the same level as her father.

The emperor should not be insulted, and he should be treated with respect.

"It's just the past."

"I didn't expect that one day, the daughter of Emperor Shura would share a husband with us. It must be God's will."

"The past is gone, and now we are all family. Just call me Sister Murong. No need to be restrained."

Murong Xue was calm and said to Shura Yanran seriously.

"Yes, I know, Sister Murong." Shura Yanran looked at her and nodded in response.

"It's not over yet."

"Yanran, let me introduce you to another one."

"This one is my queen and the queen of the Tianyan Dynasty!"

"You must be very familiar with her former title!"

"She is the Nine Nether Empress, Xiao Qingli!"

At this time, Dongfang Yuan introduced his queen, who was also the master of the harem, Xiao Qingli, to Shura Yanran.

"Nine Nether Empress!!"

After hearing this, Shura Yanran's heart, which had finally calmed down, jumped again.

She really couldn't imagine that there were two reincarnations of empresses among the women in his majesty's harem.

And one of them was the Nine Nether Empress, who was known as the strongest empress in the former Imperial State!

This was really shocking!

You know, when the Nine Nether Empress was there, she was a transcendent existence that controlled a holy river.

In the entire Tianji Realm, there were only five emperors who could control the holy river!

And among these five, four were male emperors, and only the Nine Nether Empress was a woman.

So at the beginning, the Nine Nether Empress was the faith of countless women in the entire Imperial State!

Even the women of other races in the Demon Realm, who were opponents, had great respect for the Nine Nether Empress!

She never thought that a legendary woman like the Nine Nether Empress would be conquered by a man one day.

And when she thought that if she had to serve his majesty together with her in the future, wouldn't she be able to see her in pain?

Thinking of this, Shura Yanran's heart couldn't help but become strange.

However, she immediately turned around and expressed her highest respect to Xiao Qingli, "Yanran meets Sister Xiao."

"I have heard about Sister Xiao before. I am very honored and happy to meet Sister Xiao today!"

Xura Yanran said to Xiao Qingli with an extremely sincere tone at this time.

She couldn't help but feel more confident in her heart.

Even the Nine Nether Empress and the Ice and Snow Empress were conquered by His Majesty, and they might even beg for mercy...

Then choosing such a special and mysterious man may also be the best choice she has made in her life!

After seeing the Nine Nether Empress and the Ice and Snow Empress at this moment, Shura Yanran has already thought about how to refute if her father objects in the future!

Disgusted with the worldзjunyang⑦1 ④⒋ 八㈥⑦ 70

Chapter 165 Someone from Ziwei Palace is coming!

Xiao Qingli looked at Shura Yanran and nodded slowly, recognizing her in his heart.

The daughter of Emperor Shura has an extremely outstanding talent and character, and most importantly, her man likes her.

That's enough!

"No need to be polite."

"We are all family members from now on, just like what Concubine Xue said before, we are sisters, no need to be restrained."

Xiao Qingli also said to her seriously.

Afterwards, Dongfang Yuan also introduced the other women to Shura Yanran.

And he has also ordered to make Shura Yanran the Concubine Yan, giving her a dignified status!

After the women were all familiar with each other, Dongfang Yuan also took them to go fishing and barbecue together to enjoy life.

Beautiful, happy!


On the other side.

Tianyan Imperial City, Prime Minister's Mansion.

After the blessing, Yang Protector has now become a real man!

Zuo Xuanqi saw that Shura Haocheng and Yang Protector were having too much fun, and they made the beautiful girls tired.

Even he had to summarize it.

This Shura clan is really a fighting race!

This fighting power and endurance are really not comparable to the human race.

In addition to sighing, he couldn't help but admire their great Emperor Yuan.

He could actually grasp Shura Yanran clearly, and the fighting race could be conquered.

He is really a real hero!

Late at night, Zuo Xuanqi also set up a table in his Prime Minister's Mansion and invited Yang Protector and Shura Haocheng to enjoy the feast together.

The three of them drank three rounds of wine. Because they wanted to drink to their heart's content, they all lost their own body protection power, causing the three of them to be drunk now.

Their eyes were blurred, and their faces were redder than each other!

"Hehehe, Elder Haocheng, Brother Yang, how is it? Have I arranged enough for today?"

At this time, Zuo Xuanqi, who was drunk, spoke more or less floating.

"Brother Zuo is so... so thoughtful!"

"I didn't expect that the taste of this male-female pleasure would be so wonderful. I, Old Yang, have wasted these years in vain!"

Protector Yang also had a red face and stuttered with some regret.

"Xiao... Xiao Yang... You can't think like that!"

"Women, just enough!"

"Too... too much will hurt your body... and... it will also affect your Tao heart!"

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