He was very sure that as long as the Demon Emperor gave an order, those people would immediately rush over, surround them and start a war.

"Why bother?"

"I don't want to show off anymore, but you still want me to show off."

"Who understands this feeling, alas."

Dongfang Yuan was Versailles in his heart. Helplessly, he could only emit a breath and cover the other three emperors.

Puff puff puff! !

Suddenly, a scene that shocked the surrounding demon world strongmen appeared!

The Demon Emperor, the Rakshasa Emperor and the Ghost King Emperor, all knelt in the sky at this moment, facing Dongfang Yuan!

Chapter 327 Demon Realm Surrenders

"How is it possible?!"

"Patriarch... Why did the Patriarch and the others kneel before that man?!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"What on earth is going on? What method did that man use?"


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the Demon Emperor, the Rakshasa Emperor and others all knelt down. This was an unprecedented visual shock to the powerful emperors of the Demon Realm around them.

It even shook their hearts.

They couldn't believe that the strongest demon in the Demon Realm, whom they regarded as a belief and could only look up to, was now kneeling before a human? !

At the same time, the faces of the Demon Emperor and the Rakshasa Emperor turned even paler.

The horror in their hearts was even greater!

At this moment, only they themselves knew how powerful the force pressing on them was.

It was not just powerlessness.

It was complete despair.

It was far beyond the scope of the Emperor Realm, let alone them.

Even if all the powerful people in the entire Demon Realm were gathered together, they would not be able to contend with it.

Seeing that Mo Yunxuan and the others were all intimidated by him.

Dongfang Yuan saw that he had almost finished pretending, so he did not kill them and slowly retracted his breath.

The Demon Emperor and the others were instantly relieved.

They felt relieved physically and mentally.

"How is it?"

"Are you still questioning my words now?"

"But you must remember that I can give you this chance, not because I am kind."

"It's because I don't want to kill you."

"But if you insist on going to death, I am also happy to fulfill your wish."

Dongfang Yuan used both soft and hard tactics and said to the Demon Emperor and the others.

The Demon Emperor and the others were standing in the sky at this moment.

After what happened before, they had all completely realized the gap between them and Dongfang Yuan.

If they continued to be stubborn, it would only harm the entire demon world.

You can have backbone.

But when you know that you will die, it is very stupid to insist on the so-called backbone.

Besides, what they represent is not their own lives, but the entire tribe behind them!

They can't take the lives of their tribes to do whatever they want.

"The strength of Emperor Yuan is unprecedented in the Tianji Realm. We admire him."

"I, Mo Yunxuan, can swear that from now on, people from my demon world will never step into the Tianji Realm again. All the territories of the Tianyan Dynasty will not be invaded by my demon world!"

Mo Yunxuan said to Dongfang Yuan seriously with a fist.

He affirmed Dongfang Yuan's strength and promised not to invade the Tianji Realm again.

However, Dongfang Yuan did not respond.

Instead, he smiled disapprovingly: "Demon Clan Leader, it seems that you still don't really understand what this emperor means."

"What does Emperor Yuan mean?" Mo Yunxuan asked in confusion.

"This emperor disdains to kill you, but it is naturally impossible to leave a force that threatens the Tianji Realm alone."

"Therefore, what this emperor wants is that the demon world...completely surrenders!" Dongfang Yuan said bluntly.

"Completely surrender!"

Hearing this request, the faces of Emperor Tianmo and Emperor Luosha and others immediately became tangled.

His expression was heavy and complicated.

It can be seen that they must be unwilling in their hearts.

After all, once they surrender, it means becoming slaves of the Tianyan Dynasty, and being slaughtered in the future is just a matter of Dongfang Yuan's words.

But now, if they don't surrender, looking at Dongfang Yuan's current appearance, he will definitely not give up.

This is a dilemma.

For a while, the atmosphere on the field fell into silence.

Dongfang Yuan looked at them and knew what they were thinking, so he took the initiative to speak and broke the silence: "Demon Clan Leader, after your demon world surrenders to the Tianyan Dynasty, this emperor will not interfere in your demon world's internal affairs, nor will he treat you differently. You can rest assured about this."

"You only need to pay tribute to the dynasty with some resources every year. As long as you don't make some subjective mistakes, you can still do as usual with the Tianji Realm, and the two realms will develop peacefully."

Hearing these words from Dongfang Yuan, Mo Yunxuan and others' eyes lit up.

"Emperor Yuan, are you telling the truth?"

"After we submit to the Tianyan Dynasty, can we still control the internal affairs?" Mo Yunxuan asked anxiously.

"Of course."

"This emperor does not have so much leisure time to manage the internal affairs of your tribes."

"This emperor is in a hurry, you should make a decision as soon as possible." Dongfang Yuan said.

Finally, Mo Yunxuan and the others looked at each other, then nodded and agreed to Dongfang Yuan's request.

From now on, the demon world will submit to the Tianyan Dynasty.

Dongfang Yuan placed a ban on their souls.

As long as it is not activated for three hundred years, the ban will naturally dissipate.

This can be regarded as setting a cordon for them, always alerting their souls and letting them not think about doing something unreasonable.

After doing all this, Dongfang Yuan left dozens of shadow guards to assist Zhuge Kongming and stayed in Dizhou to deal with the rest of the things.

He took the Shuanglong Tiangong and returned to Xuanzhou.


Three days later, the army of the demon world retreated.

And the patriarchs of several major tribes in the demon world all publicly announced that they would submit to the Tianyan Dynasty.

The two worlds were completely unified by the Tianyan Dynasty and became the territory of the Tianyan Dynasty.

Zhuge Kongming was ordered to build a branch of the Tianyan Dynasty in Dizhou, which was also convenient for handling some things in Dizhou.

Including the other three states, Dongfang Yuan sent high-level officials of the dynasty to build branches.

As for the demon world, he gave it all to the Shura clan.

The old guy Shura Wuya has returned to the Shura Realm. With him and Shura Motian, they can also monitor the actions of other races. There is no need to worry.

Ten days later.

Shura Yanran brought Dongfang Qinghan back to Xuanzhou from the Shura Realm.

Now among Dongfang Yuan's five children, Dongfang Liyue is almost a beautiful girl.

Dongfang Jiuyou has the strongest cultivation and the most outstanding talent among the few people. He is worthy of his title of prince.

Dongfang Xingyun and Dongfang Huailan are also making rapid progress.

Now that the two realms have been unified by the Tianyan Dynasty, Dongfang Yuan has also arranged for them to go out for training.

However, he naturally arranged for strong men such as Wanjianshen, Feipeng, and Chonglou to secretly protect them.


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