The other elders in the hall were all scared out of their wits.

Jiuying flew out of the space completely, and with one palm, the souls of the other elders were directly killed!

Chapter 400 Qingyun Unification!

In a short time.

After the news of the destruction of the Thunder Light Temple came out, less than a day.

The base camps of the three major forces, Qingyun Dao Sect, Shengming Immortal Dynasty, and Wandu Tiangong, were all attacked by peerless strongmen!

The core high-level and all the elders and disciples in the sect were all killed, leaving no one alive!

At this point, only some people who were not in the sect were left in the major forces, who luckily escaped.

But they were just lingering.

After Dongfang Yuan returned to the Void Secret Realm, he completely made the existence of the Tianyan Dynasty public.

In addition, the forces that Zhuge Kongming and Qi Yuanling had secretly controlled before were all publicly announced to become vassals of the Tianyan Dynasty.

The momentum was swift and unstoppable.

Dongfang Yuan ordered a sweep operation against the remnants of several major forces.

Most of the strong men of the Tianyan Dynasty were sent out by him. Some led people to invade the territories of several major forces, and some launched a hunt for the remnants.

The entire Qingyun Immortal Realm was caught in a huge storm.


Crescent Moon Mountain.

"Yuan... Yuan Li!"

"You defected to the evil force of the Tianyan Dynasty, you... you will never have a good end!"

Yuan Li and Zuo Xuanqi took some people and blocked thousands of people from the Qingyun Dao Sect in the Crescent Moon Mountain.

An elder of the Qingyun Dao Sect cursed Yuan Li with a sad face.

Yuan Li looked at him expressionlessly: "What will happen to me? Anyway, you won't see it."

"Qingyun Dao Sect has become a thing of the past, and so are you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Li directly launched the law offensive condensed in his palm, completely killing and annihilating those people!

Yuan Li was also emotional in his heart.

In the battle in Tianxu Valley, Dongfang Yuan showed his strong fighting power, and the appearance of Jiuying had already shocked him deeply.

He felt more and more that joining the Tianyan Dynasty might really be the most correct decision he had made in his life.

"Let's go."

Zuo Xuanqi glanced at the corpses, and then he and Yuan Li left with others.


And in the next half a month.

With the cooperation of more than a dozen forces, the Tianyan Dynasty began to launch a ruling action against the entire Qingyun Immortal Dynasty.

Many forces still voluntarily surrendered. After all, the power of the Tianyan Dynasty has been demonstrated, and the destruction of the five major forces is the best example.

In addition, the conditions they offered were not bad. Any force that surrendered to the Tianyan Dynasty only needed to pay tribute to the heaven and earth treasures once every hundred years.

As for other times, the Tianyan Dynasty would not care about them.

And if they provoked other immortal domain forces, the Tianyan Dynasty would help them block it.

With these conditions, it was not difficult for the Tianyan Dynasty to rule those forces.


A month later, the entire Qingyun Immortal Domain was completely under the control of the Tianyan Dynasty.

But at present, there is still a problem.

That is, the start is not enough!

The Tianyan Dynasty wants to control and monitor the entire Qingyun Immortal Domain. Dongfang Yuan plans to set up a branch in each core area of ​​the Qingyun Immortal Domain.

In total, more than one hundred branches need to be built.

In addition to the start of the garrison, the consumption will be more than ten million.

The total number of soldiers in the Tianyan Dynasty is about thirty million.

The number is not large.

Therefore, sitting in the palace hall at this moment, after hearing these things reported by King Tianyu,

Dongfang Yuan thought for a while and quickly made a decision: "This is not a difficult task. If you are short of people, you can just recruit them."

"Your Majesty, I..."

"This emperor knows what you are worried about."

"The Tianyan Dynasty is too famous now. Once we recruit people publicly, there will definitely be many people with ulterior motives or who want to seek personal gain to join."

"However, this is not without a solution."

Before King Tianyu finished speaking, Dongfang Yuan interrupted him, and then took out a green stone and handed it to him.

"This is for you."

"This is the Heart-Looking Stone used by Qingyun Dao Sect to recruit disciples. You put the stone in the pool. Once someone with ulterior motives wants to come, he will not be able to pass the Heart-Looking Stone."

The Tianyan Dynasty destroyed several major forces, and the underlying resources of forces like Qingyun Dao Sect naturally fell into the hands of the Tianyan Dynasty.

The resources in the treasury of the Tianyan Dynasty today are so rich that they can be said to be overflowing with oil.

I'm afraid that the treasure house resources of ordinary immortal forces are no more than this.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"With this Heart-Looking Stone, I will definitely recruit hundreds of millions of elite soldiers for the Tianyan Dynasty!"

King Tianyu took the Heart-Looking Stone and immediately felt confident in his heart!


Immediately afterwards, the news that the Tianyan Dynasty was recruiting people spread out, and it caused a huge shock directly in the Qingyun Immortal Realm! !

"Have you heard that the Tianyan Dynasty is going to recruit people!!"

"Such a big news, I knew it a long time ago!"

"I have packed my things and am ready to go to Tiansheng City to attend the recruitment meeting."

"Fuck! You silly Dachun, you are so fast!"

"However, the Tianyan Dynasty seems to have used the Heart-Looking Stone of the Qingyun Dao Sect when recruiting people this time. I think the reputation of the Heart-Looking Stone can directly eliminate a large number of people."

"Those are just people with ulterior motives. Unlike me, I want to join the Tianyan Dynasty because I admire the reputation of the Tianyan Dynasty and the mysterious and great Emperor Yuan!"

"That's right!"

"Join the Tianyan Dynasty and make a name for myself!"

"I will return home in glory in the future. Look at this Wutan City. Who dares to look down on me, Xiao Yan!"

"Yes! That's right!"

"Let's go! Let's go to the recruitment meeting!!"


Almost all the cities, big and small, in the entire Qingyun Fairyland were discussing this news.

At the same time, there were also waves of people heading to Tiansheng City to prepare to participate in the recruitment meeting of the Tianyan Dynasty.

Tiansheng City was renamed after Dongfang Yuan had the imperial city of Shengming Fairy Dynasty specially transformed.

It is now a large base camp of the Tianyan Dynasty.

In the palace of Tiansheng City, Dongfang Yuan moved the entire Void Secret Realm out and placed it directly inside.


Now the entire Qingyun Immortal Realm has been completely unified by the Tianyan Dynasty.

And the prestige value obtained by Dongfang Yuan has also reached an extremely astonishing number.

50 million!!

Dongfang Yuan directly obtained 50 million prestige points for unifying an immortal realm.

How to spend these 50 million prestige points at once really stumped him.

At this time, Dongfang Yuan sat alone in the study and began to think about this problem seriously.

Finally, it was decided to spend 40 million prestige points for the lottery and 10 million for the exchange of gift packages.

After all, the Tianyan Dynasty has unified the Qingyun Immortal Realm, and the opponents to be faced next will, to a large extent, be strong people at the level of the Immortal Emperor.

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