Chapter 559 Dongfang Liyue's important matter! Enter the Ancient Cave Heaven again!

"At this time, something happened in Jishen Valley."

"And that person happened to be not in the Ancient Cave Heaven. If these two things are combined, I believe no one will be happy to see the result." Dongfang Yuan said with a sullen face.

Yang Wanhun understood it instantly after hearing this.

"If this is true, then Jishen Valley will suffer heavy losses this time."

The wise man's face also showed a little worry from time to time.

I can only hope that Zhu Jiufeng and the others can get back in time.

Otherwise, if it is really the Shadow Palace Master who personally led the attack, Panlong Daoist Master and others may not be able to stop for long.


"It's useless for us to worry about Jishen Valley now."

"The most urgent thing is to solve the problem of Ancient Cave Heaven first."

At this time, Dongfang Yuan began to make a plan for the action against Ancient Cave Heaven.

It's still the same meaning, catch the thief first.

Now Gu Sen doesn't know that they have completely confirmed his identity, and Gu Sen must have relaxed his vigilance.

If we suppress him when he is not paying attention, the probability of success is very high!


"In that case, let's act according to Emperor Yuan's plan."

After listening to Dongfang Yuan's words, the wise man nodded and said.

When several people were about to rush to the Four Beasts Valley.

"Father Emperor!"

Suddenly, a pure and pleasant girl's voice sounded from not far away.

Dongfang Yuan looked around and saw that it was Jiuying who was slowly walking over with his daughter Dongfang Liyue.

"Jiuying, didn't I ask you to take Liyue to the city first? What are you doing here?" Dongfang Yuan looked at Jiuying and asked.

"Your Majesty, it was the eldest princess who said that she had something important to tell Your Majesty, and insisted that I bring her here." Jiuying said truthfully.

"Father Emperor, you don't have to blame Elder Jiuying. I have been asking him to bring me to see Father Emperor."

"Father Emperor, I have something very important to tell you, about the owner of the Ancient Cave Heaven."

Dongfang Liyue stood in front of Dongfang Yuan gracefully, speaking with a focused expression.

"About the cave master of Gudongtian?"

"What's the matter?"

Dongfang Yuan also became interested in this.



In the Four Beasts Valley.

At this moment, Gu Sen was sitting in a side hall.

Dao Master Qin and the remaining four Dao Masters of Gudongtian were also standing in the hall one by one.

"How are the injuries?"

Gu Sen asked the four people with a gloomy face.

"Nearly twenty elders of Dao Zun Realm died, and eleven of Dao Huang Realm died."

"The number of deaths of the remaining disciples is estimated to be about 80,000."

Beside Dao Master Qin, a man in purple clothes reported.

This man is called Dao Master Ziyue.

After hearing the casualties, Gu Sen's gloomy face did not change much.

He just said: "This matter should be dealt with as soon as possible, and the buildings in the valley should be restored as soon as possible."

"That large piece of broken space, you guys should work hard and work together to repair it as soon as possible."

"I don't like waiting for the cave master to come back, and the cave is still like this."

Daoist Qin and others all responded: "We obey your orders."

"Deputy cave master, we have passed the test of Dongfang Yuan and Yun Lingbing safely for now."

"It seems that they are not as smart as the cave master said."

"You Huang's death directly disrupted all their plans to come to my ancient cave."

"Without evidence, no matter how suspicious they are, they have to go back obediently."

Another tall and burly Daoist Master Lei Teng, whose arms are wrapped with vines emitting lightning energy, smiled nonchalantly.

"Then Dongfang Yuan is quite shrewd."

"But after taking them into the ancestral tomb forest, seeing those tombs being destroyed inhumanely, it was enough to dispel his suspicion of us."

"The cave master is still too cautious. It seems that the trump cards he left for us are useless."

Gu Sen also showed a sinister and evil smile on his face at this moment.

He is completely different from the Gu Sen who was furious in front of the wise men before!


"After all, who would believe that our own people in the ancient cave heaven would dig up their ancestors' tombs, insert tombstones upside down and break coffins, such a treasonous and treasonous thing?"

"This kind of secular moral concept is actually a shackle that affects their subjective judgment." Master Qin smiled disdainfully.

At this moment, several people completely relaxed their guard.

Thinking that Dongfang Yuan and others had left, the troubles of their ancient cave heaven had been completely solved.

At this time, a Daohuang elder at the peak of the Shengdao realm suddenly walked into the hall.

"Dao masters, the wise man from the village is here again."

"He is waiting outside the valley now. He said that something fell into the valley and he wants to come in to retrieve it."

When Gu Sen and his companions heard the words of the Dao Emperor, they all became alert involuntarily.

"Is he the only one?"

"Where are Dongfang Yuan, Yun Lingbing and the others? Are they here?" Gu Sen asked cautiously.

"Only him."

"Dongfang Yuan, Yun Lingbing and the others are not here." The Dao Emperor elder replied.

After confirming that there was only the wise man, the nerves of the few people who had been tense slowly relaxed.

"Based on what the old guy said, there shouldn't be any problem."

"I'll go."

"You go and repair those broken voids. Even if it's just him, don't let the old guy see the flaws." Gu Sen stood up and said.


Afterwards, several people left the hall separately.

Valley mouth.

Not long after the wise man stood alone at the entrance of the valley, Gu Sen's figure flew out.

"Sir, I heard that you left something behind. What is it? I will immediately send someone to help you find it."

Gu Sen came to the wise man and asked enthusiastically.

"An immortal weapon left to me by my apprentice."

"It must have fallen into the void where the Nirvana Space was shattered before."

"You don't need to bother other people, Dao Master Gu just takes me to that place to look for it." The wise man replied with a smile.

When Gu Sen heard this, he was immediately shocked.

"Since it is such a precious thing, we must not neglect it."

"Sir, I will take you there immediately."


Gu Sen took the wise man and entered the Valley of the Four Beasts again, heading towards the broken void before.

After the wise man entered the Valley of the Four Beasts, he found that the disciples in the ancient cave were also treating injuries and repairing the valley, which were very normal behaviors.

After arriving at the broken void.

There are still lingering storms here that have not completely dissipated before, but Dao Master Qin and others are working hard to repair and control the spread of those storms.

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